Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7798 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7798 is classified as a nightmarishly hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an ingredients level, you have to collect the three cherries to complete the level. The keys unlock the cherries and once unlocked they will drop onto the main part of the board where you need to get them to the exits at the bottom of the board. The keys are now covered in sugar coats which has made it much harder to collect them, but the strategy is the same, collect the keys and drop the cherries to the exits.
Video by Johnny Crush
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
on our FB group and I will try to change it.
Posting for luck! Not enough moves..
Another boring level not enough moves. Posting for luck
Not even classified as a Hard Level on my device.
Ridiculous level
Boosters don’t help, just luck!
How many just luck levels does CC giving us!
No chance. Only classified as hard here. Posting for lucky board pls
Finally got past 7795 and now this arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh
HELP NEEDED PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posting for luck!!
Het kan weer niet op zeg wat een vreselijk level dit weer, te weinig kansen en zetten. Bah het is echt niet leuk meer dit spel. CC help
Hard to see jelly colors for this Grammy
Still trying
Posting for luck again!
posting for luck
Once again, here to beg for better boards
Still need better boards
Day 2, still looking for better boards
Another total crap level. Gee, thanks, Activision. Nothing to do here but sit in this tarpit and figit spin your life away until the algorithm sends a board that will play itself. Even with full boosters this one is unwinnable.
Wow! I was just about to give up, getting three times side by side color bombs is easier said than done, but it is indeed the only way to finish this level. Keep trying, concentrate on how you will get them. Strategy and patience are the only way to finish here.
Good luck everybody 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Posting for luck
Besoin d'aide et de vraiment beaucoup de chance please
tiresome gam, slow moving
I'd like to know in which mental hospital the king designers have grown up. It is very difficult to imagine something more sadic than this level! One advice to the poor players: "DO NOT START USING BOOSTERS"!!!!! they should be wasted as, of course, they are hidden under lots of locks so that before you free them you also are already run out of moves. Stupid level for idiots!
Ughh!!! I've wasted enough boosters on this dreadful level. Posting for luck plese!!
Help. Not enough moves
Posting for luck.
posting for luck
Another level from hell... very boring..If this continues I'm out..i want to be entertained!! Please bring lucky board..not wasting boosters that you can't use.
Nope that wasn't it..how about the next one
Now sugarcoats over the keys.
Takes too long to clear them
Lucky board please!!!
Posting for luck!
CC when I opened the game this morning it said “time to relax”. Playing the same level over and over does not relax me. It’s very stressful.
Wasting booster that are buried under so much crap you can't even use them.
Pfl 🍀🤞🍀🤞
Really bad for the eyesight too, squinting to see what’s underneath those candies.
Posting for luck thank you !!
Hard one...PFL
day 3 pfl
i know with only four colours it should be a doddle but i just can't see the colours
Please post in for a lucky board
Posting for luck because I can’t see the keys!! I can’t open the locks at all. Please help! Thanks
I’ve switched eyeglasses more than combos here!! I’m losing my eyesight!!
Coconut wheel extremely helpful.
No bueno lol. Pfl pfl pfl
Posting for luck no where near enough moves . Please xx
Lucky board please
This might be the end, the hints are no hints at all, can't get the keys because of the jelly and when you do there are no moves left, so king be greedy you are going to lose a lot over this one.
Posting for luck please and thank you in advance
Help help please please help with this hard
Cieżko zobaczyć gdzie klucze to jest bardzo niewidoczne więc proszę o pomoc
Boring, Boring, Boring yet again. Waste of time and not wasting money. Come on King more enjoyable levels please, not these waste of time ones requiring no skill just boredom until a lucky board appears!!!
I am going blind squinting to see what colours are under the sugar coats, this isn't fun anymore! A lucky board would help & the sooner the better please.
Hard to see. Pflplz
Outro nível totalmente impossível!!!!!!!!!! Agora este jogo se resume em uma única palavra: DINHEIRO! A cada nível os desenvolvedores do CC se superam em imbecilidade. Melhor opção é deletar esta merda!!!!#
Realmente é impossível. Nada do que se faça, independente dos reforços utilizados, não tem como coletar as cerejas. Qual o objetivo de lançarem um nível onde não é possível concluir??? Se for para forçar os jogadores a comprarem reforços, comigo não funciona, prefiro abandonar definitivamente este jogo. Não preciso disso para viver, mas eles dependem dos jogadores para continuar existindo,pensem nisto!@!@@@
Posting for luck.
Can’t see so you are at kings direction
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Again another level that seems impossible.
Not fun being stuck again.
Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.
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