Candy Crush Saga Level 7052 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7052 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Level 7052 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an ingredients level, you have to collect the six cherries to complete the level. There are a lot of things to think about in order to complete the level. You need to unlock all the cherries, clear the rainbow twists and get the cherries to the exit in the top left section of the board.
First work on growing the frog and clearing the rainbow twists, use the frog to collect the key in the top right section. At some point you will need to use the frog to unlock the cherry in the bottom right as it is the only way to collect it. Unlock the cherries using wraps or stripe/wrap combos and clear the rainbow twists so that the cherries can drop onto the conveyor. The cherries need to be dropped through the portal at the left end of the conveyor into the top left section and down to the exits. You can use stripes from the top right section to clear the candies under the cherries so they can drop down to the exit. Try not to miss any from the bottom conveyor, if the cherries pass over the portal without dropping through they will go back to the other end and waste moves.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


JT said...

Not classified as a hard level now (on my iPad).

Deedee1 said...

posting for luck

Buffalo John said...

Posting for luck... No keys to unlock the last lock and good won't land on it

Unknown said...

Exactly! Where's the last key?

Cyndee@Restyled-Junk said...

Set the frog in the empty space above the locked cherry.

Unknown said...

Exactamente no esta la otra llave para desbloquear la última cereza y si no tengo paleton pues como 🤷‍♂️

Unknown said...

Okey 😉 gracias

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Glad I came here first, Cyndee (above) & the video show how to get the bottom right cherry unlocked, the coconut wheel booster is also very helpful, good luck...

Patty123 said...

Thanks folks, I had no idea how to get the last cherry out. Didn't think about putting the frog in an empty space.

darayashp said...

So easy

gidget said...

posting for luck

cvbcb said...

Pfl... thanks for tip on last cherry

Sunset said...


Unknown said...

Thank you!

Brown dog said...

Posting for luck

TNC said...

Quite the ballet of timing required here but at least it's not all luck required this time. Barb

Fed up said...

Can’t complete this one seems impossible

Unknown said...

Please help me with a easy board Thanks in advance

The Savage Traveler said...


Nic said...

Besoin d'aide et de chance please

Raven73 said...

This weather has proven itself to be extremely difficult it’s hard getting all the cherries to fall on the left-hand side! Annoying. Just sick and tired of levels is not being marked accordingly

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

MartiniGirl said...

Where is the other key??

Melanie said...

Posting for luck

Wendy said...

When I finally got 7050 thought there would be 5 or more easier levels, but no. Always get close - last 2 cherries then game over. Frustrated.

Agnes Power said...

Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!!!

Carrie722 said...

Not classified as hard, but I can’t get the timing right to drop the cherries. Help.

MichaelBlake said...

Posting for luck

Raisedbybees said...


Flippenheck said...

Help please

Flippenheck said...

Thank you....I would never have figured it out without the tip of putting the frog in blank space over cherry

EL BEATLE said...

It would have taken me forever and a day to work out about placing the choc ball in the space above the cherry. Thanks to this blogspot, it just took some patience and trial and error after that, until I completed it.

Trina said...

I can’t get the bottom cherry to unlock I’ve tried putting the frog above it but this does work as the game doesn’t allow me to do it really need help here 😡😡

kate said...

Posting for luck... No keys to unlock the last lock and good won't land on it. Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!!!

Martha A said...

Posting for luck

Cpap said...

Posting for a lucky board please

Nance said...

You can also unlock the bottom right Cherry if you hv a lollipop hammer. I was also able to unlock it when I had a stripe in the last column top right.

annoymous said...

Posting for luck!

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Unknown said...

Wow... challenging as ever. Lucky board please!

Unknown said...


Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Tineke said...

Help me aub

Jo said...

Ohlala , mais quel niveau 😱🤦‍♀️….une journée que j’essaie, il me reste presque toujours 2 cerises….s.v.p. CC ROI aidez-moi à traverser ce niveau….merci beaucoup 🍬🍬🍭🍭🤗

MiMi said...

Help please!!!

Paulapops said...


Unknown said...

Really need help bb

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Icooper said...

Yikes. empty space above bottom right cherry☹️

bonita said...

please send me a super easy lucky board since this level is very complicated--worse than income tax forms. lol
Thank you so much ms. cookie for your video--showed how to get locked cherry.
Love this blog for your tips & video

bonita said...

Help please not understanding how to get cherries on the left vertical.
Lucky board please. Used coconut wheel
thanks for any help

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin borin borin borin

R.Sulahian said...

Posting for luck, help please.

Tina said...

Posting for luck

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Candy crusher said...

Impossible!!! Not enough moves. Can’t unlock last cherry. Posting for luck!!!

anonymous said...

This level is making me decide to quit candy crush forever!

TrickyTricky said...

Need luck pls

Bobsdoll said...

I can’t see a way to complete this!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Getting frustrated so it's time to say goodbye Candy Crush I'm not playing you anymore

Shirley Ragland said...

Please 🙏 Help! This board is too hard and I'm being timed! Thank You 🙏

Shirley Ragland said...

This is too hard, Please Help 🙏 Thank You!

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

ITZIK said...

Pray ?

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Miss Vicki said...

This is impossible

Molly59 said...

I need help ! Cant open the last lock
Posting for luck please 🍀 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Sb said...

Please help

Brian kite said...

Think it's time.e to leave no possible way of getting e en one gummi bear no way of unlocking g last key so boring. Only a lucky board could clear this world appreciate the help if not then it's time for goodbye

Jan said...

Need help, please. Having problems with the locked gummie! 🤔

Hans Andersson said...

There is NO way to unlock the frog down to right but with trio colorbombs!!! LUCKY BOARD PLEASE. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE!