Candy Crush Saga Level 5918 Tipos and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5918 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Since the developers are releasing 45 or more levels each week I will not be able to write tips for every level. By now you should be expert at most challenges. I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: You will need to make as many colourbomb combos as possible. Double colourbomb combos and colourbomb/stripe combos are the best. Any chance you get to clear the blockers in the top left and right will be most helpful.
Video by Kazuohk

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Hrycar said...

I believe this is the one that ends CC for me ☹️

Patty said...

Posting for luck!!!!

Julie said...

Especially hard because I can't reset the board anymore without losing the spaceship and a life.

Luís Bernardo said...

Very tough. Use a switch to join two colourbombs whenever possible. Colourbombs with stripes are also very useful. Good luck everyone 🍀

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Yep, Luis is right again! Used a hand switch to get CB/stripe, then a hammer on the last blocker, good luck to all this week, onward...

Twins mom said...

Ridiculous hard level....!

GailB said...

Ridiculous for sure. Soon I hope. Good luck.

Twins mom said...

It's been a very long time, since, I've been STUCK on a level this long, and it's becoming very boring!

Raven73 said...

Yet again another level that’s strictly about a getting a lucky board this game is so much worse now because you can’t reset without losing a life and boosters! Hate you king ..... hate you

Bellezza said...

Go back to the earliest levels and get your full stocking of boosters. Use that to open the game and blast the top corners. It was the only way I could pass.

Patty said...

Come in, I've played this one well over 100 times!!!! Over it!!! What a crap level!!!!

Nobody said...

Awful level - I can't even get close now with no board reset!

Melanie said...

I can’t get close even when I use all boosters with a full bot! Posting for luck

Twins mom said...

How boring is this game now! You play one level over and over again till you get a lucky board!!

DeeBleep said...

Success! Started with a double color bomb and added a check booster. Done!

Twins mom said...

Candy Crush has become just a JOKE! How long do you think people are going to play, when their stuck on one level for days?!?

Cc1 said...

I can’t even get close to clearing the blockers on this one. Getting boring now...

Pookie8907 said...

I dont think this level is possible without a crap load of boosters. UGH

Tou52 said...

Seriously? I'm done!

Bye Bye CC!

gidget said...

posting for luck

Mom. 1 said...

Posting for luck

Mom. 1 said...

Has anyone else written to King about this level? It's ridiculous.

Cat said...

Either it's been fixed or I just got a lucky board first try.

I have not had the bot for several weeks and been stuck on very boring levels. I contacted King several times about one impossible level. It took days, but the update fixed it. I don't understand why there have been as many faulty, not hard but impossible levels as often as there have been recently, and why they're not fixed more quickly. I get that programming mistakes get made, but the number of them and the lack of any other than a generic, useless help response is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

This is such a stupid level I'm seriously done

Anon said...

Absolutely effing ridiculous! I’m done. No reset and no boosters what’s the point.

Raisedbybees said...


Jewel Shaw said...

I am really having trouble with this level - not even getting close. I don’t think there are enough moves and the beginning makes me think this is a preplanned level. I would appreciate some help!

Jewel Shaw said...

Well I am finished - NO LIVES, NO BOOSTERS, back to playing Sudoku!

Lali said...

Posting for luck

LMK said...

Check mark booster helped.

Hassel said...

Posting for luck impossible

Anonymous said...

Frustrating... waiting again for a very lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Carrie722 said...

Can’t get close. Send the infamous lucky board. As usual....

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level. Boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring, think it's time to quit this shite

J.J. said...

I'm done, time to quit this shite. Bye c.c.

Barry gilbert said...

Stupid level . Pfl wtf.

Anonymous said...

Awful level. Have a full bot but no luck. Also my machine for making extra boosters has gone AWOL and the closest I've come to passing this is down to 40! I need a lucky board please king.

hillie said...

5918 inpossible this level pleas help i play it for one day and can pass it.


Annu said...

Help please! Can’t get closer than 25. Used all my boosters which didn’t help at all. A lucky board is the only way to complete this one.

Ian said...

Impossible!!! Yet again, way back down in decembers levels and still impossible!!! Time to quit!

Ian said...

Well I’ve been stuck here all day with unlimited lives and still nowhere near!!!!! Deffo quitting when unlimited lives gone as going nowhere

Sharda said...


Broomie said...

I can no longer go back and play level 606 to get full there another level in the higher levels that will work?

Tygerfeet said...

Few ways to get any boosters and a level like this that can’t possibly be done without them. Sad to leave this game as it used to be fun.

Sindy said...

Please not another "luck only" level !!!! 😡😡😡 But posting for luck anywho!!!!

Sindy said...

Lucky board please!!!

Sindy said...


Sindy said...

3 days on one level is too much !!! Time to delete this stupid app

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Unknown said...

Posting for a lucky board please, nowhere near to completing

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Neen Katzman said...

Omg HELP!!

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Neen Katzman said...

Stuck for 2 weeks!!! POSTING FOR LUCK!!!

Koni said...

Fun level, but no luck after many tries.

kiting_in_paradise said...

I don't see a way past this one without wasting a lot of time waiting for a lucky board, and even then needing boosters. I have no plans to spend any money on this game and my cache of boosters is low. Okay, I'm done whining, time to move on. Bye for now.

Vishwas Jeevant said...

Posting for luck

Sherelle said...

Posting for help and luck please

Jelly said...

How do you pass this incredibly hard level??????
Posting for luck again please!!!!!!

Jelly said...

IMPOSSIBLE without help!!!! Ready for my lucky board please!!!!!!!!!!!’

Jelly said...

Still here - please give me my lucky board so I can enjoy this game again - getting tired of this / just saying!!!!!

