Candy Crush Saga Level 5218 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5218 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 5218 Candy Crush Saga is a score level, you have to score as many points as possible in the moves available to complete the level. The score may change in the future so you will have to check your own game to see how many points you need to complete the level.
Clear the chocolate to open up the top part of the board and then make stripes and other special candies that can be used for two things, you can grow the popcorns in the bottom part of the board and at the same time clear the chocolate at the side of the choc machines in the bottom part of the board. Keeping this chocolate cleared will allow the countdown bombs to drop from the dispensers and growing the popcorns will give you colourbombs. Once the two lowest popcorns are grown the colourbombs will drop through the portals onto the main part of the board where they will be easier to use.
The only way to get anywhere near the score needed is to clear as many bombs as possible using colourbombs. You won't always be able to choose how to use the colourbombs but the candies will move around the conveyor and you should be able to use the colourbombs on that candy. However mostly the colourbombs will be detonated by your combos.
Once the board is cleared you should be able to make more colourbombs but you will need to keep clearing the chocolate in the bottom to keep the bombs dropping from the dispensers.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


joyous100 said...

Posting for luck

Pati said...

Tough level but fun!

The Savage Traveler said...


Pookie8907 said...

Ugh pfl

Raisedbybees said...


Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Sharda said...


Sharda said...


Connie said...

posting for luck

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again

Lou said...

Lucky board too please.
Can’t get above 650000

Lou said...

Check ,out the video,
Score reached is nowhere close yet ‘level completed’!!!!

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please

Flippenheck said... please

Flippenheck said...

Double needed please

TRE said...

Posting for luck. Lucky board needed

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Lalit said...

Done in few attempt, clear chocolate/pop corn first don't used colour bumb combo.

Anônimo said...

Este jogo é uma fraude. O vídeo do Cookie não atingiu a pontuação e deu como concluído, é uma palhaçada. E tem gente que gasta dinheiro com isto??? São uns imbecis. A pontuação exigida é impossível de obter com os movimentos disponíveis. Melhor opção é deletar o CC.

Anônimo said...

Alguém sabe como concluir este nível quando não se é um dos protegidos do King? Porque eu não sei, a única coisa que acontece nos meus tabuleiros é fazer apenas um movimento e um constante embaralhar, o tempo todo, até que os movimentos acabam e a pontuação não é atingida, simples assim. Isto pode ser classificado de jogo de entretenimento? Está mais para jogo de azar e manipulado pelos desenvolvedores, que coisa ridícula, depois de tantos anos e tendo feito muito sucesso, o CC não precisava lançar mão de um expediente tão condenável.