Candy Crush Saga Level 6545 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6545 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: Level 6545 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a jelly level so you will need to clear all the jelly to complete the level.
An early colourbomb/wrap combo will be very valuable if you can make one as this can go some way to destroying the spawners and clearing the bubblegum. Switching a colourbomb with a stripe will also be good but not so useful as with the wrap. The only way to complete this level is by clearing the bottom sections quickly, including the spawners.
The player took 58 attempts to complete the video below.
Video by Kazuohk

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Unknown said...

Done for this week. There were a couple of tough levels! See you Wednesday.

Unknown said...

I’m done too, aside from the usual bunch of tough levels was a good episode

mdrea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sunny in Buffalo said...

Fortunate to still have full "bot" that can be refilled at previous levels, no sugar drops though, good luck to all, til next Wednesday...

mdrea said...

Tô sem boosters, não vou conseguir passar sem placa de sorte.

Postado por sorte

mdrea said...

Já que temos que ficard quarentena por causa do Corona vírus, os desenvolvedores deveriam colocar mais episódios por semana pra gente ter o que fazer, ou devolver as fitas de açúcar pra que possamos jogar níveis antigos e ganhar boosters. Pense nisso !

Tou52 said...

I don't know for sure what the previous comment meant, being written in Portuguese, .but I'm guessing it's asking King to be generous in these hard times dealing with COVID-19 and giving us a break on these hard levels without the help of a full Bot for everyone.

Please King, we are cooped up in our houses, give us a little break please?

jenn2727 said...

Posting for luck

Pati said...

So i have no bot, no sugar drops, no boosters and im nored stoff playing this level

Pati said...

Still trying with no boosters

Carrie722 said...

I got nothing. No luck. No boosters. And now, no fun. This level is the pits.

Carrie722 said...

Ok King, how long do I have to persevere with this level with my unlimited lives? What a joke. It would be nice if I could start with a color bomb and a wrap, but that hasn’t happened. I’d like to move on.

Unknown said...

Socorro!!!! Que nível é este ?
Me ajude , preciso de booster !.

Danielle said...

Horrible horrible level...come on Candycrush....this level is next to impossible

Unknown said...


gahshdsda said...

posting for luck 🍀

La said...

So frustrating!!!

Wendy said...

Unlimited lives today and have not been able to get close to clearing this level. Over 100 tries. Hopefully there will soon be a lucky board.

Wendy said...

Stayed up,late, got up early, still fighting the battle of 6545. Ok, asking for a good board. First time I've done that.

Wendy said...

Have to come back and say thank you. Right after last post I got a great board. Yay!

Connie said...

posting for luck

Awee said...

posting for luck

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Sharda said...


Sharda said...


kate said...

imposible, posting for luck and lucky board

hillie said...

6545 inpossible this level i lost all my boosters ufo,s and lolyhammers i stop playing this hard horrible inpossible level good byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


Anonymous said...

Waiting again for a lucky board

JB said...

Impossible level posting for luck

novice said...

Very very difficult. Posting for luck

novice said...

Posting for luck again

Unknown said...

Please help me please I need a lucky board please

Teach said...

Lucky board please. Used many boosters and still can’t clear the spammers with adequate moves to finish.

Helen said...

Without the ability to reset board there is no chance of getting an early cb/wrap combo, getting so bored of this impossible level

Flippenheck said...

Help please

steve said...

Need lucky board seems impossible !

CarolG said...

Posting for luck!!!

KayJay said...

Not possible with the amount of moves given, I've been on this for days now, no fun.....beginning to hate cc......pfl

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

1badbenz said...

Over 100 attempts. Finally got down to 15 jellies left. Used 3 UFO's and that was the end.

Fraggy said...

I feel like I’ve given this level a thoroughly good go but I’m ready t9 move on to pastures new so please would you help me on my way with a lucky board. Many thanks 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Beth said...

