Candy Crush Saga Level 6637 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6637 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: Level 6637 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an orders level, you have to grow the popcorns and collect sugar coats to complete the level.
You are going to need some luck at the start of the level, you really need to make moves in the bottom left section to begin to uncover the wrapped candies above the popcorns. Look for any chance to make stripes or wraps which can be used to hit the popcorns and clear the sugar coats. 
The video below took only 9 attempts to complete, however I have tried more than this without success.
Video by Kazuohk

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Hrycar said...

Super hard level ☹️

Graham the nomad said...

Boring boring boring.... Zero skills required

Godiva Gods said...

Unless you get onto the bottom two rows in the first three moves you might as well save your time and restart, as long as we have limitless lives. This is really tedious!

Monorma said...

Really boring and insane. You need a lot of luck in order to be able to make moves in the rows above the popcorn or to get stripes / wrapped on the upper side. Starting with boosters also useless due to the sugarcoat. Need to be changed.
Posting for luck!

Monorma said...

The board after my comment it happened. A lucky one where the wrapped candies could be hit and ended with 2 popcorn left. 5 additional moves from the spin and a hammer and done.

Jan said...

Omg, really impossible. Posting for luck. Please

Unknown said...

Again an impossible one w/o boosters. Help

Unknown said...

Does anyone know why there are no Candies to collect anymore?

heatherriddle said...


Christine said...


Patty said...


Pookie8907 said...

You designers suck! Just when we think we can sail through more than 1 level, you stick it to us again. No wonder we have unlimited lives.

Patty said...

This level is torture!!! Ughh I've played it enough!!! Lucky board pleaseeeww

GloryB said...

Since getting unlimited lives it seems every level needs a lucky board. No boosters either.its getting les and less fun, which is why I play this game. It used to be a lot of fun. Couldn't wait to play. Now it's more frustrating than anything. I've got enough frustration in my life right now I don't need this too. Pfl

GloryB said...

OMG!!!! Shoot me now...this is soooooo boring. If I didn't have unlimited lives I would have quit long ago. Pfl

Nantz said...

I gave up CC for Lent meaning I can only play on Sunday. This isn't fun.

Carrie722 said...

This level is a joke and it’s a joke to say work in the bottom left. Right. If pigs could fly......Anyway, please send the lucky board. It always come down to that..We need a better normal for this game.

Chris said...

This is ridiculous, 20 moves to pop 5 popcorn which take 3 hits each, plus have to break thru everything else. Posting for luck.

gahshdsda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gahshdsda said...

posting for luck 🍀

Tez said...

125th shot .. think I will play another game.

Jannie said...

How has anyone passed this impossible level????? I can't get to the bottom two rows let alone hit any popcorn. Boosters haven't helped at all. Please King at least make this game fun again. We expect hard levels but not ones like this that are just frustrating.

Unknown said...

Aff ! Postando pra dar sorte !

Melanie said...

Over it! Posting for luck

Melanie said...

I have to say I am mostly not negative about a challenge but in this case I am totally lost for anything positive to say about this level, HELP

Melanie said...

Still here, really!!? I don’t buy boosters, ever, and I won’t start now. Seems CC is telling me to take a break and get in with life 🤔

SJN said...

Once again King makes a stupid hard level even harder. Look at these comments; is anyone enjoying this game anymore? My advice: stop giving them money!

Unknown said...

Very difficult level.Please help

Unknown said...

Very very very very difficult level.Please help.Its very frustrating

Connie said...

posting for luck

Slies said...


“Tips and hints for level 6637” Level 6637 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives,
Is there something new????

Each and every level cost days and days to finish, and by the grace of THE KING COMPANY the let you trough


Slies said...

To # unknown at 31 march 2020,

Yes i know why,

Because they want our money 😫😫😫🤬🤬🤬

Robin said...

Finally had enough and started with a color ball and used a UFO at the start. With that and a lucky board finally got through this level!!

Raisedbybees said...


Raisedbybees said...

Yeah, I've played this 3 times and it's way too boring. I'm putting this away for awhile.

Raisedbybees said...

Oh, and King doesn't give all players unlimited lives.

spike1 said...

