Candy Crush Saga Level 7964 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7964 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7964 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an orders level, you have to collect green candies to complete the level. Collecting the keys will unlock colourbombs and once the bubblegum is popped you will get candies dropping down beside the colourbombs which you can switch them with. Don't make the mistake of trying to switch greens, you are less likely to get enough that way. You need to look for special candies and combos to clear as many candies from the board as you can.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Raangle5 said...

Posting for luck☘️

Buffalo John said...

Not many comments ? Posting for luck

Sandrexx said...

Serious??? Don't know what the hell I was doing but passed this level in my 1st attempt without Boosters, well guess I was very lucky, or should I say, ow man I am good whahaha1111

Mr D said...

Yey also passed first time, colourbomb and wrap did the trick. If you take time to work out what will drop beside the colour bombs it's not too difficult

Collette said...

Wow, finished with 11 moves left. Started with a CB and weap and then used every opportunity for stripes,wraps and in the corner if a CB is next to color green go fir it!

Beachlover said...

Waiting on lucky board

Pookie8907 said...

Finished on the first try? Really? I've been at it a lot longer and not even close. Not enough moves!

Pookie8907 said...

All the videos I watch have 30 moves and now just 24? Seriously rigged at this point.

GloryB said...

Another impossible level. Bring back some! FUN levels. Having to POST for LUCK every level is boring!!!

JT said...

Classified as a Nightmarishly Hard Level on my devices.

Pookie8907 said...

No videos of this level with 24 moves and no boosters. King this sucks. Been here for 3 days. Nothing works. Come on!

GloryB said...

Well, it's the second day still on this level. Don't know if they're getting harder or just more boring. Can't decide. Posting for luck!!

GloryB said...

Well I'm still on this level. Still can't pass it. Last one was bad, this one just as bad for me. So bad I'm actually thinking this is the last for me. I've used up all boosters so there's nothing left. If I continue it will be a miracle so look for the star in the East!!

GloryB said...

Well well well!!! I passed. Be sure to look for the star in the East!!!

blonde said...


Jane said...

Not enough green candies fall to pass this level!! Always have close to 100 left to pass. Have played this level for two days without success! Any help would be appreciated!

The Savage Traveler said...

I agree. I never even SEE enough Greens on the board to pass. I can get the whole board cleared but if there aren't enough candies there's nothing I can do about it. I used my only check mark to try and get more Greens and I am playing with a free hour of color bombs, but even that doesn't do it. On my second day here and I'm beyond frustrated. 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬

Tou52 said...

Day 2 and still getting nowhere here...

I guess I just have to wait for that lucky board again, heh?

Posting for a very green candy board 😄😄😄🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀

Tou52 said...

Wasting a lot of lives here, and still not getting anywhere close to all the greens. Patience getting so many of these really stupid levels lately are making me consider deleting CC for good. Just no more fun anymore 😢😢😢

Tou52 said...

Where are the good algorithms? Still waiting......

Strategy is no more the pride of CC developpers, that's a shame 👎

Tou52 said...

YES!!! Finally a good board with lots of color bombs. Thank you good algorithms ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Good luck everybody 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

forgetmenot said...

lucky board! Lucky board!

Jeff w said...

They have ruined this game. Took strategy and fun right out of it. I can’t win more than 1 in a row then I’m stuck for 50 tries. Guess I’ll just play here and there need to find a new game. Any suggestions.

Nic said...

Encore et toujours besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance please

Nic said...

Pas assez de mouvements pas assez de vert
Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance s'il vous plait

Nic said...

Merci pour le tableau chanceux

Gio said...

Disgusting... you must collect the greens but on the board they are half of the half of the half of the other colours. And this is the normal way used by king to steal money. And this is not all: you must collect keys that you don't collect because they are in impossible position in order to free CBs that are unuseful: once they are free you cannot explode them. This is a gigantic mockery of those knitters who invented this... "game". What do they expect from me? That after 7963 levels without paying I should start to robbed by them ?

Shelley said...

Ugh. Posting for luck 🤞🏻🍀

Wendy said...

There are not enough greens to get even half as many needed. No idea how to bring greens down. Help.

Agnes Power said...

Not enough green. Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!

Marie said...

Veel te weinig zetten om dit te halen, hulp aub

Unknown said...

I am playing for 2 days.too many green candys left.don't get no wrapped or stripes next to the colourbombs.need lucky board

JP said...

Tough one
No real strategy
Just need a lucky board please!!!!!

Broomie said...

Posting for luck..these last few levels have been no fun at all!! I hope once i get thru this hell things will get interesting again

Broomie said...

Wasted my hammer get CB next to wrap finally unlocked all keys..still did me no good

Broomie said...

Passed only because i used my gold bars I've won to get extra moves..I've had to use boosters to pass the last 5 levels..I'm now out..let's see if things liven up..if not time for new game not owned by activision

Unknown said...

Reduced number of moves again and green candy doesn't fall. No wzy to pass this shit level, screw you king i am not paying for znything. You are not worth it. There are a wnole lot ofgomes out there that are fun go play where it takes sone brains to win instead of just wait for you to let us. Boring boring boring

Ian said...

