Candy Crush Saga Level 5261 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5261 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 5261 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you have to clear the three cakes and clear the jelly to complete the level.
There are stripe dispensers along the top of the board that will give some helpful stripes, but these will not be enough to clear the cakes. You will have to make your own stripes and especially stripe/wrap combos as these will clear more cake sections. A double colourbomb combo will be really useful too if you can make one.
Forget about the jelly, it will be cleared by the cakes when they are cleared so you only need to concentrate on clearing the cakes.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Unknown said...

Posting for luck. Never had such a nice board like Cookie

jenn2727 said...

posting for luck

Brown dog said...

Posting for lucky board, can't get enough stripes to clear the first one

Pati said...

Frustrated and bored with this level, time for King to send this GranMa a friendly board, thank you

SJN said...

Rubbish level, need too much luck.

Unknown said...

SOS por favor, parada nesse nível sem diversão nenhuma....

MariaP said...

Posting for luck.

Drood said...

Not a nice one. Very tough!

Sharda said...


Ian said...

Impossible yet again without buying extra moves/boosters!!! Time to quit as no fun anymore

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level

Hassel said...

Posting for luck impossible

Unknown said...

full space dash + CB booster...voila!

with 17 moves to spare

Happy Crushing

Obie's mom

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Ness said...

No boosters so impossible

Anonymous said...

Cookie is kings "teachers pet".
How do you think she has got this far without boosters.
Cookie King!

Anonymous said...

Please quit, you were funny the 1st 10000 times when you said it, not anymore!

Bliss said...

Why does it only drop horizontal stripes?? Completely useless.

Candy, Candy Canes, Candy Corn & Syrup said...

I was having trouble with this level until I tried a new approach. I focused on one thing: working on the far left (where it is hardest to reach the cake) and using my turns to get stripes to drop down, rather than detonating the stripes -- they will deploy themselves. Each turn I just tried to get another stripe to drop down.

Tineke said...

Hier ben ik weer HELP ME AUB!

sam said...

Maybe a glitch but whenever I get a colorbomb/stripe combo and there is a candy on the far left, it NEVER points down, even if they're 2 of them. They always point sideways. PFL!

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Time 2 quit IAN STRIKES again,how cum the sad twat never quits

Jonah said...

Posting for luck again. Thanks

TRE said...

lucky board needed

Ninapop said...

Posting for luck!

Lalit said...

Lucky board needed

Lalit said...

First cake clear first, which help to passed this level.

lvoris927 said...

It would be nice to have some vertical stripes drop from the portals on the top, every time one falls down, it's a horizontal, which is of NO help whatsoever! the cake on the left is a bitch, not much hits it. Boring!

Sue Harvey said...

Help posting for luck

Sue Harvey said...

Posting for luck again pleeeaasse king

Unknown said...

Seemed like a fairly easy board the first time I saw it. Boy, was I wrong!! Lol

Jaybee said...

Getting frustrated again with this level 5261.Usually the stripes I get will alwAys hit sideways so I can’t hit to clear the cakes especially the farthest left cake.
Posting for luck otherwise I might just give up this game permanently

Jaybee said...

Oh no! I’ve been stuck here for more than two weeks and I haven’t passed it yet!

Jen said...


Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Shunga said...

I have used so many darn boosters and extra moves etc., etc. Very frustrating level indeed! Did I mention that it is an asinine level too! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

Anônimo said...

A cada nível os desenvolvedores do CC se superam em imbecilidade. Este jogo ridículo está merecendo uma auditoria para verificar as fraudes praticadas, lançam os níveis depois reduzem os movimentos, manipulam os tabuleiros de jogo, com o objetivo de vender reforços, isto é crime. Melhor opção é deletar o CC, mas não antes de fazer uma denúncia.

Anônimo said...

Nível impossível. Estou preso faz mais de 15 dias, usei todos os meus reforços e não consegui concluir o nível. Meu conselho para este nível é não usar e não comprar reforços, é isto que eles querem que você faça. O honesto a ser feito é excluir, definitivamente, este jogo. Não existe mais razão para se jogar um jogo manipulado. Para mim acabou, se forem inteligentes, façam o mesmo.

Anônimo said...

