Candy Crush Saga Level 7232 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7232 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7232 is a normal jelly level and there is jelly under the whole board so everything has to be cleared to complete the level.
First collect the keys to unlock the bottom part of the board, the hardest key is in the middle, so if you can make a colourbomb combo of the right colour you can collect it without clearing the waffles. This will make it much easier to clear the rest of the board. Once the board is unlocked you need to make combos to clear the waffles and jelly. The bubblegum in the bottom of the board will help a lot once it is popped.
The video below took 30 attempts to complete.
Video by Kazuohk

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 If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Deedee1 said...

Not enough moves... posting for luck

Roger575 said...

Posting for luck. Nowhere near enough moves. Pathetic

Janette said...

Just as you think couldnt get more ridiculous then along comes this levelwhich doesn't give you enough moves to do whats needed to clear the board, so much to do collect keys then break away the curly fence to get to the waffles (stupid things) by the time that's achieved game over. I might add boosters are no help what so ever.

Jan said...

De limit is bereikt. Ik stap ermee. Zal iedere dag het rad draaien en misschien over een paar weken kijken of het veranderd is.

Sunset said...

☘️💕 I’m getting tired of having to come to this forum for help. Very tiresome indeed

Chrissy said...

Ridiculous why don't we have enough moves. Very bory and frustrating.

Deb said...

I have played this for three days, about 60 times. Never came close. I used to enjoy CC but now it is no fun and little skill is needed. Sad.

Elizabeth said...

This is getting ridiculous! What is going on?????
Posting for a lucky board.

Elizabeth said...

I was not even able to remove the middle key and still had 37 jellies to remove. Something is really wrong.
Please fix the problem.....

Deb said...

Another day has passed and I am still stuck. This is nonsense.

nodrog said...

Very testing level as I feel their are not enough moves. Think I am going to need assistance please.🙂

Johnm1114 said...

2nd day on this hell hole level, About 30 attempts so far. Best so far is 11 left. Lots of cascades in the bottom section when I finally get the last key but that usually only leaves 5-6 moves at most. No strategy at all.

Twins mom said...

The time you collect the keys, there are absolutely not enough moves left.
Why is not labeled ridiculously hard...wth?

Twins mom said...

There is NO way possible to beat this level with such few moves.....ridiculous!

JaneM said...

4 luck

Twins mom said...

I totally agree! As soon as a see a level labeled "hard" or beyond, the dread starts setting in!!

Twins mom said...

Never gonna pass this stupid level!

Twins mom said...

Boring, Boring and a whole lot of BORING!

Johnm1114 said...

Finally finished this level after about 40 tries. Must’ve got a lucky board but one bit of strategy if you can is to work from one side of the top section after getting the keys in the top. This should give you a better chance of clearing the top lockers to be able to get to the last key. I have nine moves remaining after getting the last key. Finished with one ingredient to collect when I ran out of moves but luckily got a +5 bonus spin Of which I needed just one move

Twins mom said...

OMG, I'm so sick if this level after playing at least 100 times! They let you get close when you run out of moves, so you can buy boosters.....I'll quit b/4 that happens!

Milla said...

Posting for luck

NeverPaid said...

What is going on, Elizabeth, is Greedy King trying to hold everyone to ransom. Do NOT pay.
Clearly $2billion (that's $2,000,000,000!) profit in 2019 is not enough for them. This is simply extortion. But it will never work on me. Don't be one of their junkies.

Twins mom said...

Very well said! I'll quite b/4 I buy any scam, just to play a game!

Pjcambra said...

Pfl, not ridiculously hard just ridiculously stupid!

NeverPaid said...

Thanks for your backing, friend. Amazingly I've just got past this level without using a booster, after less than 20 attempts. Which shows that all you have to do is be patient and don't pay these drug-pushers.
Good luck, everyone - that lucky board is coming - when the cascades open up, it makes a world of difference.

Unknown said...

"Normal jelly level" lmao. Yeah OK. Thank god I got a lucky board first up and had boosters in hand - for once! Started with a CB + wrap combo and everything went from there. Even with that and a lot of strong combos this level naturally generates I still just passed with 1 move to spare. For once luck was on my side but I dread being stuck on this level and feel sorry for those who are.

JT said...

Classified as a hard level now

Mawaja said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

soooo sick of this level

ASH said...

