Hints and tips showing how to pass level 8168 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 8168 is an orders level, you have to collect blockers and yellow candies to complete the level. The main priority to begin with is to collect the blockers to unlock the board. Once the board is unlocked you will get the lucky candies to change into yellow candies. The lucky candies drop from the top right section so if you don't have enough on the board you will need to make space in this section so that more can drop.
Video by Cookie
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
on our FB group and I will try to change it.
The total moves have gone down from 24 to 20 and the yellow candies went from 20 required to 30 required.
This is one of those impossible ones. 20 moves and 30 yellows. I expect I'll be here for a few days.
Again an unfair level where moves have been reduced while augmenting the number of yellows.
I can't see how it is possible to finish the number of yellows required without the help of a tick booster, which I don't have. On day 2 of this level, I am getting quite bored, and still very angry knowing that previous players had 30 moves for 20 yellows. UNFAIR!
Posting for a FAIR and tickfull board 🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀
Finally got it, was lucky to have a color bomb close to a stripe, got them together with a hammer.
Good luck everybody 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Gonna be a while. 😡🍀🤞😡🍀🤞😡🍀🤞
30 minutes if color bombs and 8 yellows to go us the closest I can get. 🤬😡🤬😡 I need a Christmas Miracle for this one! 🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞
Classified as a Hard Level on my devices
Ayuda, por favor!! 🙏
Posting for luck
One word impossible would like to see video of one with 20 moves and 30 yellows ones been on this 3 days that’s 2 days too long
Need more moves! Posting for luck!
only way out > posting for luck
Posting for luck
Posting for luck!
This level is fun, just wish we had more moves. Posting for luck please
I’ve played several times and can’t even get to the yellow candy.
It’s not fair that they changed the yellow from 20 to 30 with less moves. Impossible
Agree with all the above! Could've added the yellows but kept the moves..or keep yellow at 20 and remove the 4 moves.. Not both! I started this level with the full specials and check mark had this several times cuz i spent the 5.99 on half hour worth of special and still the closest i came was still needing 8 yellows
Help please
Used up my tick booster and still no luck. Help needed please
Yes no tick booster left. Need some help please
Omg posting for luck
How can this be fair, reduce the moves from 30 to 20 and increase the yellows from 20 to 30, playing with tick booster and still can,t get passed requiring 8 more yellows. Typical King forcing you buy boosters.
Reduced moves and increase inobje tive really makes this a Big BS Boring Wait for a Lucky Board level designed to take your money. This time king even isn'ttrying to hide it. Almost every time i go to start this level king puts up zn add tdlli g me that 75% of people ned boosters to pass this level and offers me a great deal according to them. I have a better deal i don"t pass this level i guit playing this crappy game and don"t have to worry about king taking my money, which he isn't going to get anyway.
Impossible greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit playing this game because it isn’t fun anymore
Ridiculous!!!!! 14 yellows lowest I can get!!!! Deffo needs more moves, robbing king
Speed bumps I can understand. This is Barbwire spikes across the freeway. PFLEASE!!
Abandon all hope ye who enter this level. Simply not enough moves. Purely luck. PFLEASE!!!
This is the 3rd and final day I will waste on this garbage disposal. Time to move on.
There are so many other games out there to play that don’t make you play the same level over and over again. I’m ready to move on to something else.
Es ist nicht möglich mit 20 Zügen dieses Level zu schaffen. Was soll der Mist? Ich spiele ohne Geld und so soll man gezwungen werden welches einzusetzen. Da höre ich lieber auf
Posting for luck
By the time you break through there is not enough moves to get 30 yellow candy. 10 extra moves would certainly help, but they are not extra moves, previous players had 30 moves to complete this level, unfortunately we are now in a much less fortunate position to pass this level. Is anyone really paying any attention to the comments on this blog....that would be a definite NO, otherwise the moves would have been put back to the original 30.
Think that the changes here are ridiculous. I have been playing for two days and cannot get anywhere close to getting 30 yellows.
Lucky board please
Lucky board please 🤔🤔😍😍😋😍
I have been playing this game for years addicted to it. King you are making some boards to difficult and doing the same board for days is so boring. Now we don’t even get the candy box anymore to earn boosters. I really need to find a new pastime
Pfl please
Posting for luck, over this level!
If you have a checkmark booster, now is a good time to use it!🍀
Post for luck
Post for crap again
Post for crap again and again crap
Lucky board please
Wat voor tijdstip staat hiervoor, kom niet eens in de buurt, heb geen zin om er dagen voor jan joker op te zitten, vreselijk niveau HELP ME
Need a lucky board please
Posting for luck and free spins
please grace me with a super lucky board. I did notice king techs made it much harder--but doesn't pay to complain & whine.
thanks ms cookie about yellow had NO idea how to get them. Love your blog
lucky board please. Too difficult with so few moves.
Help------time for a CC Break . Not fun
help lucky board------not even close
Com 19 jogadas, só com ajuda pra conseguir passar de nível, postando pra dar sorte 🍀 🍀 🍀
Essa porcaria de jogo está me irritando de uma maneira que nem consigo descrever, nível com poucas jogadas e quase sem nenhuma ajuda, se pensam que vou comprar alguma ajuda, estão enganadissimos, prefiro parar de jogar do que gastar algum dinheiro
A mentirosa da Laura ataca novamente! Muitos jogadores já disseram que não adianta usar a marca de seleção, mas para a mentirosa da Laura funciona, como sempre, tudo ela sabe, tudo ela consegue. Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas, quadrilha de estelionatários!!! Melhor opção é deletar esta merda!!!
Totalmente impossível!!! Os vídeos tem 27 movimentos, foram reduzidos para ridículos 19 movimentos e aumentaram os pedidos. Não adianta usar reforços, nada resolve! Acabando as vidas, vou deletar este jogo, eu me recuso a fazer parte desta farsa.
Whatever… PFL.
And a board like this is when I quit. This is unfair and impossible Too little moves. Double the yellow. This can’t be done unless King lets you or you pay and bc of that I’ll never pay. Lucky board please
19 movimientos para 30 amarillas? imposible! cuando consigo despejar el tablero me quedan entre 3 y 5 movimientos para recolectar las amarillas.
Game has changed. More expected
Less moves
just nit fun anymore
Are you for real!!!!!! Fix this fking level!!!!!!!not enough moves boosters or anything !!!!!!! Want money money again!!!!!!so sick of this !!!!!!!!!!!
Freaking impossible with the number of moves.
Royal pain in the a$$.
Posting for luck.
Help needed, please🙏
10813 not enough moves available. Gets to to needing only one more move and I’m out of moves for 4 days. Getting so bored with these hard levels
The video has 10 extra moves and only 20 yellow candies i have 30 and 17 moves. Been here a week with no advancement. What is the pleasure you have in making these nightmare games?
Not buying extra moves. Stop with the stupid offers.
Guess I'll play some more free games of SPADES. Makes no sense to keep me from passing this level if King wants me spend money. NEVER gonna get IT!
No, no, no, no. I'd rather never pass this level than to give in to King.
Ayuda por favor. Esto es imposible!
LESS AND LESS moves, 4 days around. Lucky board will help?
YOU started with 27 moves, we have just 16. Ridiculous
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