Jelly said...

Woohoo- got down to only 12 blockers left. Best score so far - UGH!!!!!!!!!🙁

Jelly said...

Will today be the day?????????

DawnD said...

Ridiculous level!

Unknown said...

I got down to three blockers once, but didn't have anything to clear them with before I ran out of moves. The next closest I've gotten is 12. Super frustrated.

najune46 said...

Getting tired of needing more moves and no bonus spins to maybe get a few more moves. Another super hard level. 🥶

Fraggy said...

Please may I join the list of lucky board requesters 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Britcrush said...

This one's a toughie!!

Unknown said...

Add me to the list too! Need a lucky board please.

Britcrush said...

4 days later and I am still stuck here. I have not paid a penny or dime on this game and I will stop playing before I do. 6 years is a long time on one game.

Britcrush said...

At last!! It cost me 3 hammers in the end but thankfully I can move on. Good luck to everyone else stuck here. All I can say is: Failure cannot live with persistence.

Mshell said...

Pfl please

Fhdo51 said...

Pfl..we need a LB please!!

Tineke said...

Dit yijd verspillen, help me aub, ik word gek van dit vreselijke niveau HELP ME.

Unknown said...

Lucky board please

Mimi said...

Desperate for a lucky board, can’t knock those top blockers

Paulapops said...


Ginny said...

Posting for luck!

Bruce said...

Hard level

Bruce said...

Impossible level!

Bruce said...

A really difficult level

Bruce said...

Lucky board please

Unknown said...

Not impossible. Needed a bit of luck with combos but got to a couple of clusters of blockers. Tried flying saucer and it cleared them superbly leaving only one for a lollipop hammer. I don't think this level is possible without the saucer.

Unknown said...

Really!!!!!stuck here for days, and woensdag you are two down, no extra moves on the wheel...make some more easy levels,this is no fun anymore

Karin said...

Impossible level, posting for luck

Karin said...

Posting for luck again, stuck for days now

Ana said...

I need luck for this level, from Spain!! Thanks

Lalit said...


Mas said...

Impossible level for me.Sick of playing it over and over and over.I'm done.

Joanne said...

Posting for luck please 💜

Cc said...

Posting for luck

Laura said...

After reading all of the comments, I waited until I had enough gold to buy a UFO. Also had to use one hammer. Good riddance to this awful level!

Di said...

I was able to get down to needing only one more to clear! Close but I didn’t have any boosters left.

Di said...

I finally won, I used a check booster and that seemed to do it.

Evelyn said...

No boosters! Posting for luck and free spins

Evelyn said...

No way to win this level,postin! Posting for luck and free spins

Cindy said...


Cindy said...


cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jo said...

Je suis encore coincée 🥵s.v.p. 🙏CC Roi je veux passer ce niveau là …..j’ai aucun booster….merci à l’infini 🤗🤗🤗🤗🍭

Jo said...

Pour passer ce niveau interminable ça prendrait le booster festif que j’ai pas 😭…….cc roi s.v.p. aidez-moi à passer ce niveau merci beaucoup 🤗🤗🤗🤗🍭👑

Jo said...

M’AIDEZ, M’AIDEZ….s.v.p. 🙏….je demande à Cc un tableau chanceux 🍀……🙏🤗🤗🤗🍭

Emma said...

Please lucky board

Fordy said...

Another p$d’s take level… not getting any £’s out of me… I’ll wait for my lucky board ehh 🤷🏻‍♂️

VIRGINIA said...

otro mas tengo 200 gelatinas que reventar no gasto en potenciadores chau me aburri

DawnieCoops said...

Lucky board needed please, posting for luck

Beansie said...

Posting for luck

Anônimo said...

O vídeo tem 25 movimentos, foram reduzidos para ridículos 16. A melhor opção é deletar o CC, não sou palhaço para fazer papel de idiota. Sorte para quem fica.

Anônimo said...

Apenas 16 movimentos????? Isto é uma piada e de mau gosto!! Ninguém conseguirá coletar os pedidos com esses movimentos. Este nível precisa ser alterado, não adianta tentar, é totalmente impossível.

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Janet said...

Help!! Please. PFL

PN said...

Posting for luck

Ggs said...

16 moves and 131 blocks, posting for luck!

Unknown said...

In 16 moves! Ridiculous..lucky board pls

Unknown said...

That's it. I'm done. Uninstalling App.

EC said...

Posting for luck

Ellen said...

16 zetten?? Luck please

Tiki said...

Ugh… help!

Kevin C said...

No way I'm paying to pass mind-numbing levels designed to frustrate you into spending.

Maru said...

Need a lucky board Mr king
Posting for luck 🍀

Rute Lima said...

123 comments. Nothing more to say, but to ask for a lucky board. TY

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult. Need a few more moves to complete this one.

Anonym said...

Not enough moves!

Hans Andersson said...

LUCKY BOARD PLEASE!!! LUCKY BOARD PLEASE!! Feels like Ive already played this game once😡😡😡😡

Charper223 said...

Please send a lucky board, as there is mathematically no way to collect 137 items with only 16 moves. I appreciate that some levels need to have a greater challenge or level of difficulty than others…but when something is simply impossible, it does ruin the enjoyment of the game. Thank you for your help.

Charper223 said...

Sending another request for a lucky board please…it is my only chance to progress. Thank you.

Nellebel said...

Waarom zo lastig maken, zodat iedereen gaat stoppen? AUB help me. PLEASE 😤😤😤

Nellebel said...

Belachelijk toch dat je weken bezig bent. Ze maken het extra moeilijk om geld van je af te troggelen. Niet leuk meer zo.