Candy Crush Saga Level 6536 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6536 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: Level 6536 is classified as a hard level so you will lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an orders level, you have to collect bubblegum and ingredients to complete the level.
There is no need to clear the blockers and licorice along the conveyor in the middle of the board as the cherries will drop through the portals into the bottom part of the board once the bubblegum is cleared. Use stripes and stripe combos to fire between the licorice into the bubblegum at the bottom. You will need to keep hitting the same column to get it popping so that the cherries can drop through.
The spawners will keep thickening the bubblegum so keep clearing it out of the way. Once the bubblegum is cleared from enough spaces for the cherries to drop through you will need to keep the way open as the spawners will then begin to lock the candies.
The video below took over 130 attempts to complete.
Video by Kazuohk
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Emsa8 said...

"lose some lifes".... 130 attempts.... OMG

joyous100 said...

Posting for luck

Emsa8 said...

Must admit, it was not this difficult! Needed less than 10 attempts and NO BOOSTERS. Fortunately I had 23 regular moves (video has 20) and needed 21. You don't need to hit the spawners or even care about them. Try to make as many stripes as possible (stripe/wrap combo is gorgeous, too) and just try to hit the chewing gum in the bottom as much as possible, it destroys itself and the ingredients fall down. It is enough to only hit the chewing gum in the 3 middle columns.

Monorma said...
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Candygirl said...

Good tips but 130 attempts! Lol. Like Emsa8, it took me about 10 attempts

Jewel Shaw said...

I think I am going to be one of the 130 attempts player. I just can’t seem to go anywhere with this level. I have no boosters. Help if you can!

Jewel Shaw said...

This level is unbelievably HARD. First of all I can’t see about the first five moves I make. I have no boosters. So unless someone can give me some help my days of Candy Crush is going to be over!

Jewel Shaw said...

Another day has passed and I am still stuck on this darn level. I have news for you the 130 attempts has been broken. It is SUPER HARD when you have no boosters! If possible I need some HELP!

kk said...

Thanks for the tips - pfl

Marthrichie said...

I find it mean-spirited (not to mention, poor sportsmanship) to "lol" & brag about your lucky boards (I notice no one said if they used boosters). I've lost at least 10 games due to non-movement under crystal, & the rest have been just bad boards, or maybe bad moves - but no's still a tough level! I wish all you brilliant players would post your games! Especially now, people, when we're all stuck with these games for entertainment - can we PLEASE show compassion, & a bit of maturity? Btw - I've been here 2 days (I don't count), so good luck, all!

SB. said...

Thanks for the tips, just kept hitting the left hand of the central columns till it crumbled and the others followed. Was lucky with the cherries.took four tries.

Pati said...

After ays i beat this level concentrating on the left stripe despenser and hitting the same bubblegum over and over

Unknown said...

Preciso de sorte e reforços, perdi a conta de quantas vidas perdi

Bresych said...

Here we are again. Another impossible level. Lucky to get one cherry, never mind three!

Jannie said...

Horrendous, not easy for me at all. Playing this also for 2 solid days and havent even got one fruit into the bottom yet. Help needed please please please.

Jannie said...

Wow thank you, got it next go after spinning the wheel for extra moves. Thanks!!!!

gahshdsda said...

posting for luck

Kazstan said...

Posting for luck

Anne said...

Please bring back the ' go back and build a bot feature'. Hate days and days on the same boring level!

Wendy said...

Another level that makes me feel inept. After dozens of tries, I can’t even get the bubblegum opened up to let a cherry through. Tried to follow suggestions but my boards must be totally different. Thanks anyway for your tips.

Robin said...

How in the world are people getting through this level? I need a lucky board apparently. Can't even get into the bottom until I'm almost out of moves. Help!

Unknown said...

Very difficult level.Please hy

Lav1022 said...

This was so difficult. A few days on it. Finally used the check mark and passed. Whether it was the check or finally lucky board, I finally passed the game. Terrible game.

Agnes Power said...

Help!!!Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!

Kels said...


EGH said...

Helpppp ugh

EGH said...

I’m still stuck! Read tips- nothing’s working...

J.J. said...

This could be the level that makes me quit, ridiculously hard. Post for luck

Trina said...

Omg I’ve had it with this level can’t see how to achieve it really need a lucky board and soon as after all these years thinking it’s time to delete cc forever 😡😡😡😡

Trina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trina said...

Omg this level is soooo difficult I can't even get the bottom because of the liquorice, which no one has mentioned, ii needs so many moves to clear it also blocking my way to the bottom of the board really really need a very lucky board please and soon 😡😡😡😡

Bubbles said...

On top of this silly level, no more free spin the wheel for extra moves. Now only pay option! Oh brother!

Fred said...

Hello Candy
This level is very frustrating difficult
Very very hard level
So need again a great help
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Broomie said...

Going to try the checkmark and left column thing..wish me luck..i agree with the post about coming on here bragging about beating it..You can just leave your tip w/o the lol not that hard part

Broomie said...

Still here and about done

Broomie said...

It's been a really long week and I'm tired so maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand how a block in the middle will break but the one above it doesn't. Wouldn't I have to hit the one above to hit the one below it?

Broomie said...

Oh my god I think I'm finally to the point where I just met uninstall

Broomie said...

