Candy Crush Saga Level 6208 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6208 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: This is an orders level, you need to collect blockers and mystery candies to complete the level. The frog is a valuable help in this level as it can help collect keys and clear blockers each time it is grown. The keys are important as they will unlock the mystery candies so they can be collected.
The following video took more than 100 tries to complete.
Video by Kazuohk

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

I’ve probably played 100 times so far with no luck

Unknown said...


Christine said...

Yup, this one sucks. Boosters don't help. Wait for lucky board

Pookie8907 said...

OMG help us. Why are these episodes so bad lately? Not even any easy ones between difficult ones anymore. Grr

Pookie8907 said...

Ok so I got all the candies uncovered and never got special candies to crush. Now what? Obviously my level isnt like these videos. Please fix.

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Divine Miss A said...

I totally agree! Not enjoying playing as much lately.

Lcky said...

Lucky board please

lmhutter said...

I've been on this level since yesterday evening and it seems impossible. The last level I hated was changed so I am hoping King changes it.

This entire episode has been stupid hard with too many hard, super hard and nightmarishly hard episodes. I think King must be letting the interns write them.

Raven73 said...

This level is beyond impossible they want you to accomplish entirely too much in a very short amount of moves ..... this level is ridiculous this game is ridiculous .

Lcky said...

Lucky board please

Lcky said...

Impassible with those few moves

Lcky said...

Couple more tries and bye bye fir now

Lcky said...

Lucky board please and thank you!

gidget said...

posting for luck

Lcky said...

Nit possible! How dose a oerson pass this kevel

Lcky said...

Lucky board where are you?

Lcky said...

Lucky boardcis so needed or more moves

Lcky said...

Impossible level i have had it!

Mom. 1 said...

OMG. Posting for luck

Raisedbybees said...


Carrie722 said...

Okie dokie, posting for the lucky board. Please bring it on because this level is impossible otherwise.

? said...

Time to go. Just not fun anymore. Ridiculous and impossible

? said...

After 3 days of wasting my time on this, I am gone for good. Thanks cc for destroying what used to be a fun game. Bye bye

Anonymous said...

Wow...horrible level...the levels are becoming impossible without boosters which king has made harder to get. As others have’s not that fun anymore...waiting again for a very lucky board...very frustrating level. :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Anonymous said...

Really fed way to pass..a lucky board is the only way to pass and it has to be really, really, lucky.

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level not enough moves. Boring boring boring boring boring boring. Think it's time to quit this shite

J.J. said...

No boosters left, not even got close, I'm done. Time to QUIT this shite. Bye

J.J. said...

Yhis is not even classed as a hard level yet I can't get close. 5 more lives if I fail to pass I will quit, you have even removed the old levels where we could a bot, I will not buy any more boosters so I guess I'm done

Bubbles said...

Very disappointing. CC has no pity on their quarantined fans.

Bubbles said...

Even when you break through and start getting mystery candies the mystery candies stop falling down. Really CC?

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Helen said...

Everyone seems to have had enough with this impossible level, going to collect daily boosters, use up my 5 lives per day and do something else!

Helen said...

Come on King! Can't even get all keys let alone mystery candies with so few moves you're driving your loyal players away with levels like these, I won't continue with this level much longer, pointless!!

Helen said...

Been on this level for 3 days now, not even getting close to clearing, have the developers even tried this one, they should be locked in a room without food or drink until they complete it without boosters! 😂
We need to be given a fighting chance with this one, worst level ever!!!

Helen said...

Reading the comments on the next. Level makes me feel like giving up now, seems like that one is just as bad as this!

Kiki1166 said...

Posting for lucky board

JB said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Never posted on this site but hands down the stupidest level. 22 moves with useless frogs. 4 keys that you can never get. Total waste of time

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom said...

Seriously !! Posting for a lucky board please

Helene said...

Impossible level,not enough moves

Sharda said...


Sharda said...


Helene said...

When I do get the frogs not enough lucky candies. Very unfair level. Impossible.

Unknown said...

Come on Candy Crush... I've said it before, I like a challenge but this is ridiculous...What makes me mad is I spent money on this level and still no way out... None of the mystery candies fell down...😠

Martha A said...

Has anyone passed this level? I’m posting for luck. Will try a couple more times but been here two days & cant even get close . Have 20 ? Left each time Then will have to find something else to do. This was fun while being quarantined but no longer fun. Very frustrating

Ian said...

Frustrated.... waiting again for a very lucky board Time to quit!!!! Absolutely impossible

Anonymous said...

Day 54 of corona lockdown and day 2 of this level, don't know which is worse!

Unknown said...

Did it. Started with CB and striped and check mark. I had a switch so put striped with CB- luckily blasted all but 1 key and ? Candies started + the check made more. Moved the frog a few times to collect mystery candies. Very lucky to blast all 3 keys on first move.
Very hard because we have precious few boosters. I had 1 check mark to try this with. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Day 55 of corona lockdown and day 3 of this nonsense......

Kels said...

Impossible level.

Fred said...

So, a lot of comments
This level is very very frustrating hard
Need again a great help
I haven’t boosters left
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Broomie said...

Why are they making us hate this game?? I stopped playing for 7 days...when i came back it gave me an extra move fir every day i didn't play!! They have to know we are fed up!!

Becky said...

Day4 and still not coming close! Very tired of this level! Help asap please!

Becky said...

Came close on first attempt on day 5, Undoubtedly I pick all the wrong moves! Please send some help asap!

