Candy Crush Saga Level 5687 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5687 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Since the developers are releasing 45 or more levels each week I will not be able to write tips for every level. By now you should be expert at most challenges. I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tip: Try to get cascades going once the rainbow twists are unlocked and cleared.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


SG said...

Check booster helps

Matt Bayley said...

The video isn't helpful. Keys on drop every 3rd move. So, if you the keys timed exactly right, you have 8 moves total to get the rest of the orders. This level seems quite impossible now, unless you get insanely lucky.

C'mon King. I you change a level, at least make sure it is passable before releasing

Elektra said...

Yes, thanks SG -- check booster did it!!!

Paula said...

Well we have had some difficult games in my time getting here, but this one takes the biscuit. There isn’t enough goes to complete this game. With no tick boosters you stand no chance of passing. I think a week on a level is quite long enough. Think I will download Tetris

Unknown said...

No chance. Even with check boosters

Unknown said...

That’s it. I quit. This is ridiculous. I now hate this game. Might as well just give 10 moves on this board and ask for 200 of each. Same difference. Can’t be done. ... but I am. See ya

Mom. 1 said...

Posting for luck

Mom. 1 said...

How is anyone passing this level.

MaryRose074 said...

Posting for luck, its ok only thing that'll get me through this ridiculous level

Deesie said...

Impossible! Used all my check boosters, and every booster I owned. I am definitely crazy to keep playing this game. Someone make me take it off my iPad!🤪

MaryRose074 said...

Omg!!! Please help cant get through this at all!!! Pfl please

Pati said...

Damm i scared to play this level. Alrught throw GranMa a friendly board please

Pati said...

Your all correct this level is freaken rediculous

Slies said...

😡😡😡nice video, but not the reality, They got the keys all at the same time by every move. Then i understand you can win the level.😢😢

Michelle said...

Cant get passed this one..pfl

Turkeylady3 said...

Here’s how they cheat here in Mine they throw keys down every 3rd move in video it’s every second move thereby leaving me only 8 moves to get all needed y

Unknown said...

Used a UFO and had 3 moves left.

Raven73 said...

Just..... seriously. Not passable

The Savage Traveler said...


Lcky said...

Need a lucky board

Lene said...

I don't understand the logic behind some of these levels anymore where we're left with a defeatist attitude of yet another level damn near impossible to pass. The enjoyment of playing this game has dwindled down to practically nothing.

Nic said...

Pas amusant trop difficile
Besoin d'aide et de chance please

Sana said...


Anonymous said...

Impossible level ....

? said...

I am guessing King does not want to continue with the game. Why else would you chase everyone away with impossible levels? Bye!

Carrie722 said...

Another crap level. By the time all the keys are collected, it’s too late to collect the reds and chocolate. Collecting the rope thing is easy.

Anonymous said...

Too frustrating...ridiculous levels that we have to wait for lucky boards to pass -( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level not enough moves. Boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring. Think it's time to quit

J.J. said...

Going to QUIT now, pointless playing, can't get close 😠

Danielle said...

Another WTF level....not enough moves...I started each game with a Color Bomb (I won a free hour) did not even come close to winning.....

Wendy said...

Haven’t ever posted as much as in the past few weeks. We’ve hit a really rough patch. No idea how a few friends are at the end in the waiting room while I’m getting mighty discouraged with these recent levels. All daily boosters are used up in daily five moves. Videos don’t help at all. Help!

Helen said...

If they keep putting the chains in I'm quitting as this is not candy crush anymore. Keys drop every 3 moves not enough moved left then to get the orders, impossible!

Helen said...

No way is this possible, 3 or 4 moves to get multiple chocolate and multiple candies. I give up!!

JB said...

Impossible to get 75 chocolate in 8 moves. Posting for luck

Rose said...

No enjoyment anymore. This level is ridiculous, perhaps time to quit! Also, unable to collect more than 5 candies per game making it far too time consuming to reach 180 for boosters.

Rose said...

No enjoyment anymore. This level is ridiculous, perhaps time to quit! Also, unable to collect more than 5 candies per game making it far too time consuming to reach 180 for boosters.

Annu said...

