Candy Crush Saga Level 5717 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5717 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Since the developers are releasing 45 or more levels each week I will not be able to write tips for every level. By now you should be expert at most challenges. I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

This level has been made harder by making the rainbow twists needing more hits, but it is still doable with plenty of combos.
Video by Kazuohk, made before it was changed.

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Hf said...

I've been here for three days now and concluded that only luck will help. You first can start this level after loosing almost every candy! After 7 moves left, you really can start this game. Impossible.
I won't lost another day by trying. Can only ask:
posting for luck

gidget said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Melanie said...

Posting for luck, thought there might be a magic tip here 😕

Hf said...

There is no tip, silly trying over hundred and hundred of times, until you may go on.
This one takes all the fun away.
Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Please give my sunday some sunshine and let me move on and leave this crazy level behind. Almost a week now in trying.
Have a nice day all of you and:
posting for luck:-)

Anonymous said...

I have to let go.
stop trying, please help.
posting for luck

JaneM said...

Pure luck, prefer where some skill is needed.

Annoyed said...

I hope they change the level to nightmarishly difficult. Been on this one for days as well. Seems impossible

Unknown said...

I cannot play these asinine levels anymore. They are ridiculous and no fun. Give it up cc if this is the best you can come up with it. End it cuz these levels are bs and maddening. I gotta give it up too. I’m done.

Melanie said...

Have been here for days and the Candy Crush gods aren’t seeing fit to give me a lucky board. Not wasting any more boosters so going to take an enjoyable break from Candy Crush for a while. Keep on crushing, catch you later 🥂

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Hf said...

CC is this level fair?
It makes us feel so silly!
HELP please

Unknown said...

Have also been here for days. I now quit. Enough

Hf said...

The worst level ever
Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Turkeylady3 said...

Here’s how they cheat on this one had a wrapped and stripe when it hit candies did nothing to them Never surprised how they cheat watch carefully you can catch them cheating all the time

Raisedbybees said...


Mermaid Crush said...

Please please please, I'm posting for luck, please Dear Lord help me to clear this level!!!

Mermaid Crush said...

Okay, Thanks be to God, it's done. I had to wait till the free boosters wheel reset, then THANK GOD got five extra moves and then had to use one lollipop hammer. The stress of playing 5717 has literally ruined my entire Thanksgiving weekend. :'(

Dolce’ said...

Early New Year’s resolution time to quit this game! This level is ridiculous you can’t beat it!🤦‍♀️😞

Maisis said...

La clave es un refuerzo de pez con caramelo envuelto.

Anonymous said...

Another frustrating level...waiting again for a very lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Carrie722 said...

Tired of being stuck here. Not noticing cascades with special candies.

Carrie722 said...

I am still stuck on this level. I guess that’s how this game is going to be from now on. And the lucky board takes days to arrive.

EL BEATLE said...

I achieved this today on the first attempt, having tried a few times last night. Cascades dropped into place quite well after starting off with 1 chocolate bomb. I had a couple of moves left and all the outstanding jelly and waffles were in the bottom right hand corner - bar 1 jelly on the left middle. I used my precious flying saucer (UFO) and it completely targeted the right hand corner, leaving me the one jelly in mid board. This was waiting for me to merely line up the 3 candies on my last move. Job done! I didn't have to even use the 2 hammers that I was expecting to. Happy New Year everyone!

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level. Boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring

J.J. said...

Time to quit, used all boosters and still can't get any where near, just waiting for the lucky board every level, just a heap of shite now

J.J. said...

Time to quit,used all boosters and still can't get any where near, just waiting for the lucky board every level. Boring boring boring boring boring boring, just a waste of time trying, shite level after shite level with no hope of passing

Vinayak said...

If it time to quit
How you are playing?

Cathy said...

Torture Need Help Please

Wendy said...

Like most others on here I have used up my small arsenal of boosters. It looks easy enough but that lower right corner is impossible. Even getting started sometimes gets an “oops”. It would be great to be able to strategize again. These levels are just luck. Waiting for some tips as I’ve tried everything I can think of.

Winnie Wee said...

I'm stuck! Posting for luck! Good luck to everyone else who is stuck in the same boat

Ian said...

Impossible!!! Time to quit!!!

Ian said...

Still stuck here 5 days later and no where near!!!! Deffo had enough time to quit

Broomie said...

Can I have the lucky board now please...

Broomie said...

It maybe time to quit... impossible level and think I've had enough

Broomie said...

I don't understand how I'm hitting a green candy...not a special..just a plain ol green candy with a colorbomb and it somehow makes all the other colorbombs go off..even when they were protected by waffles..doesn't make sense

Broomie said...

Think there a glitch on this level!!

Broomie said...

Oh there's definitely a glitch...i just swapped a colorbomb with a fish and it didn't send not one fish out...not even the one i switched hit anything..W.T.F!

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Fred said...

Another wonderful easy sympathetic frustrating hard level
Used a lot of boosters
So time to stop
Posting for lucky board again

Unknown said...

Please help me please I need a lucky board please

Nanny said...

Can’t win this one!

CG said...

Me too. Pfl

Nana said...

Posting for a lucky board please as this is the only way I am going to get past this level

Flippenheck said...

Can I have loads of powerful combos so please

Tammy Caison said...


Unknown said...

Posting for lucky board please, can't do this any other way

Unknown said...

Come on give me break, played this one over 50 times and can't even get close

Unknown said...

Please ... Where is it... the lucky board for this horrable level ??? Please need some help

cathy said...

posting for luck thank you!!

Unknown said...

