Candy Crush Saga Level 7591 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7591 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7591 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an orders level, you have to collect blockers and bubblegum to complete the level. There is no special strategy to passing this level, you just need to make as many combos as you can and get cascades going if you can by making moves lower on the board. Try to keep the chocolate from blocking the top of the board but otherwise you can only play with the board you are given.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Twins mom said...


Twins mom said...

I can tell you one thing, there's not nearly enough moves to complete this horrific level!!

mue said...

besoin d'une planche chanceuse ......

mue said...

oui pas assez de coup .....

Nantz said...


Emsa8 said...

After numerous senseless attempts leading nowhere, I started with an ufo. This broke up much in the middle, so the "cascading phase" Cookie talked about started quite early. Still one needs combos to hit/open the corners, this is important. Win with the last (quite lucky) move.

Emsa8 said...


NeverPaid said...

Yes - yet another seemingly impossible level in which you can try dozens of times without coming close. Then your very very very lucky board turns up, explosions & cascades everywhere, and it seems so easy. 99% luck, 1% skill.


Buffalo John said...

Another waste of time... Posting for luck

dandd said...

The effort to play now has become so dam painful, just can’t carry on no more, stuck on same levels over & over & over BORING! Oh why have they killed this game off?

dandd said...

The effort to play now has become so dam painful, just can’t carry on no more, stuck on same levels over & over & over BORING! Oh why have they killed this game off?

Anonymous said...

You are ridiculous, can we have it with more tears?

NeverPaid said...

Simple answer, Dan: Pure Greed.

NeverPaid said...

Not as ridiculous as a moaner who is also a troll. Scroll back through the blog levels and see that I've destroyed you!

No tears here; no troll's words will ever hurt me. Grow up.

NeverPaid said...

And because you're sure to be too lazy to look, I'll direct you to the boards for #7514 & #7522 where your trolling had its legs cut away. Where you need to go to get a life, saddo - that's YOUR problem.

I do wonder, though, where the moderator is in all of this abuse? You might get tears from me if you keep trying - tears of laughter!

Brown dog said...

This one is impossible without a lucky board. Posting for that lucky board please

Milla said...

Not enough moves, posting for luck

Saint1 said...

Another ridiculously boring level. No strategy. Play for 2 days then lucky board will appear as with all levels now. Lost count of attempts.
Boring boring game. Designers need replaced by people who will bring the fun back

Rebecca said...

Waste. Of. Time.

MrsStanley said...

Starting to hate this game. Very mean spirited now

Mr D said...

Yep and as usual no special strategy just mind numbingly boring waiting for the lucky board

Pati said...

Tough level, show me some luv 🤴 ⁰

Pati said...

Seriously boring level

Tou52 said...

Are the developers on strike or something? I can't believe someone came up with such a dumb level! Seriously!!!
What a waste of time. It will take 2-3 days of just waiting for that lucky board...the new approach for CC.

Posting for a lucky board 🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀

Tou52 said...


Posting for an absolutely great lucky board 🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀

Tou52 said...

Day two and still getting nowhere! I looked at the video where there was an abundance of wrapped candy and color bombs, and still, was finished on the very last move...OUCH! I never got a lucky board like that one yet.

So once again,

Posting for an amazingly lucky board 🙏🙏🙏🙏🍀🍀🍀🍀🙏🙏🙏🙏🍀🍀🍀🍀

Tou52 said...

Yes! Finally!

I started with a color bomb and waited a while before using it. Then followed above advice of using the flying saucer ( I was lucky enough to have one). That really helped clear a lot and let me finish this very forgettable and unpleasant level.
Good luck everybody 🍀🍀🍀

Unknown said...

Socorro !

Patty said...

Sure don't want to be stuck on this ugly level for long. Posting for luck please

Anne said...

Impossible. Any useful tips besides luck?? I dont have a flying saucer or any other boosters for that matter. Dont understand how some folks can have hundreds of boosters ....

Sharda said...


Lizard said...

Posting for luck

Marie said...

Onmogelijk veel te weinig zetten op dit spel uit te spelen

Lav1022 said...

Made it on 2Nd try. Check mark was key. Also did start with CB and wrap/stripe even though they were hidden to start.

Unknown said...

Tried using an ufo, was worthless Thus rezlly is obe hell of A BS Boring Wait for a Lucky Board level designed to take your money. This one may take a few days of boring BS but king wil not get a penny out of me.

Unknown said...

Day 2 on this one z d finally got my lucky board. I even had 6 moves left over. See folks just sit tight and you turn will come

gkulka1974 said...

WOW!!! Can’t even come close to finishing this level. Please add more moves!!!!!!!!!!!

Molly said...