I think King throws in these ridiculous level to slow everyone down so they have time to create new levels. In doing so, it is no longer enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

I think that King is like a bad casino. They try to get us hooked and then try to screw us for money to get another fix. Yes was a fun game and now it's a pain. On this level I am still left with 80 plus to destroy. I always knew that it was a cash grab. It is sprinkled with some fun and achievable levels to keep us looking for more. Then the cash grab again! Why destroy the goose that laid your golden egg? Sack your programmers now or candy Crush is dead. There is no fun in this any more. RIP Candy Crush

Carrie722 said...

Anonymous, I used to think the same thing. Given that, I don’t ever spend cash. It’s crazy, but I found that if I leave a review about a level that I can’t pass, I’ll pass it the next time I play. I think they just want reviews. I don’t know. Maybe it boosts the game in the search engines. I still play, even though I tell myself to quit. I’m at level 6086. It’s also really sad that they now limit the collection of sugar cubes to 5, although that might not apply to android devices. It does apply to iPads and iPhones. Happy Crushing

Zolug said...

Really need to pass this turd of a level for my sanity.

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please

Sindy said...

Lucky board please

Sindy said...

Hate this level . It's impossible

Broomie said...

Any suggestions on a new game? This is just not fun anymore..

Broomie said...

How about know how they flash a move when you are taking a minute to look at the board??? It flashed a move that was impossible to make!! There was chocolate in the way.. WTH!!!

Broomie said...

So this keeps happening.. the chocolate flashes like a move.. Used it in one and got a stripe..there were 3 green with a chocolate in the chocolate counted as a green? I must have missed that lesson..any one know what's up with that?

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Fred said...

Another wonderful easy sympathetic frustrating hard level
Can’t get it close again
Used a lot of boosters
Need a great help
Posting for lucky board

Cher said...

Stupid unpassable level .
Don’t panic people at least we have something to amuse ourselves while we are in lockdown from Covit19

Unknown said...

Wow, nothing you can really do here other than wait for some luck. BORED!

Unknown said...

This is beyond nightmarishly hard. There are not enough moves with the keys falling every 3 moves. Help please

Stormin said...

I used all three boosters and then had to buy, with gold bars, 5 extra moves. Didn't need all of them as I had already cleared the chains and red sweets.

Nana said...

Posting for a lucky board please, thought it was going to be enjoyable but more like impossible

Unknown said...

O vídeo só tem 3 chaves, faltando 16 movimentos vc já está tentando fazer os chocolates e os vermelhos.
No jogo são 5 ou 6 chaves a cada 3 movimentos, ou seja, não sobram movimentos suficientes para coletar os chocolates e os vermelhos.

Meg said...

Agreed. Every level takes days and no extra moves given any more.

Tammy Caison said...


Flippenheck said...

Oh crikey help please

Flippenheck said...

Help needed please

Flippenheck said...

How is this possible.... Breaking my heart. Much help needed please

Tammy Caison said...


Jelly said...

Please help - I can’t pass levels by myself anymore!

Jelly said...

How do you win this level?

cathy said...

Posting for luck thank you!!

kiting_in_paradise said...

After about 10 tries, I got lucky. I found that starting boosters were usually wasted due to limited openess of board. Hopefully you can get first key on first move. After that concentrate on removing blockers and spiral ropes. Make special candies when you can, but save them until all keys are collected and spiral ropes are gone. Multiple hits on one spiral rope will result in all of them being removed. If you get to this point and you have a few special candies on the board, look to use them to start a cascade. If you have a color bomb, you want to use it to set off other special candies or choose the color with the most regular ( non-checkmark) candies. I got to my last move and still needed 4 chocolates so I used my only spaceship. Spaceship worked great. Would have taken out a dozen or more chocolates if I needed them.

Anonymous said...

Impossible if you can't get keys quicker. Video is no help here

Rosebud said...

Awful level, posting for luck

Missys6702 said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Impossible level

GillS said...

First time I have ever posted. I just can’t see any way of passing this level.

Eliza h said...

Stuck!!! Not enuf moves by a lot! Help!

Susan said...

Ten more chocolate to get with eight less moves than the video once all the keys have been collected. Impossible!!!