Need some luck! Stuck here all week :(

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

I’m still stuck and getting really frustrated. Used a fish booster and it gave me one single fish. Definitely unimpressed! Posting for luck again.

MsDee said...

Frustrating! 😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

GillS said...

Must admit I’m getting fed up with these levels that are taking days to pass.

MissyM said...

59 comments is a lot of comments. Is anyone reading them except those of us that are stuck here?
No clue how to get past this one.

Tineke said...

Ik word gek gemaakt, alle verhalen gelezen, triest voor woorden dat je zo moet bedelen om geluk te krijgen oke ik vraag ook om Posten voor geluk HELP ME.

Tineke said...

Ik ga stoppen, laat me niet gek maken door jullie, goodbye

Unknown said...

King has definitely change the game play in Candy Crush - especially in the 5600/5700 levels. Boosters all go off at once when you are making a play nowhere near them. Colors change from play to play when you are trying to set up moves. Not sure if it is inept programmers who don't understand physics or the designer now in charge is paid a bonus based on how many boosters are bought.
No skill needed. Just keep mindlessly playing until you get a lucky board.

Unknown said...

On this level for a week😡. Even used UFO for last 3 jellies and it hit cleared sections of the board. This game is so rigged, I’m out and will never play another King game again. No joy playing this when all King wants is you to buy boosters. 😡😡

Anonymous said...

Waiting on a lucky board please...this is getting frustrated. No boosters worth using or losing I should say.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lucky board!

Paulapops said...

3 days and counting

annoymous said...

posting for luck!

Unknown said...

Lucky board please

Deb said...

Got through this level, no boosters used. I found the trick to be to get down to the bottom right corner as soon as possible, making combos. A color bomb combined with a wrap really opened up that bottom corner for me and finished it off

Lalit said...

PFL nearly missing thrice

lvoris927 said...

No strategy required, just keep boringly playing. Haven't eve gotten close to clearing the bottom right corner, seems like nothing touches them. Blahhh!

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

SVA said...

I’ve been at this level so long I’m up to 32 additional moves for 10 coins. No level is fun after being stuck for 4+ days!!

loripod1 said...

posting for lucky board

Icooper said...

Difficult one! Pfl plz and lb

Cindy said...


Jo said...

OMG je suis coincée ici , plus aucun booster….s.v.p. CC roi aidez-moi merci merci et encore merci ☺️ 🍭👑🤗🤗

Sue said...

Loss of 20 moves from original video from 54 to a measly 34. Too many people passing for u cc? Bastards! At least provide the cascades and give us a fighting chance. Posting for cascades 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Sue said...

Stupid level - I’m up to 35 extra moves - if I pay for them - which is one more move then moves offered on level - 34!! Really need a lot of luck to pass the s level please. Of course u can do it with 54 moves - who couldn’t?! Posting for luck please - ass.

Chris W said...

Passed 3rd time- what’s the fuss about 🤣

Anônimo said...

Este jogo é uma farsa. Apenas os favoritos do CC como Cookie, Johnny Crush e Kazuohk conseguem fazer tantos boosters nos níveis, certamente porque as jogadas são manipuladas para que eles façam seus vídeos e postem no YouTube para ganharem monetização, com certeza alguém do CC leva comissão nisto, porque depois os níveis são alternados, reduzem os movimentos e aumentam a dificuldade para impedir que os jogadores avancem, e forçando para comprar reforços. Isto é crime!!! Este jogo está decadente e acabado. Adeus, sorte para quem fica.

VIRGINIA said...

imposible no gasto en potenciadores dejen de publicar cosas que o sirven me aburri chau

Winegums said...

Totally fixed game. Waste of time and energy playing King games. GONE!

Winegums said...

This level has been very exhausting to say the least. And judging from the comments, others have been feeling the same way. The tips are useless if King is controlling the game. I’m fed up and ready to quit this game for good.

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Pfl 🍀🎄

Deefenbäker said...

I just cannot clear the bottom right corner of the board. Just played 35 in a row....nowhere near. SO frustrating! 👿👿👿👿👿

bonita said...

LUCKY BOARD please. CC King added rainbows that need blasted several times & lowered the moves.
According to comments TECHS managed to really tighten the bottom right corner----HELP is needed . NO boosters or MONSY to BUY extra moves. CC KING QUIT BE SO STINGY , some of us live on fixed incomes with NO MONEY for luxuries.
FOOD, medicine, utilities OR Moves & boosters. POOPIE!!
Kaz needs to slow down/
thanks Ms Cookie for tips & videos

tonytones said...

Another dead end level. Bottom right is impossible to clear. Just keep using up lives. Getting bored quickly...

tonytones said...

another double comment from me. Benn on this level for over two weeks. This game sucks dogs balls! If I don't get a luck board soon, I'm done with it. Offering 32 extra moves for 10 gold kind of says it all... I'm not buy into it.

Unknown said...

Horrible! Posting for luck..!!

Annomous said...

How much longer am I going to be stuck on this game, it's been days now and still nothing. I have wasted countless boosters and still not getting anywhere near finishing. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE CC.

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Carol said...

Lucky board please!

Carol said...

This level has a glitch or something. I make a move and other candies disappear that shouldn’t. Very frustrating. Please provide a fix. I have used many boosters and spent too much time to see it not working properly.

Brian kite said...

Very difficultdesperatefor a lucky board please

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.

Rute Lima said...

No more gold. Now is just lucky board. No strategy, no inteligence, no IQ. Just lucky. Sad situation. Not to be donne by CC

Renee V. said...

Ugh, I’ve been on this level for over a week now. Just posting for luck at this point.
Please! I’m bored with this level.

Visaman said...

posting for luck