Esquece, impossível concluir este nível. Os doces listrados só aparecem na horizontal, que não servem para nada. Movimentos são manipulados pelo CC, que coisa vergonhosa. Não vou mais desperdiçar meu tempo aqui para ser usado como um idiota. Chega, eu não preciso deste jogo para viver.

Anônimo said...

A única forma possível de concluir este nível é mudando de nome, pode ser Cookie, Johnny Crush ou Kazuohk, porque no jogo deles os movimentos são ampliados, fazem uma quantidade enorme de CBs, os doces listrados são na vertical. Ao passo que para os demais jogadores, os movimentos são reduzidos, raramente faz um CB que não tem função nenhuma, os doces listrados só aparecem na horizontal, inúteis. Esta idiotice está na hora de acabar.

Anônimo said...

Faz mais de 15 dias que estou neste nível ridículo, não há forma de concluir. Acho curioso que na corrida do episódio os demais jogadores concluem o episódio em apenas um dia, será que todos estão jogando os mesmos níveis? Acredito que não, porque esse nível 5261 e os anteriores são pesadíssimos, como os outros quatro jogadores terminam a corrida com extrema facilidade? Ou isto também é mais uma fraude do CC? Acho melhor não desperdiçar meu tempo aqui, existe vida fora do CC.

Tina said...

Why does it only drop horizontal stripes?? Completely useless. Think there is a huge glitch in this level!!!!!OR WELL MS COOKIE IS FAVED ,ONLY ONE I KNOW THAT GETS THAT MANY BOOSTERS IN EVERY LEVEL!!!!!!!’

Fordy said...

Joke… end dispenser always horizontal stripes

Whenever I get a striped/wrapped candy in the corner a cascade blows it away.

I’ll PFL and wait until I’m allowed to pass.

I’ve just won a race so I suspect I’m being “Held” for a bit 👎🏻

Ggs said...

Same for me, the top left dispenser does not give vertical stripes. Please King, lucky board needed.

Ggs said...

Three days in this level, please send a lucky board.

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck

VIRGINIA said...

otro mas 174 gelatinas que reventar me aburri no gasto en potenciadores chau

bonita said...

thanks for the great tips & video----a--hole developers doubled the JELLIES. CC King is a greedy money-loving prick who has no conscience & treats PLAYERS like dirt. Rotten cheaters--rigged the board to make horizontal stripes--totally useless. PLAY FAIR KING--I paid good money for moves & boosters.
HELP lucky board please

bonita said...

Posting for vertical stripes & LUCKY BOARD---game is rigged--so players have to buy moves. KING is a cheater & greedy crook.
thanks for your blog Cookie--i never would have never made it to this level without your tips.

bonita said...

I don't know how my name got changed to beautiful its bonita

bonita said...

bonita said google changed my name to "beautiful" NO WONDER I can't pass this 5261. HELP Bonita with a LUCKY BOARD
thanks cookie

bonita said...

lucky board please

bonita said...

bonita said lucky board----not beautiful

Brian kite said...

I thought the last level was bad but this equals it. Trying to get the far left cake seems impossible I desperately need help please a lucky board would be marvellous

Brian kite said...

Completely impossible to get the left hand cake tried everything really desperate now for a lucky board or shall have to leave

Anonymous said...

Lucky board please

Bob said...

Stuck on this for days….. soooooooo boring 🥱🥱

JAX. said...

Oh mighty King......please help. Posting for luck. 🙏🕉️

Jeanne said...

This must be my lucky day. Passed on first try, no boosters.��

mrsviggins said...

can't get enough stripes pointing the right direction on the left side

mrsviggins said...

please still no luck, no gold to buy more turns

mrsviggins said...

why all the horizontal strips, I need more vertical or I'll never get off of this boring level

Houly68 said...


wtrc said...

I'm finding this a very hard level especially as I can't get boosters anymore!! Because I'm only on Android 9 and can't change it on my phone can anybody help me with this please.

Bobsdoll said...

Seems impossible!!!

yshuummu said...

This level cannot be passed!!!IMPOSSIBLE level!!!The only way to pass is to pay money!!! I WILL NOT!!!! This game sucks because you can never pass any levels unless you pay! Boring and impossible!!! NO FUN!!! Good bye!! I quit!

Happy said...

Another stupid level

Happy said...

My level doesnt look like video. Not even close