Guess I will have to resort to begging for a lucky board. No hints how to pass. How can you use a UFO? No extra lives, etc.

Cathy said...

Took a break and came back to this. Help please

Cathy said...

Finally made it. The board had to shuffle and that was the saving grace. Had to use 3 hammers for last popcorn

Dowerland said...

I can’t get close, HELP please

Winnie Wee said...

Grrr I'm on day 3 of playing this insanely boring level. Please help! Posting for luck!! Good luck everyone!!

EGH said...

Unreal. I honestly can’t do this much more. Only thing left in each level is to beg for luck

J.J. said...

Posting for luck again. Seriously think it's time to Quit this shite altogether

Anna said...

Got way too tired of this. Finally got a few stripes in the 1st couple moves to help clear the row above the popcorns. Decided to go ahead and use a UFO. Finished w/16 moves left! What a bunch of bs. Total lucky board designed to use up boosters.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Posting for luck

skiq said...

Too many of these impossible boring levels. No thinking required.I need a lucky board. Only way. Meh.

Broomie said...

Another dumb ass level where CC makes the moves for you! Impossible to make your own moves with everything blocked...think I'm getting burned out everything after 6000 hasn't been fun

Martha A said...

Posting for luck

Fred said...

Hello CC
So if I understand all de difficult levels are impossible without your help
If they are so hard it’s perhaps time to leave
Posting for lucky board again
Thanks CC

Fred said...

Thank you so much CC
Get it
Will certainly come later with another impossible level

Olive said...

Posting for lucky board. Not even with a full boat. This one is based totally on luck.

Anonymous said...

Very frustrating.....waiting again for a very lucky board :( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck again! Impossible level!

Laurel said...

Just shuffling candies around, no fun or excitement. CC can do better than this.

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

apex said...

Started with CB + stripe/wrap. Was lucky to make CB/wrap combo soon which hit the bottom left nicely. Moving on.

Annu said...

Posting for luck please!!

Bresych said...

Seems impossible, could do with another 20 moves.

Domie said...

Posté pour la chance.
Merci . 😊.

Beth said...

Just As I was out of hope and boosters, I got lucky. I kept trying to get stripes from the top left to shoot into the bottom. And then I saw the color bomb under a wrap opened. That won it for me. That was about 12 or 13 attempts in

Unknown said...

Posting for lucky board please

rosereddragon said...

Not a very interesting level, so pfl, please, so I can move on.

Nidhi said...

V difficulty .send a lucky board

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Unknown said...

Post for luck again

Unknown said...

Post for luck again and again

Unknown said...

Post for luck again and again and again

Unknown said...

Post for luck again and again and again and again

Bink said...

Wow. What a POS level this is. Way too boring playing the one available move and then the board shuffling. 3 goes so far and I think I got rid of maybe 5 jelly coverings

Koni said...

Some levels are fun. This one...not so much! I need a lucky board!!

Mshell said...

Pfl please

annoymous said...

Posting for luck!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Adding a candy cane and reducing by one move? That's supposed to help.Would like to see a video of the level now.

Sherelle said...

Posting for lucky board please

OB said...

Finally beat this level. I lost so many times that I built up 35 extra moves and paid 10 gold bars for them, bars I had to purchase. So basically I needed 55 moves to finish it off. Had I not finished it, it would have been my last game. And if I run into another level like this nightmare, I'm done. Hey, Ian finally left the game I think. I don't see him post here any more.

Unknown said...

Posting for a lucky board please xx

Tineke said...

Wat een vreselijk hard niveau! Balen!!! Jullie maken me gek HELP ME AUB.

Suzie Meara said...

Posting for a lucky board!

Ginny said...

Posting for luck!

Ginny said...

Posting for luck again! Not coming close!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck stupid level!

Paulapops said...

Another ridiculous level 🙄

MiMi said...

Help please!!!

Anonymous said...

Tricky level. Posting for luck!

MsDee said...


lvoris927 said...

haven't been able to uncover one of the color bombs yet. Very boring, PFL

faith said...

Another bloody ridiculous level impossible to complete. Posting for luck

Peet said...

See a big problen with this level.
Please a lucky board.

Unknown said...

