Candy Crush Saga Level 7661 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7661 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7661 is an ingredients level, you have to collect just one cherry to complete the level. The cherry drops down the middle column when the way is cleared and there are exits along the whole bottom of the board. You will struggle to clear the spawner and the crystal candies to get the cherry off the board, it is much easier to switch the cherry to one side and drop it to the bottom of the board down one side rather than the middle.
Video by Cookie with 23 moves

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


E.M. said...

Easier said than done!. You have to get that cherry to the bottom first and then be lucky enough to be able to switch it twice!

Deedee1 said...

Posting for luck

mue said...

je rame .......

mue said...

comment faire pour ce sortir de ce niveau ???

Sunny in Buffalo said...

After many tries was able to move cherry 1 space, then used 1 hand to move 1 more space to the right, my faithful coconut wheel booster helped too, good luck!

gidget said...

posting for luck

NeverPaid said...

You need more than luck here.
I reckon you're better off posting for a miracle, even with boosters.

It's hard enough getting the cherry down - a wrap pair helps, too - but it takes an incredible cascade to get through all that gum at the foot.

Buffalo John said...

Struggling on this one... The universe has to come together and give me a lucky board... Posting for luck

Twins mom said...

I can see, I'll be on this level awhile 😌 😏

Twins mom said...

It's very difficult to move the cherry down and open a space at the bottom for it to drop through with so many layers!

Anna said...

The coconut wheel really helped.

Beachlover said...

Need alot of luck on this one. Not enough of moves to break through the bottom.

JT said...

Classified as a Hard Level now

Sunset said...


Chrissy said...

This is a level that needs more moves. Very difficult

Rebecca said...

Can't win even with boosters. Waste. Of. Time.

Maks said...

Horror horror horror. Posting for lucky board pls

blonde said...


Pati said...

Did u pass it? If so any tips. 🙂

The Savage Traveler said...


Pati said...

Hey Mr 🤴 where r u

Pati said...

Even though king is giving me 2o Xtra moves to continue im not taking bc it will cost me $1.99 for them

Crushmom7 said...


Unknown said...

Another horrid level that requires friendly algorithms.

Unknown said...

Still waiting
Still bored

Unknown said...

Que tédio!

Nic said...

Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance please 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

celine briffod said...


forgetmenot said...

don't bother trying to work both sides, it was much easier when i concentrated on one side

PaGirl said...

SO BORING - I am so sick of this level over & over & over!!! Come on King! This level is impossible!!!

Cush said...

Posting for luck- can’t get close

Marie said...

Alweer eentje onmogelijk om te halen met zoweinig zetten, hulp aub

Broomie said...

Had 4 coconut wheels used 3 got nowhere...i guess I'll use that last one and hope for the lucky board🙅

Broomie said...

Whelp...that was a waste of a perfectly good coconut wheel!! keep plugging along..I'm sure I'll get that lucky board in the next 100 trys!!!

Broomie said...

Clearing one side isn't working for me..the cherry falls and jumps over to the side not cleared!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Passed on first try after coming here the coconut wheel and 2 hand switches did the trick. Clearing one side was fairly easy even had 8 moves left over. Must have gotten the lucky board early on this time.

Ian said...

Impossible, greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters. Time to quit

Resi said...

Again a boring level 😡😡😡

Resi said...

What a useless biring level 🤮🤮🤮

Maisis said...

Publicando para la suerte

Sb said...

Please help

Cher said...


Cpap said...

Posting for a lucky board please

Cpap said...

Sick of this level. Posting again for a lucky board please

KM said...

Used a coconut wheel and I focused on one side of the board only.

Unknown said...

Having a lot of trouble with this level! Help please!

cathy said...

Posting for luck thank you !!!

kate said...

Posting for a lucky board please. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Lilly said...

Cherry always rolls to the side with the most blockers! Not nice king.. pfl

Lilly said...

What a colossal waste of time!

Teach said...

No luck after dozens of attempts including many boosters. Lucky board please!

rosereddragon said...

Coconut wheel did the trick! And working on one side only - thanks for the tip!

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Posting for luck!

EGH said...

This wasn’t as bad as the last hard levels. I just focused on one side- ignore the other. Took a few tries/ but no boosters snd past when only focused on clearing one side.

Paula Ribeiro said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Concentrate your moves on one side of the puzzle. Ignore the other side. Drive it down, make a hole near the center on one side. Ignore the magic mixer. I didn't have a switchy hand, but I hammered the last piece of chocolate, just to be done with it.

Nidhi said...

Send a lucky board v ery difficult

Mshell said...

Pfl please!!

Angie said...

Completed on 2nd go! You only have to get cherry down the middle and only have to clear one side!

Unknown said...


Helen said...

Wasted many coconut wheels, still no luck, now classed as
nightmarishly hard level, gonna be here for a while I think, if I don't 'call it a day',,,, tempting.

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Unknown said...

Concentrate on clearing blockers and getting to bottom of one side which will automatically cause cherry to fall to bottom. Just keep using combos to get to bottom

Sherelle said...

Posting for lucky board please. Thanks

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

MsDee said...

Seriously?! This sucks 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

bonita said...

I finally understand what needs/could be done to pass
Asking for a super easy lucky board PLEASE
Thanks ms Cookie a really useful tip lol compared to Blast away--which is also needed. Love your blog

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

Lola said...

This sucks yet again. Like the twentieth super hard level. They all need to be posted as ridiculously hard. Can’t make a dent. Twenty lives with the new update One hour booster down the toilet. How is that fair. Lucky board please before I lose my last three final lives for the day. What kind of games caps off your attempts? Frustrating as hell. 🍀

Anne said...

Posting for a lucky board.

Petite voyageuse said...

En attendant une planche meilleure, merci

Stylish said...

Been on this level for 3 days used loads of boosters, extra moves, no chance of passing, king will decide when to let me move on again.

Miss Vicki said...

Another frustrating level

Brian kite said...

Completely stuck and no sigofgetting through desperate for a lucky board please help Im getting really bored now

Barb k said...

Help needed. It’s been three days and many many attempts. Not even close.

Jan said...

Need help, please!

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board. Cant get close. Impossible. Thx ☘️☘️☘️🌲🌲🌲

Jan said...

Still waiting for a lucky board. Need help now!!!

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.

pubalinamble1 said...

Posting for luck please.

pubalinamble1 said...

Posting for help please.