This level would have been hard enough w/o the f'n spawners...yep gonna keep postin'.. gettin' on y'all nerves till i pass this demon level from hell

HappyGirl said...

Thanks to Emsa8March14 for tips!
Less than 10 attempts * NO BOOSTERS *Don't worry about need to hit them *Hit chewing gum in 3 middle columns for cherries to drop through by using stripes/ stripe wrap combos..GAME OVER move to next level

Unknown said...


Flippenheck said...

Oh holy cow!!

Flippenheck said...

Cannot see my way through this. Help please

Flippenheck said...

Help needed please

Flippenheck said...

Nowhere close please

Linda M said...

Been stuck here for ages. I’ve tried all the above tips to no avail. There just aren’t enough moves to smash the bubble gum.

Becky said...

So tired of this level! Please send lucky board soon!

Monique said...

Posting for luck

cathy said...

Posting for luck Thank you!!

cathy said...

Need more luck please

KayJay said...

Used all boosters including check mark and nothing, I don't think I'll be able to do this level, might be the end of cc for me, it's no fun anymore, you get a couple of levels that are fun to play and then they put this shit on all the time, takes away any fun and no candies to win that helps.. meeeee!!!!

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

larfingravy said...

I finally did it with one booster to move the last cherry. Best advice is as above to use stripes, particularly vertical, and combos to target the three columns in the middle through which the cherries will pass. Need a bit of luck and probably a booster but I'm sure doing this will increase your chance of passing.

Eliza h said...

Is a game supposed to be fun??? This level is anything but. Can’t get remotely close. Running out of boosters in a hurry. Help please.

Domie said...

Posté pour la chance.
Merci. 😊

Unknown said...

Help please

Beth said...

Can’t win without boosters and you can’t win boosters without winning. So these boring levels get me stuck for days. I’ll get a few boosters slowly from the chocolate box and daily spin and keep trying. Very lucky board could show up anytime (this is what addiction looks like)

rosereddragon said...

Going to try hitting just one column - posting for luck.

rosereddragon said...

Well, that was slightly less bad than before, and I can see how it might work with a bit more LUCK!!

rosereddragon said...

How frustrating - I got a reasonable board, cleared enough bubble gum and got two cherries out. I have 10 gold bars, so could have got 5 extra moves, which would certainly have done it. BUT the game refused to connect to the appstore! Oh, well, back to waiting . . .

Nidhi said...

Posting for luck

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Help help help please

Sindy said...

This stupid level is too hard. Really need lucky board

Unknown said...

A super super frustrating level.

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Mshell said...

Pfl please

Unknown said...


annoymous said...

Posting for luck!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. Could this be any harde4? Waiting for a lucky board again.. please!

Unknown said...

Super hard level. No luck after 3 days. Enough for me.... waiting for a lucky board

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please impossible level

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Tineke said...

Hopeloos! HELP ME AUB!

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Bruce said...

Hard level

Ginny said...


Laura said...

I only cleared two middle column and was able to finish on my first try. Remember that you don't need to clear the board, just collect the orders. Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Tricky level. Posting for luck!

lvoris927 said...

Was able to clear some of the bubble gum, but the cherries won't drop down..frustrating. PFL

Jo said...

Je tellement déçue du jeu ….aucun moyen de faire corriger un problème…le mien c’est la machine à délice du jour….depuis le tout début de sa création je suis toujours 2 comme si j’en serais à 2 semaines 🤷‍♀️Et pourtant je joue à TOUS les jours sans manquer une seule journée…..des jours et jours bloquée sur un niveau..on épuise nos boosters, nos vies ….et on continue à jouer quand même…c’est vraiment de valeur car je vais devoir bientôt quitter, car c’est vraiment rendu ridicule de se faire avoir comme ça , voilà c’est dit 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🥺🥵

VIRGINIA said...

jua jua 130 intentos con los videos vcompaginados que nos espera a nsotros simples mortales , me aburri chau me voy

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me, borin borin borin

Unknown said...

Very hard level. Posting for luck 🍀🤞

Evelyn said...

Wow! 130 attempts! Posting for luck and free spins

Unknown said...

Posting for luck.

Fordy said...

Impossible!! PFL!!!

Anne said...

So difficult.

cookie56 said...

From one PITB level to another.
Posting for luck.

Anônimo said...

A pior coisa daqui são os mentirosos como Emsa8, perde tempo dizendo que conseguiu concluir o nível facilmente??? Pessoas imbecis!! Este jogo a cada dia está mais decadente e acabado!!! Melhor opção é deletar o CC!!

Janet said...


Linda Maitan said...


TrickyTricky said...

Totally Impossible, need lucky board

TrickyTricky said...

Still Impossible, need luck pls

TrickyTricky said...

Absolutely boring level

Shirley Ragland said...

This is a complete HORROR!! Please Help Me 🙏 😢 Thank You 😊 p.s. I'm being timed!

tonytones said...


cherylb said...

Well if I don't get a lucky board I'm done. You can offer me 1000 extra not buying any extra moves..sooooo..its been fun sometimes..but its not fair you change the number of moves

Ggk said...

No where close here. Posting for a lucky board please ☘️☘️

Anonym said...

I give up! No boosters left.

Mickey said...

I really need luck please

Rena said...

This is impossible. Too few moves. I need a lucky board please.