Candy Crush Saga Level 6748 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6748 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: Level 6748 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a dual task level, you have to collect the waffles and clear the jelly to complete the level.
Treat this as a normal jelly level and the waffles will be collected as you play. Use stripes and stripe/wrap combos to fire into the top part of the board and they will also clear the bottom section too. Colourbomb/stripe combos will be useful and once you have some candies in the top part of the board you can also use colourbomb/wrap combos.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Elizabeth said...

Posting for a lucky board!

Lcky said...

Lucky board please!

Patty123 said...

Also posting for luck, because that's the only way to pass this level.

Mezzanine said...

Posting for luck please

Elizabeth said...

Posting for luck! Not enough moves given to pass this level.
Please make the necessary correction.
Thank you

Deb said...

There is no chance of passing this level without many boosters. The developers have taken away the prospects of accumulating boosters. They have done this during a virus shut down. This is a deplorable action when more people would be playing to pass time during a stressful time.
King are exploiting the shut down to make more money. This is a very sad situation. It could be classed as price manipulation especially when many people are out of work and don’t have much money to spare.

Deedee1 said...

Posting for luck!

Elizabeth said...

I have played this level over 100 times and only came close to passing it once or twice. Something is wrong!!
Please fix the problem.
Posting again for a lucky board!!!!!

gidget said...

posting for luck

Mr D said...

Yet again only way to pass is lucky board or whole load of boosters really getting boring now. I will use up my 5 lives and then go and do something more stimulating instead

Candymom said...

Impossible. Posting for luck.

Elizabeth said...

This is my 3rd attempt to ask for help. I have played this level 150-200 times and have not been able to pass it . Anybody that have made it to this level should have enough experience to pass a level quickly.. I believe King is being unfair to their regular players.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%

Anonymous said...

Posting and hoping for a lucky board. This is ridiculous.

Deb said...

This level is totally ridiculous. This is the third day I have been playing this level and have never got close. I have been at the top for over a year. I am now going to stop playing. I urge other players to look at games ahead and you will see that there are more levels like this one that are impossible. Just look at the comments by people ahead of you. I have said it previously that King have made it impossible to accumulate boosters. They have done that at a time when more people wish to play during the virus shut down. They are exploiting the situation . This is sad because many people are not working and have limited available money. At a time when some firms are donating goods to assist, King are exploiting their position. I find no pleasure in playing the same level for days on end

Wider Smile said...

Only the lucky board can help....

Hulda said...

Never get even close, would need at least 20 extra moves ir more.

Milla said...

Posting for luck! No bot left

Pati said...

I will be stuck here for a while with no boosters

Unknown said...

Must be that King is selling a lot of boosters in the candy store! Good for you King!! Of course the companies that pay you for ads within the game do want to reach as many people as they can So when they realize that you are causing players to leave or greatly reduce their game play they will leave your platform.

Anonymous said...

This level sucks not enough moves, king developers shame on you for making levels utterly impossible

Andre said...

Im also posting for luck. No boosters

Anonymous said...

Back again 3days of playing it and nowhere close to clearing the jelly about to Uninstall this game

Unknown said...

Passed this level on first try with 6 moves left over. Must have got a lucky board

joyous100 said...

Posting for luck. Need lots and lots of luck. We really need King Kong to quit playing dirty.

joyous100 said...

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Tô desistindo , concordo com os comentários acima, sem chance de ganhar booster, o jogo fica parado .

Unknown said...

Very difficult level.Please help me with a easy board.Thanks

Chris said...

Posting for luck

Wendy said...

Please, this level needs more moves since we can’t collect boosters anymore. Easier board please.

Melanie said...

Posting for luck, can’t even get close enough to want to purchase a booster!

Robin said...

Another awful level. Posting for luck.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Broomie said...

Don't bother using fish you only get the one you start with...and it does no good..another shit level

J.J. said...

Posting for the lucky board please

J.J. said...

Ridiculous level,no chance of clearing unless you have a lucky board, nowhere near enough moves, boring boring boring boring boring boring boring

JB said...

Posting for luck

kate said...

Impossible. Posting for luck. need more moves. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

vh said...

I definitely had a lucky board, thank you very much. In the end I used a ufo and it did a great job, went right to the top where I wanted it to go. Good luck everyone!

Flippenheck said...

Help please

zoemo said...

awful level and the dispensers in the top section haven’t given one striped candy so think there may be a technical issue

Nana said...

Posting for a lucky board please, solo hard

simple player said...

i dont need a lucky bord, i wish king the end

rosereddragon said...

What a dilemma! I either use each stripe as it comes along, in which case I run out of moves or try to save stripes to make combos, in which case I run out of moves!!! Pfl.

rosereddragon said...

Colourbomb, stripe/wrap, fish and 5 extra moves!! Phew!

Anonymous said...

This is a level requiring a lucky board...I have had the same moves as on the video, but no luck! Bombs and stripes combos knock out nothing that I need especially the top rows. Posting for luck maybe? Thanks!

idiot said...

only luck

no skill required

dont waste your money in this stupid game

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Help help help please help

Unknown said...

Pfl posting for luck

Anna said...

Also posting for luck, because that's the only way how to pass this level.

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

ScoobyD00 said...

I don't think I will ever pass this. Even if I bought lives and boosters which I will never do. In my version the top part has stripped candy dispensers but they never drop candies . I'm wondering if those are also part of the drop a special candy every three moves. All I know is I'm stuck. PFL

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Bruce said...

Hard level

Ginny said...


Frank Z said...

Come here looking for help and all I find is peoples complaining

Paulapops said...


Jo said...

En ce lendemain de Noël….CCRoi s.v.p. aidez-moi à passer ce niveau là…merci tellement à vous ☺️🎅🏻🤗🤗🍭🍭🍭

Karin said...

Posting for luck

D2 said...

Posting for luck pleeeeeze!

Unknown said...

After many, many attempts concentrating on sending stripes into the top section, I changed tactics. I went for the best combos I could make, ignoring whether or not it would specifically damage the top section. Finished with 3 moves to spare.

Icooper said...


Deefenbäker said...

Getting nowhere fast. It's a life guzzler level in both aspects. So much wasted time
. This is another level where you just have to wait for a lucky board while your stress levels go through the roof! 😵‍💫

Claire said...

I followed “unknown”’s advice, just made combo after combo and won. Ignore where it’s going, just destroy!

Shirley Ragland said...

Not enough moves fir me to beat this! Please Help Me 🙏 😢 Thank You 😊

Rute Lima said...

Not possible. Lucky board pls

Katydid said...

“Swipe the stress away” What a joke. Why would anyone think playing one of these ridiculously hard levels was fun?
The only tip I have is, Don’t bother, unless you want to spend $$$.

Visaman said...

Stripes only. It's all about the stripes also the fish