Candy Crush Saga Level 7601 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7601 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7601 is classified as a hard level so you are likely to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an ingredients level, you have to collect the cherries to complete the level. Remember the task is to collect the cherries, not completely clear the board.
The level has been made slightly harder by the addition of extra crystal candies, but otherwise it is the same as the video. You will need to make as many combos as possible, wrapped candies are best, especially if you can switch a wrap with another one or with a colourbomb.
Video by Kazuohk

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


NeverPaid said...

Sunny's good old coconut wheel got me through first time on this level!

Good luck, folks. And bad luck, nameless troll. :op

Twins mom said...

You must of had a lucky board, because this level is pretty tough, even with a coconut wheel!

Luís Bernardo said...

Using the coconute wheel the level becomes pretty easy but do not forget that the target is only to collect the cherries. Good luck everyone 🍀

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Your'e welcome, LOL! Took a few tries & yes my faithful coconut wheel helped! Done for the day, good luck everyone :)

Sandrexx said...

I will try it without the coconut wheel, i've got plenty of them but refuse to use them. See what happens en how long it will take me getting pass... Good luck to me and too you!!

mue said...

une bonne part de chance est nécéssaire ......

Anonymous said...

By all means make a hard game harder then the example. I can’t even come come close

Sandrexx said...

My God I was bored after one day trying... I used a coconut wheel!! Up to the next level.

Paula said...

So how come you get 30 moves and I get 27. Those 3 moves could make all the difference also your blockers go as soon as they are hit mine take 3 hits. Come on CC make it fair 😡

Cat said...

Coconut wheel's been useless and can't even come remotely close. Ridiculous level yet again.

Maks said...

Even with coconut wheel no chance. Posting for lucky board pls

Anna ITA said...

Absurd...don’t even know if it’s doable.

Pati said...

Just the ingredients

Unknown said...

Crap tarpit of a level. Need better boards.

Unknown said...

Figit spinner crap

Unknown said...

Horrid, horrid, horrid, horrid, horrid

Unknown said...

Impossible, ridiculous, painfully boring

Suesue said...


Tou52 said...

My only coconut wheel was useless 😢

Posting for a very lucky board 🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀

Tou52 said...

Saved my only fying saucer for the end to blast thoses awful rows of chocolate and it helped a lot. Could blast the last chocolate with a hammer tomfinish this hard level.

Good luck everybody 👍👍👍👍🍀🍀🍀🍀

Unknown said...

Otro nivel mierda

Raven73 said...

Awful nasty level used all my wheels not one of them helped! Been stuck here for 4 days now!!! While others seem to be lucky enough to pass me! So bloody over this crap!! I refuse to spend another this till tomorrow if I’m still stuck I’ll be DONE! 5 days on the same nightmarish level will be more then enough 😡

Nic said...

Niveau cauchemardesque
Même la roue de noix de coco est inutile
Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance s'il vous plait

Lynne said...

Posting for luck

Mom. 1 said...

OMG posting for luck

Marie said...

Kom nog niet eens in de buurt, hulp aub

Anna said...

Finished on 1st try. Use a coconut wheel and don’t forget it’s only about the cherries. Don’t hafta get rid of all the chocolate.

Tom said...

Posting for a lucky board please

April said...


Ian said...

Impossible, greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit

NancyO said...


JB said...

Stuck for days. Posting for luck.

cathy said...

Posting for luck Yhank you!!

kate said...

Posting for a lucky board please. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kate said...

Posting for a lucky board please. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stuck said...

Once upon a time, I almost got a cherry. Not even close

EGH said...

Please please pleeaasseee give me a lucky board!!!
I’m begging

Thank you

Hassel said...

Posting for luck impossible

annoymous said...

Posting for luck!

Adara said...

Posting for luck, boring level

Mshell said...

Pfl please

Susan said...

This one is hard. Coconut wheel hasn’t helped me, used up several. Posting for luck please

idiot said...


Leon said...

Worst level ever. Stuck since yesterday and not even getting close.

Helen said...

Wasted 4 coconut wheels so now trying without, not having much luck, mot getting close, very difficult

Helen said...

3rd day on this pointless level now, wasted a dozen coconut wheels and other boosters too, can't even break into the bottom 2 rows of multilayered chocolate, this level may cause me to quit, how people have passed it I'll never k ow

Unknown said...

Previous posters didn't play with this same difficulty of board. Its another luck only situation. Blah. Pfl

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Neen Katzman said...

This level is absolutely ridiculous! Posting for luck!

Laura said...

Posting for luck,impossible!!

Tineke said...

Weer een waardeloos walchelijk vreselijk niveau gek word je ervan! Waarom? Mensen spelen dit voor hun plezier HELP ME WEER AUB

Bresych said...


MsDee said...

Need double the moves. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Toscadee 23 said...

Posting for loads of luck.... cheers!

Anônimo said...

Os idiotas que dizem que a roda de côco resolveu, é mentira, querem enganar os jogadores para gastarem seus reforços. É inútil usar qualquer reforço. Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas, quadrilha de estelionatários!! Melhor opção é deletar em definitivo esta merda!

Anônimo said...

Este nível não é assustadoramente difícil, é assustadoramente IMPOSSÍVEL! Não existe possibilidade de eliminar os chocolates cobertos de açúcar para chegar ao fundo do tabuleiro e coletar as cerejas! Consegui fazer CBs juntos, duas vezes, e mesmo assim não coletei nenhuma cereja. Qual o objetivo de lançarem um nível impossível??? Possivelmente é para afastar os jogadores, pois estão conseguindo! Eu não preciso disso para viver, mas eles dependem dos jogadores para continuar existindo, pensem nisto!!! Adeus, sorte e dinheiro para quem fica, vão precisar!!

Ggs said...

It is extremly hard, not even close to clear the last three rows of chocolate, they need to be hit about 5 times. Please send a lucky board.

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

cookie56 said...

pain in the butt.
posting for luck.

Petite voyageuse said...

Un niveau qui ènerve passablement. Pas de détente.
J’attends de la bienveillance, merci

tonytones said...

Another garbage level from King. This level reeks of BS, HS and mixed in with that soft steamy DS that the the most loyal of dog owners won't even pick up in the park.

arjuca said...

comme d'hab, des heures et des heures à attendre le bon vouloir de CC. niveau sans interet, soumis au bon vouloir, mais toujours pas un € ne sera donné

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.