Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7915 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7915 is a rainbow rapids level, you have to clear the way for the rapids to complete the level. If you can clear the cake fairly early in the game this will give you a good start to clearing the sugar coats and chocolate. Use vertical stripes to clear the cake, or stripe/wrap combos. As the board begins to open it will gety easier to make the combos needed to clear the way for the rapids. Sugar coats will strop the rapids just as much as any orger obstacle, so keep them under control using any combo you can make.
Video by Kazuo
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
on our FB group and I will try to change it.
Ten less moves. Impossible! Posting for luck ☘️
Impossible to pass this level without 2 CB together. Good luck everyone 🍀
This level is ridiculously hard. It should have been classified as Nightmarily Hard level. Although I passed it on my first try, it took me, I think, a UFO, 2 hands and 5 hammers to do it to keep my Win Streak alive.
The win streak is just another fancy name for the bot. Anyways crappy level
Posting for luck
It takes forever just to destroy the cake, with very few moves left.....IMPOSSIBLE!!
I only h
ave 20 moves, grrrr
Wow! That was hard. I had similar experience to Rick and threw everything at it so I wouldn’t lose the streak boosters. Good luck!!
Not enough of moves can't get close
Heavily cemented board with only 20 moves? Begging for money, King?
There's no way to win this level without a lot of boosters. It's time to find another game.
This is "a waiting for that lucky board game"!! No skills, just pure luck. After more than 25 times of trying, I passed it without boosters, but didn't know what I was doing... Stupid and boring game! Good "special" luck everyone.
Passed on my first try with 8 moves left. Luckily I had the winning streak (bot) used a extra spotted ball, had to switch them together after I was able to clear the sugar coats then the rest was easy because I had a lot of wraps fall. Good luck everyone!
Next wednesday I still be on this level my guess.
Classified as a SUPER Hard Level on my devices
Significantly harder now than the video. Only 20 moves, not 30. ALL the candy is sugar coated and ALL the chocolate has Xs. I don't see how it's possible without boosters.
After reading all the comments I thought best to throw everything at this. Passed first time but only after using my last 2 hammers and last remaining spaceship and having to use precious gold bars to get 5 extra moves. So passed but now have sweet f all boosters left🤣🤣
Not enough moves to pass this level. Can't even get close.
This one stinks!!! Been on it forever AND it sucked up my bot.
When everything is locked up to begin with using a ufo is my first move.
Good luck. dr
Shock! Just as they release games to get boosters stupidly hard levels . This is beyond ridiculous. Please king where is the fun for us veterans 🙁
Posting for lucky board again please
This level is absolutely ridiculous, not enough moves to get this
Hate playing games over and over, gets so boring.
Hate playing games over and over, gets so boring. So impossible
Ugh. PFL 🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀
Ouch! Above levels are not promising 😢 I tried this level once and it is indeed pretty hard to open the board, let alone the fact that boosters are rare and few between.
Posting for an extraordinarely lucky board 🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀
Ooops.....I meant above «comments»
OK folks, this level has to be a very stupid joke!
Another waste of time just waiting for the algorithms to be generous 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Well let the bells ring and the banners fly 😃😃😃Lucky board, plus 5 extra lives and UFO on the last move 👍👍👍👍
Good luck everybody 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Stupid level, bored to death p
Como puede ser que este nivel no esté clasificado por lo menos como un nivel difícil. Otro nivel con el que se pretende hacer caja y que compremos mejoras. Vaya mierda. Hora de dejarlo.
Yet another stoopid, crap, figit spinner tarpit. Here I am again, begging for better boards. Send the algorithm already!
Encore un Niveau cauchemardesque pas assez de mouvements
Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance please
Definitely need a lucky board!
They can not be serious with this level just wtf? They can’t possibly Think that this level is doable with only 20 miles and so much going on Bobwire chocolate covered candy‘s they’ve lost their minds! Enough already
Vraiment très difficile
Posting for luck 🤞🏻🍀
Those king criminals, when they see that the amount of available moves is ok to have some chance to pass, they immediately cut the number. Here they did from 30 to 20. It is a simple way to oblige the players TO BUY.
This is not only offensive, it is CRIMINAL. to think it is possible to solve this level in 20 moves is simply crazy.I have enough of these hungry beasts! What do they want? To drink our blood? Other billions? Well, this is too much. CC, please, FUCK!!!
What is this??? Not even close to enough moves. Sigh!!! Posting for luck please
Posting for luck
WTF!!!Impossible. Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!
Not enough moves. Help
A hate the rapids grrr! Posting for luck.
Another boring level from Candy Crush hell. Posting for luck.
Impossible greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit playing this game
Posting for luck!
50 comments?? Is that a new record?? I know this much. It ain’t fan mail! PFLEASE! PFLEASE!!
Wish we would get the same advantage as those players who had 30 moves to pass when this level released
Hi King can you please either send me a very lucky board or 10 extra moves as this level is driving me MENTAL.,Thank you in anticipation.💖
Posting for lucky board
....and even that may not help. Horrible, impossible level!
Posting for luck.
well I had 3 moves left after clearing the cake, and then...Cb and stripe wrap, bingo! Still lost with loads of moves to get. Jog on
Posting for luck
30:20 moves and video completed it in 25 moves? Don’t want to purchase extra moves just to complete this - I may come back another day and try again. I still can’t stomach only getting 20 moves, seriously???
I don’t like getting frustrated having to wait for a lucky board. Boring!! Good luck future crushers!!
Pfl please. So stumped on this one
Everything is sugar coated in the beginning which makes it a lot harder and less moves. Posting for lucky board please
Post for luck
Day 3 here. Posting for luck please.
Same thing! 2 moves left not enough. Pf a fast clearing board.
Lucky board please
Tried numerous times, too few moves, had a long cascade on my last try, only 1 move needed to complete (only time I got close) didn't have enough gold bars to get extra moves, certainly wasn't going to buy any I'm close to giving up for good!
I'm not even coming close. Hoping for a board similar to the video soon!
Posting for luck and free spins
Need a miracle board. They took away 10 moves from the original. Really need them back to get through this level!
Nonsense! PFL!!
Os vídeos tem 30 movimentos, agora eu só tenho 19, ou seja, 11 movimentos a menos isto é pura fraude! Se é para impedir que os jogadores concluam o nível, coloquem apenas 1 movimento, será impossível da mesma forma, ao invés de tentar iludir os jogadores, quadrilha de estelionatários!!!! Estou saindo fora desta farsa. Adeus, sorte e dinheiro para quem fica, vão precisar!
Posting for luck!!
Not enough of anything. Poorly thought out game with regard to moves as usual. Lucky board please. 🍀 impossible
Pain in the a$$.
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck
From 30 to 15 moves? Really?? Posting for luck. It’s the ONLY way to pass this one.
I only have 14 moves with the added sugar coats, impossible to pass need kings algorithm board to move to next level.
Making the level impossible without spending money and/or gold bars really misses me off. I'm fine waiting.....
This level is impossible! Only have 15 moves! Ridiculous…lucky board please!!!!!
Ayudaaaaa! Tiene solo 15 movimientos!
Stuck for days
How can it be possible todothislevel with only 13 moves completely I possible. It's goodbye from me without a lucky board and lots of help so disappointing
Please! Posting for luck 🍀🙏🏼
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