Candy Crush Saga Level 5148 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5148 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 5148 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you have to collect crystal candies and clear the jelly to complete the level.
There are some very useful dispensers in the middle of the board, one in the top section and one in the bottom. These dispensers will give you stripes which will be the answer to completing this level. First clear the blockers along the conveyor to allow the stripes to drop, then use these stripes to clear the blockers in the bottom part of the board. There are only three columns that will allow the stripes through as the locked cells contain licorice and will block the stripes.
Once you get candies into the bottom clear under the dispenser and the stripes from there can be used to collect the keys and unlock the board. Once the board is unlocked you can see what needs to be done to clear the remaining jellies and crystal candies. I don't need to tell you how to clear these as by now you are quite an expert at the game of Candy Crush Saga.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Chandrakant said...

Done till 5150 for this week

pamccabr said...

Posting for luck

KayJay said...


Barry gilbert said...

I cant get close to this

Ness said...

Me neither

Ness said...

Every booster I win cant be used!

Kevin said...

Help please King

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Jaffa said... nice to be called an expert by Cookie 😊 Now, if only I can beat this level 😂💪

Flippenheck said...

Breaking my heart

Flippenheck said...

Can't post for 5149 so posting here for help please

Anonymous said...

As usual, your father helped u with a CB/wrap!

Anonymous said...

And he gave you 2 wraps to start with!! Privileged much.

Anonymous said...

Day 3 on this asinine level and last place in the episode race.
King you were an azz in 2019 & your an azz in 2020 with these stupid levels for people that are behind bc we yave never beedoublen given the bot, helmet or SD or double CBs.

Tineke said...

Ik wil zo graag verder, op deze manier schiet het niet op, vreselijk spel weer! HELP ME AUB.

Yooper said...

Help !!

Karin said...

Posting for luck

Lalit said...


Player said...

Pfff...again...when do we ever get a break instead of these kind levels

Player said...

I am loosing my patience....waiting waiting and waiting...over and over again. Getting sick of it

Player said... much longer i have to wait this time? What a freakin level again...pffff..starting to loose interest...

Player said...

Come on king...what is wrong with you...having fun seeing players struggle level after level after level after level. This is getting not only boring but very annoying

Player said...

Oh what fun to play cc...still not ONE decent shot. I will give it a few shots today, but if i dont get a pass today or tomorrow i guess i have to finally quit. That is what you want king...isnt it...annoy players by developing such idiotic levels that they finally want to quit. Great promotion for your business. And a great strategy...keep annoying players untill they get fed up with it. 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

Player said...

I think this is going to be my last day on cc. I am trying AGAIN to pass this boring and impossible level this morning, but it is the same like yesterday. Not ONE decent shot. Ridiculous.

Player said...

Last shots on this one and then it is bye bye...unbelievable that these kind of levels wants you to quit after alle this time that is invested. Good job king....good job

Player said...

I finally could pass this level, because i used almost every booster i least 20. Because i dont buy boosters i dont have a lot to use and nowadays it takes ages to pass one level and collect them. The next time a level like this comes up i immediately delete cc forever. Because you dont give a SHIT king how many years it took to come this dont give a SHIT about dont give a SHIT about developing levels players can actually dont give a SHIT about this game you once developed as a fun dont give a SHIT about getting things dont give a SHIT about anything...only about DOLLAR SIGNS. In real life you were sacked immediately for canning people. That is all i have to say at this moment. Have a very nice day...i hope you enjoy yourself by just annoying people and maybe you should look up the meaning of being innovative. Because cc sucks major at the moment. Well...i got rid of it for now..

Deb V. said...

Posting for luck today!

Yorkshiregal said...

Been on this level for 2 days and getting nowhere..... what am I doing wrong ?

Yorkshiregal said...

Been on this level for 2 days and getting nowhere..... what am I doing wrong ?

Greylady said...

Boring! Ridiculous level. No strategy, just wait to get lucky. I hate these kinds of levels.