Annu said...

Impossible!! I’ve used my boosters and still no luck. Posting for luck please!!

zoemo said...

quite possibly the worst level yet and we’ve had quite a few stinkers lately. nothing for it but to wait for a lucky board.

zoemo said...

and what do you know, lucky board arrived straight after me commenting on here!

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Nana said...

Posting for a lucky board please, lost count of how many times I have played this game. Even if I clear hurdles early still can't compete

Sinkyswife said...

😫😫😫 PFL

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Rita said...

Posting for luck pls

Domie said...

Posté pour la chance.
Merci. 😊

Tammy Caison said...

What a joke. Not hard, just useless to play as you never get candies to align for a win. Thats just waiting for a fixed boatd to pass lol. Quitting today,maybe another day? Ugh pfl won't even help this mess lol

Yoellie said...

Ok. Ready for the magic to start. Like the lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Another fixed King Cheat level. What is the point?

Annie May said...

Impossible lucky board needed pls

Mshell said...

Pfl please

Unknown said...

Wow. If it took Kazuohk at least 100 tries, is there any hope for a mere mortal? With waffles, no special candies, just to mix it up a bot

Unknown said...

Ok, what a stupid game. I cannot even get to the waffles. Time to quit !!

Joanne said...

Got lucky. Cleared the board using a hand switch to put a wrapped candy next to a color bomb, cleared the last key with the frog and then used 2 flying saucers to get the rest of the waffles. Amen

Unknown said...

Lucky board please

Tineke said...

Wat weer een belachelijk vreselijk niveau, gek word ik ervan bah HELP ME!

Tineke said...

Hoelang moet je op dit rot niveau zitten, zit er nu al 3 dagen op, gek word ik ervan ik ga er nu direct mee stoppen adieu.

Tineke said...

Wat vreselijk niveau, als ik naar het filmpje kijk valt alles makkelijk naar beneden, bij mij onmogelijk, ben er al 1 week mee bezig heb hier geen zin meer in, dus candy crush de groeten laat me niet gek maken door jullie.

Tineke said...

Vreselijk! Vreselijk niveau HELP ME AUB ik vind het allemaal echt vervelend worden.

MsDee said...


ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Time ta quit IAN strikes again,wot a bell end that man is

SVA said...

100 times?????!? If it takes me 100x to pass this level I won’t be sticking with the game

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Petunia24 said...

Playing on 3 devices! Must have tried to complete this level hundreds of times! UFO was useless as usual. Profit over gamers but I am not going to buy any more useless boosters 😡😡😡😡😡

Sas said...

This is becoming duller and duller. Looking for other brain games now as this is just boring and no thought required.

Anônimo said...

O jogo é para diversão e não proporcionar raiva nos jogadores. Até o favorito do CC como Kazuohk demorou tanto para concluir o nível, já demonstra que os outros jogadores jamais vão conseguir sem comprar reforços. Eu não sou idiota de gastar dinheiro com esta farsa. Existem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Adeus, sorte para quem fica.

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Janet said...

I cant even collect the keys much less the waffles. 🙄. PFL

Ggs said...

24 moves, 14 blocks and 80 waffles, plus 4 keys! Posting for help

Linda Maitan said...


wendy said...

can see myself being stuck on this one forever, or walking way to find something not so boring to do

Babby's pie said...

Boosters don t help! Played hundreds times please hrlp

Christine Martin said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck again

Joanne C said...

I don’t think I am ever going to get through this level, where is the frog.
Desperately need help

Nena said...

Very hard level. Stuck since 7 days, Lucky board pls

Sue said...

Posting for lucky board please, l do not have a frog, this level is hard,hard,hard,getting nowhere !!!!

KatZ said...

The game I am playing is so different than one described here. After my 23 turns I still have over 50 items to clear. There is no frog and no waffles. WTF.
I have to walk away for at least a couple days. This is nutz. Each square you need to clear has to be hit at least 4 times. Can’t even get to keys bottom left and bottom right and without keys you can’t win. Good job King.
Need a double lucky board for this one. 😡😡

Mollie said...

Three times. Zero boosters. Easy peasy.

pubalinamble1 said...

Hoping for a lucky board.

mia said...

I play around ten times a day. When I reach a hard level which is more and more frequent these days I spend up to two weeks before everything falls into place and I’m allowed to pass to the next level.
Unless you pay that will always happen. I can’t afford to pay so I suffer two weeks playing the same game over and over again. Why do we do i? I always thought that it should be a game of skill not one that you wait or pay. I think it’s easier for those with two/three years start on us because the games seem easy until it becomes obvious that
King is getting no money in so they gradually make the level harder so you pay to move on.
Nothing will change because they are allowed to continue do it.
Good luck everyone and my advice is enjoy playing the same game for weeks and keep your money in your pocket because another hard level is around the corner

Chillgirll said...

These last few levels have been impossible without a lucky board. I can’t even get the keys uncovered before the moves are done. Please, a lucky board so I can move on!

Charper223 said...

Requesting a lucky board please, as I have been stuck on this level for more than a week. I cannot get even remotely close….its simply impossible without a huge assist from King. We all like a challenge, but this level is an exercise in frustration and futility.
Please consider redesigning this level and significantly increase the number of moves. In the meantime, please send a lucky board as I cannot continue CC without it. Thank you.

Rute Lima said...

I used to love Candy Crush. Now all i do is wait for a nice board