Please give me a lucky board. So frustrated. Fingers crossed

Unknown said...

Seriously? Level doesn’t even look like this any longer, really need a lucky board and extra moves to even come close to completing 🤬

Unknown said...

Help BB

Tblackmon said...

Posting for lucky board. This seems impossible

Mas said...

What a ridiculous, futile level that you have no hope of passing until they finally play a lucky board for you.Candy Crush has become a load of crop.

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin borin borin

ScotFife said...

Looking at the comments made this year, it's clearly yet another level that the designers have made a complete mess of in trying to make it more of a challenge. Tedious, mind-numbing, a complete waste of time. Not even sure that throwing wads of cash at boosters would have any positive affect. Something I will never do anyway. Dearie me, King, how to lose friends and not influence people.

ScotFife said...

Normally after one of my (becoming more frequent) rants at King and the game designers, I get a sort of boost and am able to complete a level after getting the 'lucky board'. On this occasion, I don't get the feeling this is going to happen. Once I got to only requiring one piece, but generally it's the same ... 5 of the things at the bottom of the board and between 20 and 30 0f those candies. Utterly fed up now, going to take a much overdue break from this game.

bonita said...

Hate how all the levels require some type of miracle boards. Wow it took Kazuohk 9 tries---i'm up to 50 tries & not even popped one corn--------grr.
Magical board that wins itself--with help of the sweet techies.
Thanks ms cookie for tips & your honesty about passing. lol

Laura said...

Use hammers on two middle popcorns til they are colorballs. Then switch them together and the board is much easier. I was lucky to have a wrap above a popcorn. I used a hammer on it and that opened up three popcorns. Glad to be moving on,

Marg said...

Need some luck on this one !!

Granny said...

I never leave a comment except this level is ridiculous. Playing it for over a week and getting nowhere. So tired of moving the same moves every time. Always only one move. This is no fun. Boring stupid level.

Anônimo said...

A mentirosa da Laura ataca novamente!!!! Apenas ela sabe, sempre, como concluir os níveis, tem solução para tudo!!! Nível totalmente insano!!! Melhor opção é deletar esta merda!!!!@ Quadrilha de estelionatários!!!

Anônimo said...

Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas!!!!! Tudo aqui agora é manipulado!!! O único objetivo aqui tem nome: DINHEIRO!!! Eu não preciso disso para viver, mas eles dependem dos jogadores para continuar existindo, pensem nisso!!!! Adeus e sorte e dinheiro para quem fica, vão precisar!!!

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Ggs said...

Not near at all, please send a lucky board

Momof2 said...

This level is super frustrating. Pfl

Rainbowgirl said...

So if I had the lucky board that Kazuohk had I could pass it too, I’ve got no boosters, not gonna buy any so I guess I’m just stuck here for a few days then

JAX. said...

Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️

Kitkat44 said...

WISH it were just a hard level! Listed as Nightmarishly Hard. PFL

TrickyTricky said...

Impossible, need luck pls

Shirley Ragland said...

Still need help! 😫 Thank You!

Shirley Ragland said...

Not getting any help! This is impossible! Just wasting my boosters!😩

tonytones said...

This level needs a warning to say how dead assed boring it is! nothing more to say.

tonytones said...

I don't usually comment twice in a row, but this level is surely broken. Consistently end up with 20 to 30 jellies to clear and all five color bombs still not exposed at the bottom. Making it mind numbingly boring doesn't help either and spending boosters doesn't help. what I have noticed is that I don't get offered the extra 30 moves when I already have at least 10 gold bars to spend. Says it all about King.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

mrsviggins said...

Sweet Lord, this is impossible

mrsviggins said...

lucky board please

Sue said...

Positing for luckyboard please, getting nowhere not even close

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Nena said...

Hard level.
Lucky board please!

Rute Lima said...

For Heaven's sake! 9 moves. You are a genius! Lets try a lucky board, pls

Jan said...

Need help, please - this one is really tough!

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board please ☘️☘️

Brian kite said...

Impossible level desperate for a lucky board please

JJJ.FCC said...

Impossible level. Only way tô win is using gold to buy some extra time.

pkinbergeaauk said...

Ridiculous Level. I’m am so done with. CC. Goodbye