I even managed to save two colour bombs next to each other until the board opened up and the lucky candies dropped but I still need 12 red and 28 chocolate. If I'd have 16 moves like in the video I'd have completed the level.

me said...


Crusher said...

Posting for luck is all I can do. Keys don't drop like in all the winning videos.

Unknown said...

Impossible boatd again. Hoping for a lucky again, please.

Marcilla20 said...

I was lucky enough to finish this level. What I did was got rid of all the red ones first. It worked!

Tineke said...

Walchelijk niveau! Waarom maken jullie het zo frustrerend, als iedereen klaagt en om hulp vraagt dan is het een groot probleem. Maar goed om mijn zenuwe tot rust te laten komen vraag ik HELP ME AUB! Anders wordt het echt tijd om te stoppen, moet wel leuk blijven.

Fraggy said...

Wow, what a lot of comments! I haven’t requested a lucky board in a while but the time is now right, please send me some luck, thankyou. 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Unknown said...

Exact. Encore une fois c’est le jeu qui décide. Donc on est perdant 😡

Paulapops said...

Like plaiting fog

faith said...

The keys don't fall soon enough to leave time for me to clear the spirals let alone then collect the required items. I have used all my saved lives and still not even close. Comes down to asking for a lucky board yet again :-(

Ginny said...


Ginny said...

Help! Ugh!

Unknown said...

No alcanzo a eliminar el chocolate. Pruebo una y otra vez sin éxito. Necesito ayuda por favot

Bruce said...

Need help. This level is impossible!!!!!

Juney said...

That's me finished. UTTERLY ridiculous now. Bye Bye cc. Just glad I never spent a penny on this ☺

Karin said...

Ridiculous level. I have to say that i like cc less because you can’t win on your own anymore. All the time you need to ask for a lucky board. Let the keys drop all at once.

Unknown said...

Luck needed

Anonymous said...

Awful level! PFL

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

ChrisD said...

Don’t see the point in playing anymore. Used to be enjoyable but now more and more all I seem to do is complain about the lack of opportunity to pass levels. Why take the fun out of something by creating so many impossible levels. I gave up spending money on this a long time ago and don’t plan on ever spending money again so maybe I should just quit altogether, lots of other things for me to spend my time enjoying 😀.

Unknown said...

As I have written before 10 levels, Cc has become money spender game.. If you refuse to pay you cannot pass... So, whenever do this he continues playing... Sad to say but it's the only way... Babis from🇬🇷...

Unknown said...

Man I need a whole lotta luck c’mon Vegas luck

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Evelyn said...

Very impossible to win. Only way to win is to buy a lot of boosters, Don’t have money for that . So will play occasionally,

Lola said...

Full on mission impossible. So many comments must tells your something King! HELP. Not nearly enough moves

Beansie said...

Posting for luck

Booboo said...

I agree with Chris above. These levels are not fun anymore. The keys don’t fall in a timely manner however you play it and regardless of boosters. I’ve counted the keys amd their timings. The board doesn’t open up until 8 moves are left and it’s impossible to collect all the chocolate in that amount of moves. At least give us a chance King, or simply be honest with us and tell us we don’t stand a chance of passing until we pay you!
I refuse to pay King anything when they put up a phony level like this…it’s not fair game!

Shunga said...

Oh come on KING what the heck are you thinking! This level is so stupid! I hate it, I hate it! So see you never again! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Shunga said...

This is a totally ASININE LEVEL! I hate this game ! Bye, bye. I can’t stand this boring undoable crappy level!

Emma said...

Please... A lucky board

Unknown said...

I concur this is a really unfair level. The most plays you can have are 8 but mostly not. I ate up two UFOs and still failed. Used a check mark snd it created a knot. Well I’m pretty stumped. Needless to say I loath this level. Someone at King needs to talk to their developers. Thanks.

Cindy said...


Gdog said...

Tired of moving candy around while I wait for the “lucky board”. Ridiculous!

Sue said...

Not a lot of help here. Looks like a level need to post for luck again. I get to board where all ropes are clear and cannot get any cascading from then on. The move only goes one and done. Waiting for the day I get a board like the video. 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Sue said...

SLSS - POS level. Posting again for LUCK!!!!!!!🍀🍀🍀🍀

Sue said...