No can do...need luck!

Mr D said...

That's it had enough of level after level of ridiculous levels with so few moves. Goodbye CC

Psy_Bloggr@71417 said...

Posting for luck

Brown dog said...

By the time you get the keys the game is over. All the levels are getting harder and not so much fun anymore. Posting for lucky board again please

Maks said...

33 comments say enough. Impossible level. Posting for lucky board pls

Tez said...

Another pure luck level! Give back the fun CC.

Tez said...

By the way does anyone get the option of free spins at the end of a game? I only get it for 10 bars.

Tez said...

Thank you. Woke up to a free UFO booster. It worked with 2 shots remaining.

? said...

Just another ridiculously impossible level where you need to wait for a lucky board. Thought this game was supposed to be fun

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Suesue said...

Posting for a 🍀LUCKY🍀 board plz💚💚

Suesue said...

Back again💚 Plz NEED THAT 🍀LUCKY☘️ BOARD💚🍀💚

Patty said...

Posting for luck

anonymous said...


Cc1 said...

Just waiting for that lucky board..... again!!!

Zoe said...

Coming back here to try to help out. This level is not so difficult once you get to the point of hitting the hidden key in the middle. After that you need about 5 moves to set off this cascade expolosion thing. The popping bubble gum will get the last jelly.
So I agree with NeverPaid: just keep on trying! Get to the keys in as few moves possible and you will get there! <Zoe

Jane said...

I have been on this level for two days with no luck!! There is not enough moves left by the time you break the keys and sometimes not enough moves to break the middle key!! An help would be appreciated!!

Unknown said...

We all know that eventually we’ll get the lucky board. It’s just that, lately, many of the levels are also so TEDIOUS as well! I feel like eventually I’ll just get too fed up to keep playing

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck🍀

Tou52 said...

Hey,,,duh....48 comments here!!! This should give King a hint that this level is not ok??

Wake up and make it interesting OK?

I even wasted three hammers hitting the last key, and to no avail. Still not enough moves left to finish. Only a truckload of boosters and 15 extra lives from the spinning wheel would help finish this below average level thought up with below average developers, gggrrrr!

Posting for all the help I can get in a lucky board.

Tou52 said...

Twice I used my few hammers to hit the last key early on, and it still wasn't enough to finish the level. Now, with no more hammers left, what can I hope for? An extra 25 moves sure would help.

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

I just had a few lucky boards but sadly, it still wasn't enough to finish 😢😢😢

Lucky board and an extra 15 moves is still on my wish list, for I have no boosters to help me.

Posting for a miracle 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

Tou52 said...

Well I knew it would come one day, and that day has come.
I just cannot keep wasting my time on idiot levels.

Aurevoir CC 👋

lm said...

This level is impossible. I can't even get close.

Tou52 said...

I had three lucky boards where I had only one jelly left, but without hammers to help, aaarrrgghhh! And to top it off, the pink wheel for extra lives is now gone. I was sooooo ready to quit CC but tried again later that day and finally had a lucky board.

So don't waste your boosters on this one, they are just lost. CC is now programmed to let us pass eventually, but they still make levels so hard that many just give in and pay.

Good luck and a barrell of patience everybody 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Tou52 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nicx said...

Encore un niveau cauchemardesque
Besoin de + de coups, d'aide et de beaucoup de chance s'il vous plaît

Sb said...

Please help

Mom. 1 said...

OMG posting for luck

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Chris said...

Not enough moves again, but I will never give them a penny to play this game. Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Eso mismo pienso yo ni un céntimo ni un centavo ni un euro para jugar a esto.

Sharda said...


Cathy said...

Not going anywhere. What to do next, take a break from this

Cathy said...

Ok I give up, you broke me

Marie said...

Veel te weinig zetten ,hulp aub

Barry gilbert said...

Best player in the world here again ...dont worry its just another pathetic lucky board thing what you like makes no difference ..pfl ..cos thats all you need

Ana said...

Ayuda, por favor! 🙏

Carrie722 said...

Lucky board. Send it along.

Graggy said...

This is ridiculous. How many days of boredom do I have to go through for this stupid level. Pfl

Unknown said...

I'm done... Sick of it now!

JP said...

God awful level!!! Only way to pass is a lucky board please!!!

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Hassel said...

Posting for luck impossible

Hassel said...

