Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6558 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 6558 is classified as a hard level so you may lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a jelly level so you just have to clear the jelly to complete the level.
First collect the keys to unlock the top part of the board and once this is done it gets fairly easy to clear the rainbow twists and jellies. Although this is classified as hard at the time of writing I found it fairly easy to complete once the keys were collected. The video took 2 tries to complete.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
This level has now got marmalade blockers and licorice blockers so impossible to do now.
Finding it very hard. Posting for luck
Impossible, unless we get a 🍀LUCKY☘️ BOARD! Come on 🍀LUCKY☘️ Board! 💚
Come on CC, stuck in the house now, looking for some FUN Please give me a lucky board. Posting AGAIN for luck!!!!
Another hard one, posting for lucky board please
Took me 10 extra moves and two hand switches. Barb
Unless you get a lucky board it is impossible to win this level. To much to do with just 20 moves. Posting once again for lucky board
I can’t see a way to complete this level. It seems impossible.
Another impossible to pass level.
Please CC a lucky board.
Bored to teard playing this level and stressed
This is impossible with so few moves. 2 days now, unlimited lives still don't help. Eek !!
Impossible. 20 moves and all those blockers!
No point watching the video it has more locked boxes along the middle now so no cascades. Hopefully I will spin a extra 15shots one day.
Not the same as you are showing. Impossible level to pass when you don't have boosters and extra moves. Please correct.
I've been stuck on this level for days. Without the bot, I don't think I'll be able to catch up to the end again. If they never started that, I would've been done a long time ago. I've been getting annoyed with the game lately.
Another WTH level...impossible...not enough moves.....even using boosters no luck
I cannot get close to getting the keys apart from anything else. I keep saying time to give up think this is the last straw.
Why even bother. Ridiculous.
Yes, this is the last straw. This has become the most boring game ever with these ridiculously impossible levels. Bye
Horrendously impossible for me. Now on my 4th day of this, wish King would change it back. So far have only collected 1 key. Ready to give up unless I get a very lucky board soon, please pretty please
Ridicoulas!!! That is all I can say. Goodbey KING!!
OMG. How is anyone passing this level. Posting for luck.
Posting for luck as not even getting close
I'm going to spend the whole week of unlimited lives on this impossible level and never pass😣😠
Please post a video that actually has the same difficulty as the boards we are getting. It would be a breeze to pass this without the extra blockers now in place. The video is no help whatsoever. I agree with the post prior to mine. Unlimited lives to spend playing the same impossible level over and over and over.
Yep.. sadly been trying to beat this level now for at least 3 days and not even coming close.. ��
posting for luck
Very difficult level.Please help.
Very very very difficult.Please help
Totally different from the video.Only 20 moves.5 candies are blocked in the bottom row.Top row is also blocked with shadow.Please help.I used all my boosters.I also used UFO but failed
Please help
Very difficult level.must have played more than 300 times.Totally different from the video.Only 20 moves.Lost tons of boosters. Please help
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
help please x
Posting for luck
Unless you get a lucky board it is impossible to win this level. To much to do with just 20 moves. Posting once again for lucky board
Not enough moves. Posting for luck
No way is this easy, keys are hard to get, if you do manage to get them, there are no moves left to clear anything else, soul destroying!
Impossible with 20 moves
Laughable really
Complete BS
Frustrated... waiting again for a very lucky board
This level may well force me to give up, I have been on it for a couple of weeks now and have got NOWHERE.
Posting for luck! Impossible level!
another 2 weeks and counting level. letting down my fab 5 team! (2 teams)
Not finding it easy....help please
Help needed please
If I am lucky enough to get all of the keys there are no moves left for anything else. We need the extra fifteen moves back please.
Definitely need lots more moves! Not even close! Please lucky board ASAP!
Amazing how the boards the one who makes these videos come up with all the right combos to get it done .... bull****!!
Posting for luck
Impossible. Tried a hundred times and still not even close. Only just manage to collect the keys 😩
Posting for luck
This is impossible with the amount of moves allotted. I’ve used booster of all kinds and still can’t get close. Please help!!
No can do!!! Eating up what few boosters I have left! Impossible! Growing exhausted with this silly game and researching new ones that might actually be fun and have passable levels!!!
Had over 100 tries, been one jelly away, now getting further away from ever finishing it. Please send a lucky board, Thankyou 🍀🍀🍀🍀
Posting for luck - can't see any other way to do this.
When will I learn that, as the song says, "you can't hurry King, you just have to wait"!! I've just wasted a colourbomb, a stripe/wrap, a fish, a handswitch and two UFOs! And I still didn't get through. Back to plan A. Pfl, please!