Really wished I had a UFO or a check Mark. Food news is you do not have to clear every corner to pass. I started with CB and stripe wrap bonuses. Got lucky early with a CB+wrap, and lucky midgame with CB+stripe. Beat it with 7 moves left, somehow. Before that I dont think I'd had fewer than 20 remaining on any attempt!

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level! Not enough moves!

D said...

Thanks again Faith for the life.
Cheers, I am going to catch up.

Resi said...

What a boring level !!!! Impossible!!!😡😡😡

Marziegator said...

Very very boring.....I’m loosing the will.....

Raisedbybees said...


Ian said...

Impossible! Greedy king wants you buy moves/boosters time to quit

Sb said...

Please help

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, this level has everything thrown at you but the “kitchen sink” and if I ever get at least to the middle of the board I may find that also. So many candies that have to be hit so many times - just impossible! In a week or so when you are not real busy, will you please try to help me?

Unknown said...

About 8-10 of the moves are predetermined. Makes this level impossible and boring! I definitely will need some help if possible!

steve said...

Very boring level 1st go always is good but after that nothing can't even make a combo need a very lucky board please!

kate said...

Not enough moves, posting for luck

kate said...

Stuck for 2 days. Need lucky board.Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fraggy said...

Also stuck for days, please send a lucky board. 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Fraggy said...

I’m still here, I haven’t been anywhere close to getting this, I don’t know what I’m missing, oh yes, that’s right; a lucky board that is completely different from all the others I have had for 4 days. I’m ready to receive it now, Thankyou 🍀🍀🍀🍀🥦🥦

Kaz167 said...

Absolutely ridiculous level. I won on the lucky ladder thing, waste of time grrrrr

Kaz167 said...

This has got to be the most boring level I’ve ever played. May give up now

rosereddragon said...

Not one of King's outstanding levels, this. Posting for luck, as I'm quite tired of making the only move available, waiting while the board shuffles, repeat, repeat, game over.

EGH said...

Please pkease PPLLEEAASEEE - help me- give me luck

Angie said...

Wow! Really difficult! How do King staff come up with these? Obviously very bright! But I need help pls. Can't seem to get even close for couple days!

Bink said...

This is another boring one where you can only make one move at a time. No strategy. Ugh.

Unknown said...


OB said...

Yep, this is the one. This is the level that will finally make me give up Candy Crush for good. Getting nowhere, there is no rhyme or reason and definitely no strategy. I can only waste so much time of my life on this crap.

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Sherelle said...

Please send a lucky board. Posting for a lucky board

Sherelle said...

Posting for a lucky board please Tiffy. Help please

Tineke said...

Candy crush maakt ons gek!! Belachelijk vreselijk walchelijk niveau HELP ME

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank You in advance

Sindy said...

Help help please help with this hard level

Sindy said...

Please help me with this impossible level

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Irmaki said...

Lucky board please. Third day

Irmaki said...

Fourth day !

Alicia said...

⚠️⚠️⚠️What the what?! Oh man oh man oh man oh man. Really? Come on!😵😵😵

Alicia said...

This game makes me crazy. I had to play and lose a whole bunch of times. This time I threw one of each of the boosters and somehow, it went through.

Francesca said...

This is a ridiculous level. No stragedy just waiting for a lucky board.

Icooper said...

Yup! Pfl&lb2plz.

Peet said...

Struggle and struggle and no succes.
Please lucky level. Spend soooo many lives.
Thank youuu

Ness said...

Just can't be ar*ed with this one😡

R.Sulahian said...

Posting for luck, help please.

Anônimo said...

A cada nível os desenvolvedores do CC se superam em imbecilidade. Este nível é impossível! Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas, quadrilha de! Melhor opção é deletar esta merda!!

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

Petunia24 said...

Where has the fun and joy gone. It is Christmas 😳

cookie56 said...

Total & complete pain in the butt,
Posting for luck.

Kitkat44 said...

Hellllppp can't pass this pathetic level!! Stuck for days and days, such a monotonous board, it may be the one that breaks me. By the time I break anything up on the board I run out of moves. PFL 😭 It's ruined any chance of my getting rewards three times over now!!

Nancy said...

This is just terrible! I've been stuck here for 3 days! Lucky board please.

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck as there isn’t skill to make this one

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Jen said...


Lili10 said...

C'est dur dur posté pour la chance Merci 😉

Marie said...

How is this even possible? Two weeks and not even close, so few moves and they're used up just trying to open the board up! Lucky board please!

esmobako said...

This level has now just 21 steps. Not 25 like this video here. I'm not happy with this level...

Brian kite said...

Completely impossible worst level in all my years. Only a lucky board will keep me from leaving so boring. Please help or that's me finished after many years

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one. Very frustrating!

pubalinamble1 said...

Posting for luck please.