Candy Crush Saga Level 5064 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5064 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 5064 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect waffles to complete the level. You will only get the correct number of waffles, no more will drop onto the board so every one has to be cleared to complete the level.
To begin with you won't have many choices of moves as the board is fairly restricted, but you will need to collect the keys as you play to unlock the waffles so they can be collected.
Once the board begins to open up look for chances to make wrapped candies to unlock the locked licorice and begin to clear the waffles. The best combos to make are colourbomb/wrap combos as these will clear a lot of the waffles and go a long way towards completing the level. Once the keys are collected there is a waffle in the bottom left corner which, when cleared, will make room for a colourbomb to drop. This colourbomb has to be hit with a special candy or combo if you want to use it.
Keep the licorice under control so that it doesn't block your combos and you should be able to complete level 5064 without boosters.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


JOANN said...


Emsa8 said...

VERY DIFFICULT. More difficult than the last "nightmarish" level... Struggle much and even with boosters always run out of moves with at least 10 waffles left 😳 the cb+waffle in the video was of course the winner - I never come close to this

MissyM said...

Emsa8 I wish I could end needing just 10 waffles. I need more like 20 when I run out of moves.

Ian said...

Cannot be done, impossible!! They want you to buy boosters/moves! Time to quit!!!

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Sharda said...


Sharda said...


Fred said...

I agree with Ian
This level is impossible frustrating and horrible
Can’t get it close
It’s time to stop
Posting for lucky board

Becky said...

Not getting even close to completing! So frustrating! Need lots of luck please!

Martha A said...

Posting for. Luck

Anonymous said...

Very hard...hoping for a lucky board..only way to pass :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Barry gilbert said...

I cant get anyway near this even after three days ....isnt it enough with this ' waiting forva lucky board 'thing. We are skilled players we deserve only boards that require no luck .....posting for luck ( again)

TweetNC said...

Need a lucky board. Didn't keep count of the lives I lost. Very frustrating.

Unknown said...

this level is so very difficult. I can't get less than 10 waffles left. Help

Andrea said...

Check mark booster did the trick for me! Got it on my 2nd try

Jewel Shaw said...

I am really having trouble with this level! Help please!

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Anonymous said...

And again, privileged cookie is given a great move at every turn, kings Bot!!

Anonymous said...

Another asinine level brought to you on video by a paid Bot

Anonymous said...

Idiot king doesn't give you any moves like he gives his daughter Cookie King

Me said...

Posting for luck!

Donna said...

I am coming to the end of my time here...not quite yet but soon. It is no fun spending days on a level and getting nowhere. Can't win any of the contests as if people are on the lower levels they win the races. Just getting too frustrating...pfl

Donna said...

I am alwayds left with 30 to 40 waffles to get...still trying...the check sdeems not to help me as there is just no way to make combos...I suppose in another few days it will all fall into might as well just losing till I get a lucky board...I do know how to make combos...that is how I got this far...just sooo annoying...pfl

rosereddragon said...

I agree with all the above comments! can't make any headway even with boosters - pfl!!

Shudy said...

Posting for luck... very less moves for the amount of wafers...

Unknown said...

Very difficult level. Can't even come close. Need more moves. Lucky board please!

MiMi said...


Fraggy said...

Been on this level for days, struggling to get waffles into single digits, please send some luck. Chances of making either a wrap or a colourbomb are incredibly slim so th3 advice to make them into a combo seems unrealistic, please help 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Fraggy said...

Thankyou, luck received and level completed!

Blueblood said...

Nowhere near, lucky board please.

Blueblood said...

Still stuck, bored now 🙁

Blueblood said...

3rd day now,losing the will to live !! 😡

Blueblood said...


Candy crusher said...

Impossible!!!! Not even close!!! Posting for luck. !!!!!! Help!!!!

Candy crusher said...

Love the game but time to quit when u can’t get close!!! Posting for luck 😩😩😩

Ron said...

Used up all my gold that I had won over last year to try and beat this level after 1 weeks constantly trying, got down to 2, must have had over 100 attempts, finding this totally impossible

Pissed said...

Csn't get below 20 left!

Harbor Girl said...

Very frustrating. Posting for luck since skill doesn't work on this level. said...

🤦‍♀️ I've been playing this level for what seems like forever......

Player said...

Yet another insane level. I wonder after how many attempts king gives a pass.....

Player said...

Hopeless level again...not one decent shot to pass.

Player said...

Not only hopeless, but also a freakin discouraging impossible boring tedious frustrating "i have to wait for king to give me a pass" level. In one SUCKS....👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

KiKi said...

Same here, but way more than 2 tries! :) Check mark booster was the only way to pass, as they turn into extra waffles on the board.

MCT said...

Posting for luck

Laura said...

Needed four more waffles with one move left. Tired of playing this ridiculous level so I used my only UFO. Needed one more and it was easy because of a wrap combo right where I needed it. I,for one, am getting fed up with King and Candy Crush. It's not fun anymore.

Laura said...

Oh, boy! 5065 is "nightmarishly hard" and Cookie says probably not possible without boosters and a lot of luck. I'm done for tonight. Maybe I'll try tomorrow.

Anônimo said...

E alguém quer saber de outro nível??? Postagem idiota.

Anônimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e fraudulento. Não usem booster, não ajuda. Meu conselho para este nível: Hora de excluir o CC!

R.Sulahian said...

Posting for luck, help please....

meliana said...

This sdh be classified as hard level, and as always the board has been changed, we hv to collect more waffles with less moves.
Why dint give us a fair board to play??? Not enough moves

JAX. said...

Please Mr King, I need a lucky board. 🙏🏻🕉️

Marwanjo said...

Of course players leave this game. Same as usual, change the board and less moves. Boring boring. Who wants to play a fucking game. Back to play better games.

Marwanjo said...

Its unbelievable how CC can hold this game in progress. Players left, the popularity of this game is zero. Well , like most players I am cured about CC. I found much better games to play. At least no stress. Wonderful feeling. Most players of cc feel the same way.

Marwanjo said...

Come with something new CC, instead of whipe the stress away. Old fashioned and not realistic. You can better say, get the stress away, don’t play CC, that’s more realistic!🤣

Marwanjo said...

Time to relax CC? Make it thrue. Not with difficult bullshitt levels. Players, seems, not believe in your game!

Rute Lima said...

Grrrrr, looked so easy. Lucky board, pls