Impossible greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit playing this game

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Come on CC - I’ve been on this level for 2 days now! I’m ready to move on!

Anonymous said...

I’m about done with this game!!! There’s no way to pass this level! Can’t even come close! Ready tongo find another game less stressful.

Molly said...

Luck, luck, I need luck!!

Martha A said...

Posting for luck

Marziegator said...

Not enough greens!!!!!! Wt chuff!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck 🍀 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀!

steve said...

Posting for lucky board where are all the greens there's not enough don't want to be on this one for two days enoughs enough!

Unknown said...

Please help.. give me lots of green

April said...

Pfl 🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀

April said...

Pfl again

JB said...

Can't even get close or get all the keys what is this level???
Posting for luck.

JB said...

Passed straight after I posted with a lucky board!

rosereddragon said...

Well, I wonder how you are supposed to get past this level - look for specials and combos - I can look all I like but I don't find them! Posting for luck.

NancyO said...

REDICILOUS. I've played over and over and am over 100 short of the gial. Just REDICILOUS. You win King. Great plan!

NancyO said...

I've never felt so powerless to complete a board. I go through the 24 moves and still need 100 more.
This can't be done without a fixed board. Frustrating!

Unknown said...

I have used all my boosters and all my gold bars except for 1 to no avail! Could someone help me please.

Unknown said...

I am so bored with this level. Not enough green ones! Better get back to some SUDOKU!

Jacki said...

I don’t understand the constant complaining about this game here. We are nearly at level 8,000 - it is supposed to get more and more difficult!! You do not need to spend money to buy coins or extra moves. All of these levels will eventually be passed, it just might not be the first time you attempt it. I enjoy coming here and reading peoples’ tips and experience, let’s use this to help each other! This is not a King blog, so they could care less about all the negative comments ����‍♀️

leesa3ms said...

Lucky board please 🍀

leesa3ms said...

Lucky board PLEASE!!! Or a good algorithms!! Closest I’ve gotten is 37 left. I don’t want to h e to quit!!

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Hassel said...

Posting for luck 😍🦋💞🐙🐳🤗🤔

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Unknown said...

Post for luck again

Susan said...

Harder than it looks. Posting for luck please

idiot said...






Kerrie said...

Only 24 moves now. Going to try not going after green with CB. Posting in hopes of a lucky board please🙏 please🙏 please🙏.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Posting for luck and many more green candies please xx

Helen said...

Impossible with so few moves, also never enough greens dropping, not come close, 2nd day here!

Helen said...

Really had enough of this level now, been here several days (lost count) time to move on!

Helen said...

At least 5 days with this one, not coming close,
time to quit I feel.

Sherelle said...

Difficult level this . Not enough green candies . Tried the tick but still cant pass. Please send a lucky board please Tiffy or Yeti or king thank you

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Help please help with this hard level please and thank you in advance

Neen Katzman said...

Not enough moves posting for luck!!!

MiMi said...

Help please!!!

KayJay said...

worst level yet, been on it for days, might just be my nemesis, it's been fun....well sort of....

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Icooper said...

Not easy!:pflplz

Addict said...

I can’t even get below 100 greens still to collect. Impossible level, at least give us a fighting chance that we get down to just a few greens left, giving us hope. Bored! Bored! Bored!

Anônimo said...

Os jogadores que dizem que concluiram na primeira tentativa são extremamente mentirosos. Os movimentos foram reduzidos, isto é justo??? Totalmente impossível cumprir os pedidos, na maioria das vezes sequer é possível coletar as chaves. Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas, quadrilha de estelionatários. Existem jogos melhores, inteligentes e honestos!!!!

Lola said...

Omg the comments. I can’t come close. I can’t even win a race anymore these are all so bad. I must be racing against someone on level t pfft. Lucky board pls. 🍀. I hate my morning coffee. Time to get a new game. So mad every morning now

Sally D said...

It is really not so bad. A bit of luck needed to clear the bubblegum and release keys quickly, but after that use the bombs to clear OTHER colours - whatever colour has the most candies on the board if there is a choice. That will get enough greens falling onto the board.

Petunia24 said...

Am I playing the same level😳😳😳😳😳So bored 😐

Rainbowgirl said...

Lucky board please, not getting close

Rainbowgirl said...

Lucky board granted next go thank you 🤷🏼‍♀️

Linda Maitan said...

Where have all the green ones gone,

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Shirley Ragland said...


Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Vicky said...

Time to rant...I love/hate this game. At over 7,000 games you may say I'm addicted. I've seen a pattern forming and not fond of it. Today I vow not to spend another dime to play. I'm in it for fun. Posting for luck.

Stylish said...

I have 13 moves video shows 30 moves, not a chance of collecting 146 green candies!!!!!

arjuca said...

encore une belle encul******, à votre bon gré

Michou said...

Avec 19 coups, impossible de finir ce %#$&0& tableau!!! Help please!!!!

Mimi said...

17 moves now! Impossible!

Molly59 said...

I can’t make it !!!! Posting for luck 🍀