Candy Crush Saga Level 6983 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6983 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: Level 6983 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an orders level, you have to collect bubblegum and cherries to complete the level.
First you need to break through the bubblegum down to the bottom, this will pop up the sides and collect the keys and drop the cherries to the bottom of the board. Use any special candy and combo to pop the bubblegum. Wrapped candies are especially useful for this job.
Once the cherries are at the bottom of the columns you need to hit them twice to clear the sugar coats so that they can drop through the exits.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Raangle5 said...

Posting for luck☘️

Rocky said...

Really! Not enough moves!

Rocky said...

Not coming close. Please bring back sugar drops.

Deedee1 said...

Not enough moves. Posting for luck

gahshdsda said...

im losing my mind on this level, posting for luck 🍀

mdrea said...

Muito difícil, por favor mande uma placa de sorte.
Postado por sorte

Wider Smile said...

Need more moves. Posting for
The luck

Janette said...

I'm sick of playing this level over over again. Theres no skill in it at all just have to play whats served upto you, till you get a lucky board. And everyone is right there isn't enough moves.

Veronica said...

Need a lucky board

Unknown said...

Finally got past this insanely stupid level, but it took two hammers and a UFO to do it, and now onto the next stupid level.

Wider Smile said...

Stuck with this. Hope for the lucky board. Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Boring level

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Mitsi said...

I am hitting the cherries but they won't free. I used a colorbomb and a stripe combo when the cherries where down twice and none of the stripes hit them. This is ridiculous

Twins mom said...

Two days playing this horrible BORING!!

schoolbus65 said...

For level 6983, I started with a color bomb from the wheel and used my own color bomb and they were next to each other at the start of the game.
When I switched them together, the two keys were hit and the cherries immediately dropped through the exits.
Once the cherries were gone, breaking through to the bottom was easy and I finished the level with 14 moves left.
This is definitely a no skill level, just a luck level.

Wider Smile said...

Playing for two days, no luck, don't think this can be passed out. Posting again and again for luck

Mr D said...

Bored bored bored bored bored bored oh for a lucky board! Stupid level

gidget said...

posting for luck

Wider Smile said...

Rediculus, playing for three days now, lost all my boosters, not getting through, huh!

Wullawulla said...

I've come to the conclusion that King do not allow you to pass these levels until you have used up all your bonuses and specials and used 100s of lives. It's like they know. This happens so regularly now. Several times I have got the cherries to the bottom and hit them with stripes but they just do not break out and drop like on the video. Think it time to say good bye to another what was once a good game.

Katywads said...

Concentrate on getting two color bombs next to each other. And bam, the board clears and cherries drop.

GloryB said...

Posting for luck

cvbcb said...

Come on this is ridiculous! Need a lucky board! 🙏🏻🍀

ASH said...

Lucky board time!

Cat said...

Everything in the center was cleared and both cherries were on the bottom, but there were not enough moves to make stripes to clear them. No hammers left, so I wasted my one remaining UFO, as it didn't go near them. Advising others not to do the same.

Chrissy said...

Another ridiculous level. Need more moves

Pjcambra said...

Please CC give us back our sugar drops! Pfl

Patty said...

Dont waste your boosters on this awful level. Hoping for a lucky board soon!!! 🍀

Df said...

Klote level al dagen vast, kom op lucky board CC

Rebecca said...

This level is a complete waste of time. No fun. Boring.

Nic said...

Manque de mouvements
Ovni inutile
Besoin d'aide et de chance please

Suesue said...

Posting for a LUCKY 🍀 BOARD PLZ🍀🍀🍀🍀

Unknown said...

Very difficult level.Please help me with a easy board Thanks in advance

joyous100 said...

Posting for luck

Cc1 said...

No skill required. Just wait g for that lucky board

Unknown said...

Passed on firxt try. Used a swap to put 2 colorbombs toghter znd thzt was it gzmd over. Hzd 15 moves left over.

Carrie722 said...

Getting nowhere. On one try I had double color bombs and still didn’t pass.

Carrie722 said...

Still stuck here. Need a lucky board. Thank you.

Cathy said...

Not going anywhere with this. Help please

Broomie said...

Wasted a colorbomb and stripe/wrap combo...not much use when they are covered in sugar coats...this is obviously ''wait for lucky board'' level

Raisedbybees said...


Dolce’ said...

Man, why all these boring levels? And can’t win until they want you to. No skill. Classic.

JB said...

Much harder then it looks. Posting for luck.

Linda M said...

I wasted my flying saucer on this ridiculous level. Nowhere near enough moves. Help and extra moves needed.

Trina said...

How on earth is level even possible I’ve got the cherries down a few times I’ve even hit them more than twice THEY DONT MOVE thinking there’s something wrong so hoping to get lucky soon and it gets sorted 🍀🍀

Cpap said...

WTH. Posting for a lucky board please

CTP said...

Yikes on trikes! One awful horrible not-near-enough-moves level after another. Ugh. PFL please.


steve said...

Posting for lucky board not enough moves

Monique said...

Posting for luck

cathy said...

posting for luck

Vishwas Jeevant said...

Some luck please as usual :)

Bippymum said...

I got rid of the gum, but had the two cherries left, gummed up. With one move left I used a UFO - it cleared the licorice!!! SO I gambled on using another very precious UFO, but it went nowhere near the cherries. Do not use UFOs on this level!! Still trying and waiting for that elusive lucky board.

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Unknown said...

Post for luck again

Unknown said...

Wow..snake is more fun than this

Unknown said...

Post for luck again and again

Mshell said...

Pfl please

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Help help please not another impossible stupid level

Sindy said...

Help help help

... said...

There seems to be an issue with this board! Watch the ads for the boosters and they are not showing up on the board. Impossible level

Sherelle said...

Posting for a lucky board please Tiffy. Send me a lucky board. Thanks

Sherelle said...

Please send a lucky board

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Bruce said...

Hard level

Ginny said...

Posting for luck

me said...


Irmaki said...

It is getting very boring. Lucky board please

Unknown said...

Really need help bb

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Icooper said...


bonita said...

I am too old for these exhausting levels---Not threating CC King to quit but IF & when I get to level 7000-----I am DONE with CC King.
Too much like work & NOT fun.
Please a super easy lucky board with a miracle thrown in.
Thanks ms cookie for all your tips & videos. I love your blog.

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Janet said...

This level is ridiculous!! 🙏🏼🍀

cookie56 said...

Royal pain in the butt level.
posting for luck.

Unknown said...

This is ridiculous!! Come on KING! I need a lucky lucky board!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Shirley Ragland said...

Super hard! Please Help Me 🙏 Thank You So Much !

Shirley Ragland said...

I hate this one, cause I can't see what color is under the bubble gum 😒 😫 Please Help Me 😭 Thank You!

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board please ☘️☘️☘️

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.

Hans Andersson said...

With 26 moves its ok to play the game, BUT its only 22 moves now!!! That makes it impossible! LUCKY BOARD PLEASE. LUCKY BOARD!!