Jeannies said...

I cant get anywhere near passing this level 🥺

Jeannies said...

I've now lost the will...🙄🥺🙄🥺

Laura said...

Quit whining and just play the game. You are annoying. You obviously don't like Cookie's blog so go somewhere else...please!

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Evelyn said...

Looked at video. Need help and free spins

Evelyn said...

Can’t seem to win this level! Posting for luck and free spins

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Abbegail said...

I wish lawyers would play this game, sure King would be OOB by now.

Anônimo said...

Outro nível impossível. Agora todos os níveis dependem de sorte, nenhuma habilidade. Meu conselho para este nível: não usar e não comprar boosters, é isto que eles querem, faturar. Melhor opção para este nível é deletar o CC.

Anônimo said...

Fico pensando: como o Cookie é afortunado, tudo para ele é fácil! Com certeza edita os vídeos para parecerem fáceis. Na realidade, nada acontece da mesma forma, tudo por aqui é uma fraude. Este jogo perdeu a razão de existir. Adeus.

Anônimo said...

Movimentos reduzidos, isto é justo?? Porque a idiota da Laura não vem concluir o nível agora?? Pessoas imbecis como ela deveriam jogar no manicômio. Este nível é impossível!!!

Anônimo said...

Onde foi a habilidade para este jogo?? Agora todos os níveis dependem de sorte, apenas isso!! E mais, a sua sorte não depende de você e sim deste site ridículo, eles decidem quando você irá concluir o nível. Por tais motivos nunca comprei nada aqui, e nunca comprarei, melhor deixar que os idiotas como a Laura sustentem esta fraude. Minha vida não depende de jogos de azar.

Anônimo said...

Estou preso neste nível faz mais de 8 dias, usei todos os meus reforços e não consegui concluir o nível, só posso pensar que o jogo foi planejado para que os jogadores gastem dinheiro e não mais se divirtam. Este jogo perdeu a razão de existir. Melhor mesmo é parar, existem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Fui.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck!

Anne said...

Need help. Can’t get close. Boosters no help. Need lucky board.

Tina said...

posting for luck

Tina said...

posting for luck

Icooper said...


Josie said...

Lucky board please

Josie said...

Luckier board please

Linda Maitan said...

Posting fir luck

Ggs said...

Posting for luck! Help!!!

Shirley Ragland said...

The video states that I should be an expert by now! Ha! Ha! Please help! Thank you!

VIRGINIA said...

otro mas tengo 94 gelatinas dobles que reventar no gasto en potenciadores chau me aburri

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.

Mama said...

Not even close

TrickyTricky said...

Luck pls

Sue said...

Played over and over getting nowhere, posting for lucky board please !!!!!!!!!!!

Sue said...

Second post for lucky board, not even close, not enough moves Help

Sue said...

Please send a lucky board, been here for days, played over and over HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

PFL... I go from nightmarishly hard to super hard and back and forth but only the two most challenging catagories that exist... Takes forever to Complete a level and have exhausted all my boosters

Marwanjo said...

And again a shitt difficult level, another after another. Only 4 comments in 2022 and they tell me that there are 100 players with this level. Let me laugh by the bullshitt of CC. They lost so many players and they still lose more and more players. That’s why the levels are only difficult, they want you to buy, by the way it won’t help you a bit. Players on this level know that, they don’t buy, they leave the game, or they don’t play cause they found more fun and better games to play. Like I did.

Rute Lima said...

No idea what to do with this level. Terrible. Lucky board, pls

pkinbergeaauk said...

Impossible level. Didn’t think it could get any worse! Done with cc.

Ruthiedoll said...

Can make plenty combos only problem is with so little colours they self activate 🤦‍♀️ have rarely managed to get to the bottom half of the board!
Ho hum awaiting that elusive lucky board again 🙄

Rute Lima said...

March 2023 to september 2024 and im still waiting for a lucky board