It seems like the difference between my games and the video is that in the video they’re getting a lot of fish. I haven’t been so lucky yet but the one time I was able to hit the floats several times is the time I got closest

Beth said...

I watched the video. So now we have the same number of moves but the jelly has gone from 33 to 120! I wonder how many it was when the player above needed 3 UFO’s to finish. It’s impossible for me ever to have three UFOs so I don’t know I’ll ever finish this one . Maybe I’ll just have to keep spinning the daily wheel and playing old levels for the chocolate box for a few weeks before hoping to win.

Lindy said...

Can’t get even close. Boring!

rosereddragon said...

Oh, wow - I got a colourbomb and wrap!! OK, it was with only 5 moves to go, and it didn't clear the spawners or the middle locked column, but perhaps next time . . . Posting for luck, as always!

Koni said...

I’m not even coming close on this one. I’m starting to dread even trying. I need some help on this seemingly impossible level.

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Lucky board needed please

Sindy said...

This level is impossible! Not fun anymore

Bink said...

Do not waste your fish booster. I used mine and got one fish. ONE FISH. What an effing joke.
This level is ridiculously hard and so boring. It’s no strategy just doing the bare minimal switching that’s available.

Unknown said...

Post for luck again

Unknown said...

Post for luck again

Unknown said...

Post for luck again and again

Mshell said...

Pfl please

idiot said...

not wonder , idiot as usual

dont waste your money for stupis booster

no skill required

Unknown said...

Bored. Not same game as earlier posters. Quit for today. Pfl. Tedious. Will i recommend cc to a friend? No lol.

Unknown said...

Played over 100 times, not seeing a solution to this awful level. Awaiting a lucky board again!

GillS said...

Hardest level for a long time. Help!

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please impossible level

Unknown said...

Been on this for too long now, it's impossible. I'm out

Tineke said...

Kansloos niveau! Vreselijk niveau! Kom er niet eens in de buurt HELP me aub.

Paulapops said...


Irmaki said...

Crazy to let us do it this long !!!!!! Stupid game

Laura said...

I just blasted away and got down to four jelly with one move left. I broke down and bought a UFO with gold from the episode race and it worked. Not much strategy on this one.

Lymbo said...

Been stuck here for too long and not even getting close. Need some massive help here!

Karin said...

Posting for luck

VIRGINIA said...

120 gelatinas un horror no gasto en potenciadors video compaginado chau me aburri meviy

ellen the enforcer said...

PFL for Petes Sake!

Jonah said...

Ridiculous level. Posting for luck again please

Unknown said...

Posting for luck 🍀🤞

bonita said...

Not reading comments any more-BIG CRY BABIES--bots, free spins, chocolate box, daily boosters & reset! Try playing my level --increased jellies even.
Miracle board please.
Ms. Cookie -comment cracked me up--pffft 53 tries is NOTHING> I have NO sympathy for Kazuohk--welcome to MY world--lol

bonita said...

Need a super easy BOARD--not the garbage I've been getting. NOT even the Pro's can win---no decent chance to make specials.
Level is hard enough without game being rigged.
Quit cheating --not fair or fun.
Tired of same old BS-----force players to BUY extra moves to Pass.
Thanks ms cookie for tip & allowing me to rant. CC King is a rotten evil crook.

Gertie Coughdrop said...


DawnieCoops said...

lucky board here would be appreciated please

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.
PITB level.

Mamijo said...

Impossible level 😤😭. I have to clear 120 jellies instead of 33 in the video. Why a such difference ! Please could you send me a lucky board 🙏

Linda Maitan said...


Linda Maitan said...

Yes 33 to 120. Ridiculous

Haweeee said...

This is impossible now

Sue said...

Posting for lucky board please, played over and over and haven't gotten close to finishing.

Sue said...

Second post for lucky board please, this is a nightmare level, help

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board please ☘️🎉☘️

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.

Bebs said...

Here I am waiting for a lucky board.
What’ a ridiculous level.
I’ve had enough
Time to quit this crap