Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7748 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7748 is classified as a hard level so you may lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an ingredients level, you have to collect the cherries to complete the level. There are cherries each side of the board and one in the middle.
You need to clear the blockers to collect the cherries. There is no need to completely clear the board, just enough to get the cherries to the exits, but you will probably find that the board will be cleared anyway. Try not to switch the cherries to the outside columns as this can make it harder to clear the blockers.
Video by Kazuohk
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
on our FB group and I will try to change it.
Posting for luck.
Tough. You have to wait for the lucky board. Took me 20 times or so.
Started with music box boosters and bot so had a bit of an advantage. Got to get through as many levels while I have the timed boosters! Good luck all.
Coconut wheel helps a lot
Must be given good board, no other way to win.
Not classified as a Hard Level. Coconut wheel was helpful.
I feel so sorry for you
Posting for luck
I have been on this level for several days and am getting NO WHERE!!! Very frustrating!! Need a VERY lucky board!!
4th day still stuck
HELP NEEDED PLEASE!,!!,!,!!,!!!!!!!
Hey king, so try to make CBS which IS easy
Posting for luck
Posting for help. It’s impossible i play 50 Times
posting for luck
Frustrating!!Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!
Just another wait till they say level. Incredibly boring, please get us back to where we can use our skills.
Had 8 wheels starting this level down to 3 don't think i want to waste anymore...their not really helping, always end up somewhere they are not much use!
I complained to King...and i think they said ''do not let her pass another level ever''..i played this a thousand times not getting anywhere..still have 2 wheels left guess I'll give that another go..when I'm out of specials..think I'm out..just not fun anymore
Been at this all day...I'm up to 35 extra moves if i give in and pay...hmm should i do it???
Posting for luck! Impossible level
Posting for a lucky board please
Posting Again for a lucky board please. Where did the chocolate box go and where is the weekend deal for 4.99?
Posting for luck thank you !!
Posting for luck and a lucky board please. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh...need lucky board. Pfl
Very discouraging....can't even get close!
I think king wants me to quit. Its working.......
Posting for luck. Not a very interesting level, so I tried my two coconut wheels - hardly got any and one after I'd finished the moves each time! So back to waiting . . .
don't appear to be anything like enough moves. Can't work out any strategy. Posting for luck No boosters,
Posting for luck
This level is very frustrating, just not enough moves not even getting close even with boosters! Need a lucky board please!
Post for luck
Post for luck again
Post for luck again and again
Post for luck again and again and again
3 day migraine. Thanks for that. Post for luck again and again and again and again
Sod this crap. Time to get my life back. Bye
Post for luck again and again and again and again and again
Post for luck again and again and again and again and again and again
Post for luck again and again and again and again and again and again and again
Boring, monotonous,and impossible.
180 tries on this session alone.
KING, you got to get rid of these ridiculous levels.
Looking hard for a lucky board.
I've been here for a few days... not even closeto getting it. Lucky board please! Thanks
Lucky board please
Fish boosters are ineffective as they only seem to clear plain candy and not the blockers.
Ridiculously difficult level and not even marked as difficult
More than 40 attempts. Please !
lucky board Please & soon before timed boosters go POOF
Help wanted--signs everywhere after Pandemic
Thanks ms cookie for tips
Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin borin borin borin borin
Agora todos os níveis a dica é: "é um nível difícil onde você pode esperar perder algumas vidas antes de passar". Isto é uma fraude!!! Níveis projetados e manipulados para impedir de concluir. Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas, quadrilha de estelionatários!!!@@ Melhor opção é deletar esta merda!!!!@#
Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️
Boosters useless. Just BORED BORED BORED😔
Using all the combos sometimes I get a good cascade or probably a lucky board but no joy yo pass when allowed to and no sooner, very lucky board needed please
Oh yes and kazuohk has 3 more moves than me so that would help
Nothing different just a lucky board, thanks I guess
Total & complete pain in the butt.
Posting for luck.
I dint have the same amount of moves
Not enough moves
I even had double speckle
Definitely boring.
Had speckled and stripped wraps and still can’t fo it with so few moves
again boring! they will only sell golds! I give up bc you cant solve this level
Avec Mrs Cookie , tout est facile!
Même pas je m’en approche . Impossible à faire .•••••• de l’aide SVP
So hard not yet even been able to release one bear desperately need a lucky board will never do it without and them it will have to be goodbye from me. Please help thankyou
Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.
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