Posting for luck impossible

Hassel said...

Biggest load of B--lS--t ever

J.J. said...

Just when you think it can't get any worse you come across this crap.... Gad enough now, if I don't pass in the next 5 lives then I will QUIT this shite for good. No longer fun, JUST SO FRUSTRATING 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

JB said...

Nowhere near enough moved. Posting for luck.

Gonzo said...

Help!!! Need luck

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

rosereddragon said...

Posting for luck! Or a kind fairy to give me extra moves - naturally, I don't have enough gold bars at the moment . . .

Zotteoma said...

Not enough moves !!!!

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Love this game but it’s getting impossible to pass levels!!!

Sindy said...

Help please help

Sherelle said...

Please send a lucky board Tiffy. Thank you. Too few moves . Too much covered jelly . Impossible to collect keys and jelly

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Tineke said...

Ik stop ermee! Het zijn frustrerende niveaus en daar heb ik geen zin meer in, als er zoveel klachten en vragen zijn is het voor jullie alleen geld kwestie. Sorry veel succes met je klanten.

Tineke said...

HELP ME!! 6 dagen bezig balen.

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Bruce said...

Hard level

Kerrie said...

I need a lucky board please!

ChrisD said...

Absolutely ridiculous level. Nowhere near enough moves to even make the level enjoyable let alone complete it. Why do they feel the need to include such boring levels unless they are trying to make people give up playing. Levels like this certainly make you think about leaving!!!

lvoris927 said...

PFL need more moves!!
Boring as hell!

Evelyn said...

Have no more boosters! Posting for luck and free spins

Unknown said...

Really need help bb

R.Sulahian said...

Posting for luck, help please.

Mamijo said...

Again one more time...I have to collect 162 jellies instead of 81 in the videos. It's impossible. Please send a good board.

Mamijo said...

Really, I need some help 🙏

Anônimo said...

O nível foi alterado e para pior!!! Como sempre!!! Favorecem o Cookie, Johnny Crush e Kazuohk, para que eles postem seus vídeos no YouTube, depois alteram o nível prejudicando os outros jogadores!! Alguém do CC está lucrando com isto!!! Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas, quadrilha de estelionatários!! Melhor opção é deletar esta merda!!!

Anônimo said...

Não são 82 geleias, aumentaram o que tornou o nível impossível!!! Isto é uma fraude!!! Que jogo ridículo!!! Existem jogos melhores, inteligentes e honestos!!! Eu não preciso disso para viver, mas eles dependem dos jogadores para continuar existindo, pensem nisto!!! Adeus, sorte e dinheiro para quem fica, vão precisar!!!

cookie56 said...

Royal pain in the butt.
Posting for luck.

Lola said...

What is happening to this game. This is impossible. By the time I get the last key I have two loves left. King is being. Money Hunty and can’t win Unless you pay. Not cool. Lucky board pls

Rainbowgirl said...

I just went on here to see what on earth is happening, as I just passed this first go , had a booster from a win but the cascades just kept on coming , no skill, honestly a lucky board, had 11 moves left 🤷🏼‍♀️

Kitkat44 said...

Irritating level. Boosters do nothing to help, not wasting my remaining boosters on this pathetic level. PFL.

SkydiveAtmosfera said...

When you collect the last key, there is no way you would have enough moves to clear all the board. It´s too much of obstacles and not enough moves. I started this level with a colourbomb booster and used a stripe to colour the same colour candy as that key. This collected almost all the keys at once and opened the board at first 2-3 moves. Otherwise without more expensive boosters and buying moves, impossible to pass. Good luck!

Anne said...

Posting for a lucky 🍀 board. Help!

Anne said...

Help. Posting for a lucky 🍀 board.

The Dude said...

Impossible level. As everyone's pointed out, nowhere near enough moves. Can't get to the last key, or if I do, I only have a couple of moved left. King has made this game unenjoyable. Maybe it's time to permanently delete. I've had it

Nanci said...

No way is there enough moves. I run out of moves b4 I can even get to the middle one. Shouldn’t take a week to get one of these done. A waste of time.

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board please. ☘️☘️☘️

Ggk said...

Posting again for a lucky board please. ☘️☘️☘️

Cma said...

How is this possible with the small amount of moves? You have to play so many days and weeks to win. Don’t even get a chance uggh