Unpassable until or unless you get lucky. I have not. Thinking like others that this is a good time to move on.
I really don't know how anyone is passing this level. The video is no help because it's not the same as what the board now looks like, due to all the extra layers we now have to break through. Clearly there are not enough moves to create the combos that are needed. There are barely enough moves to start breaking through the top left area to get that 2nd key. Very frustrating level.
How many chocolate sprinkles in the video!!!!
If that isn’t lucky board I don’t know what is!
No wonder you found it easy......
I’d like one of those PLEASE
This one is impossible - used multiple boosters and it just laughed- wasn’t even close!!
Getting no where fast.
Pfl please
Not sure how this can be done with the changes made and no extra moves.
Posting for luck!
Totally frustrating, not enough moves. Help me out please with a lucky board!
Been here for a few days... not enough moves and still waiting patiently, for a lucky board.
Not enough moves.. lucky board needed pls
Lucky board please
Lucky board please impossible level
Absolutely not enough moves to do this level. I find myself just getting started and then I run out of moves. Posting for lucky board please
This is why I quit playing for a few months. Make it so hard u can’t win with out booster!
Posting for luck !!!!
Ach waarom iedere keer klagen en vragen, kan het niet op een normale manier!
Walchelijk weer HELP ME AUB!!!
Very lucky in the video for so many colour bombs to appear
Walchelijk, Walchelijk, waarom willen jullie ons gek hebben, stom spel HELP
I don’t know how to contact Cookie “on our Facebook group”, but I wish someone would. There is now a lock above the bottom swirl section, and this level is seriously impossible. Come on, Cookie, show us how to do this! Your easy flow down the center is making me green with envy! This might finally break my addiction to this damned game.
Need a lucky board please
Hard level
Ridicule ,impossible ..Merci .P.
Posting for luck again!
Been here nearly a week now
Another ridiculous level without enough moves! Tired of having to wait for days for a lucky board to pass.
Please a lucky board. This one is totally impossible
Still on it. Crazy level
Film zupełnie ma inną tablicę jestem wściekła
Tricky level. Posting for luck!
20 Moves Seriously?!!Who developed this level? 😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Let's go King, give me that lucky board
S.v.p. CC ROI aidez-moi à passer ce niveau là qui est extrêmement compliqué….merci tellement 🤗🍭
98 comments…wow. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a cascade that eliminates two keys at the top like it does in the video.
Impossible and boring! Nowhere near enough moves and refuse to buy them. Time for a break!
This is impossible. Can’t even get close! Need a miracle board please.
Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin
Too hard. Posting for luck 🍀🤞
lucky board please. okay techies read how you guys made it harder-shitthat sucks. Play fair & give an old lady an easy boaed.
ms cookie thanks for tips & video--great give me help
need more help than provided----double color bomb would be sweet.
Lucky board like ms cookie's please
Looks like it will be another stupid BORING BORING BORING BORING BORING BORING level by the comments
Impossible to pass!
Posting for luck
Totalmente impossível!!! Gostaria de fazer uma sugestão aos desenvolvedores do CC, para alterar este nível para apenas 1 movimento, será impossível da mesma forma!!! Tenho coisas melhores para fazer! Existem jogos melhores, inteligentes e honestos!!! Fui!
Tudo neste jogo é manipulado!! Até a corrida do episódio é uma farsa, eu estava em primeiro lugar e preso por algumas horas neste nível, o jogador que estava em quinto lugar, de repente apareceu que tinha concluído o episódio!!! Jogadores fictícios!!! Fazem isso para forçar os demais jogadores a comprarem reforços!!!! São idiotas e uma quadrilha de estelionatários!!!! Chega, não vou mais fazer papel de palhaço!!!
Pain in the butt.
Posting for luck.
Je pense que je vais arrêter là, c’est totalement injuste de modifier les jeux . 129 cases pour 20 coups avec des blogueurs infinis.
Quel intérêt avez vous à aire cela? Vous êtes d’affreux manipulateurs pervers.
Pretty much what everyone else said, I’ll have the board cookie got please with colourbombs all over the place even I could pass it then
As usually this new. BOars has double
No where near enough moves 🤬
What a joke this level is. I have been playing over a week and haven’t been able to get even close. King needs to do something to make this level doable. This is not relaxing!
Still no luck, not even getting close. Anyone have suggestions
Posting for a lucky board
Posting for luck. So difficult 😣
Posting for a lucky board please ☘️☘️
Posting for a lucky board please. Thx ☘️☘️
Completely impossible haven't been anywhere near now no fun and boring ready to leave. Only a lucky board will do this level please help me to move on thankyou
Pleasehelp cc
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