This is such a BS level. There is no cascading because there are too many colors. Can’t get over 60 red and 80 choco with only 7-8 moves. Come on cc how bout a break. Do u even see the comments??

Anônimo said...

Outro nível nojento e impossível. Quando consegue recolher as chaves restam 5 movimentos para recolher os restantes dos pedidos, e não são poucos. Apenas os favoritos do CC como Cookie, Johnny Crush e Kazuohk conseguem fazer tantos boosters nos níveis, os demais jogadores apenas perdem tempo com este jogo decadente e acabado. Meu conselho para este nível é não usar e não comprar reforços, é isto que eles querem que você faça, melhor opção é deletar o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

Winegums said...

You can give us tips because this level is impossible. King controls the moves, so this is a waste of time. There is no relaxation in this game. A complete scam!

VIRGINIA said...

mposible no revientas los rulos y el chocolate no aparece no gasto en potenciaodres cahu me aburri

Unknown said...

Got through with just 5 extra moves, but after a zillion tries. One key is to get a color bomb/wrap combo once you get to the chocolate and checks. Worth a booster to make that happen. Agree with all, a ridiculous level!

LL said...


Janet said...

Totally unfair level!! How to possibly get 80 chocolates with a max of 8 moves!! 😡😡 PFL.

Ggs said...

25 moves, 135 curly nots, 95 red candies and 80 chocolates, not near at all, posting for luck.

bonita said...

Super LUCKY BOARD needed where I can actually make moves--Keys don't drop like the video--THE TARGET numbers are ridiculously impossible with a clogged board which I keep getting-NOT fun or Fair Quit cheating Players to force them to buy buy buy Boosters & extra moves. King techs have made games into Bull shit, money grubbing site.
Thanks Ms. Cookie for your tips even if worthless NOW

bonita said...

KING still waiting for a decent board. Collecting a zillion keys, reds, & chocolate impossible when the board is tight & NO boosters or FREE extra moves.
I am out of money to BUY BUY BUY
thanks cookie

Polishgal said...

Ridiculous level again. Not enough moves. Used to really love this game. Now only play once in a while. Try making the levels doable then maybe people wouldn’t mind spending alittle money now and then. With this horrid level, I’m done spending money and my desire to play is also very low.

tonytones said...

Not enough moves anymore. Key drop rate allows 8 moves at best to complete the orders. Not going to happen in a million years. King has gone too far this time... more so than usual.

Polishgal said...

Guess King really doesn’t want us to play anymore. Making levels so ridiculously impossible. Do they really think it’s fun to try to spend days upon days trying to pass one level?? Wow. Just wow.

Shirley Ragland said...

Whose brilliant idea was this game board?? Have they tried to play it with the few moves given?? This one is like trying to hammer through concrete! Can't be done without HELP, SO PLEASE HELP! THANK YOU!

Toscadee 23 said...

Posting for a lucky board please.

Polishgal said...

Is there any possible way to pass this level? I’ve been stuck on it for 3 WEEKS!!

Sue T said...

Posting for luck. Keys take too long to drop.

meliana said...

Need help!!! The keys drop so long, and finaly we only left 7 moves to do the all task and absolutely inpossible to finish this level. King force us to spend money. Never!!! I will delete this game

EC said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Sue said...

Wow,Wow,Wow, this is a hard one posting for lucky board please !!!!!!

Sue said...

Second post for lucky board, played over and over, keys don't fall fast enough

Unknown said...

This level is making me CRAZY!

Hoi said...

Dit leven is niet te doen.please Lucky my.

Cruella714 said...

This is such BS, Candy's example gets to the check marks with 15 or so moves left, I can't get there with more than 5, and even then I get crap...I refuse to pay any money on this level, REFUSE!!! And by the way, why is it that there are so MANY nightmarish levels now, seems like it every other one now. BSSSSSS
Posting for Luck I guess... KING is so freaking money hungry now...

AW said...

By the time the last key drops there are insufficient moves to get the chocolate. Used all my boosters. No fun at all

Anonym said...

Not even close. This is the end of CC for me.

Marwanjo said...

Impossible game, no fun. Time to QUIT