Candy Crush Saga Level 5186 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5186 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 5186 Candy Crush Saga is dual task level, you have to collect licorice and clear all the jelly to complete the level.
The first and most important thing to do is to clear the bombs at the bottom of the right side of the board. Ignore the chocolate and colourbombs on the left of the board, if you don't clear the bombs you will lose the game.
Once the bombs are gone you can look at the left side of the board, the colourbombs will be eaten by the chocolate until you eventually get two side by side which you need to switch together. Once you have done this work on the right until the next colourbomb combo drops, switch this together and wait for the next ones. 
Once you have just a few jellies left make sure the licorice is cleared from them and use a final colourbomb combo to complete the game.
The hardest part of level 5186 is clearing the bombs at the bottom before they count down, any other bombs that drop can be cleared fairly easily.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


cedarberry said...

I'm a little surprised there are no comments on this level. I'm having a hard time clearing the bottom right bombs. Without boosters, all my moves are simple matches up in the right top of board, so stripes and/or wraps are difficult to make. I wish I could get the board that Cookie had!

My only tip is DO NOT use a fish on this level....the first thing it did was kill the chocolate and my game was over. It was a good laugh though!

Cindy said...

Not having any luck with this one either.

kk said...

posting for luck

Aussie said...

If you get to clear the count down bombs and switch two choccies to clear the key, DON'T work on the right side. Try clearing the far left while there's no licorice there. Set up some wraps if you can and let the combo blow them up for a double whammy. The double choccies will take care of the right side.

ironman said...

how to play this stupid level i cant event make double chocolate the chocolate ball always fall on the different place stupid dumb game . fxxx

Sharda said...


Nic said...

Besoin d'aide et de chance please

Anonymous said...

Its not even listed as a hard level. I can't get the bombs at the bottom. I need a lucky board please king.

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Eliza h said...

Every time I cleared everything with color bomb combo, licorice filled the left side and even after several combos, the licorice kept the jelly from getting hit by double bombs!

Alicia said...

Painful level, especially after mangling the build-a-bot so it doesn't work on previous levels, extra move wheel removed the 15 moves and left us with a 5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1 and color bomb and other booster option. I am forced into using lots of my own hard-earned booster from watching some ads that make me want to gouge out my eyes (and yes, I mute them and flip the phone away from me...I was forced to endure that freaking DoorDash ad more than 30 consecutive times...30, and more than twice). It's harder to earn boosters. This game has become very, very disappointing, which is made harsher to bear because King seemed to have found the sweet spot balance between amazing fun, the right amount of challenge, a delightful amount of boosters leading to a a huge increase in hours played. But then they ripped it all away. So sad. BTW, I just won the weekly challenge and earned 6 hours of double booster, and after THREE hours, my bot is dead (has been for hours) and I've passed a measly TWO levels! Stuck here now. Will be playing less and less. Ugh. Sorry Crushers, had to rant. Really disappointed in these lousy new changes.

Lene said...

Posting for luck

Jonah said...

Posting for luck again please

Fraggy said...

Suggestions please. I have now cleared the right side bombs on three occasions. On each occasion I have tried 3 different strategies. 1. Keep using double colour bombs which just filled the left side with licquorice. 2. Avoid using the double colour bombs and clearing the left with single colour bombs 3. Use a couple of double colour bombs then stop using them. None seem to work but if I m ever lucky enough to own a booster again and can clear the right side bombs, what would anyone recommend I do to clear the left. Please note, I have no boosters. I have also never had any ads to watch, am I missing something? Alternatively, in times of desperation, you could just send me a lucky board please, they’re always well received, thanks 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Fraggy said...

Wow, Thankyou for the exceptionally speedy delivery of a lucky board, first class service. This time, I didn’t get licquorice when detonating a double colourbomb, it made all the difference, thankyou.

Unknown said...

Absolutely stupid level posting for luck

Candy crusher said...

Impossible. Ineffective moves on top right !! Moves run out before anywhere near the bottom!!! Going to be the end of playing!!!

Winegums said...

Everything in this game is fixed. It is absolutely rediculous. King is in control and the only choice I have is it quit. It sickens me to think that I am playing a game that is so unfair (King took away the perks) and segrading to us players. If everyone leaves this game, King would be in trouble. And I am sick of verifying these silly pics in order to produce my comments.

Anônimo said...

Este nível não é difícil, é impossível. Quem conseguiu concluir foi antes das mudanças, é um jogo ridículo. Favorece sempre o Cookie, Kazuohk, Johnny Crush. Porque fazem discriminação? Tudo isto é uma fraude. A intenção é vender reforços, movimentos extras e barras de ouro, comigo esta estratégia não funciona. Deletando o CC.

Alicia said...

BTW, quitting feels GREAT💛🧡💛

Anônimo said...

Quero ver um vídeo com os movimentos agora disponíveis, não tem porque é impossível. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e fraudulento. Sorte para quem fica.

Vibeke said...

Use a candy hammer on the colour bomb on the left side, then it is easier to get two colour bombs size by side.

tonytones said...

yet another crap level. pointless playing it.

Jo said...

Pas de booster, c’est pas facile , Cc Roi tu compliques tout 😡….besoin d’aide r merci ☺️ 🍭🏀🍬

Janet said...

Help please!! PFL

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Unknown said...

How can you get to the bottom row?

Happy said...

Another ridiculous level. No skill needed just a lucky board. Help

Frustrated said...

Posting for a lucky board please 🙏☘️

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Crown7 said...

The chokolade that should build up for matching the colorbombs are missing on my board at the start of every game. There are only a frostet brick, and I never get to match two color bombs.

Hiw do I get the chokolade field back again please?