Candy Crush Saga Level 8229 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 8229 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 8229 is classified as a nighmarishly hard level so you are likely to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a dual task level, you have to collect the cherries to complete the level. The cherries have to drop down the left side onto the conveyor. Then along the conveyor, through the gap onto the bottom conveyor and along to the exits. 
Try to avoid collecting all the keys until you have cleared the licorice and jelly from the left side of the board. The keys will release the cherries, but they will also release licorice which will cover the jelly and make it hard to clear. However you do need to leave yourself enough moves to let the cherries move to the exits. Look at the conveyors at the bottom and you will see that there is only one candy curl along the line, this needs to be cleared to allow the cherries to drop through, so use stripes and stripe combos, or colourbomb/stripe combos to clear the licorice and the candy curls so the cherries can be collected.
Video by Kazuo

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.



GloryB said...

Frustrating level and it's getting Boring!!! Posting for luck

Sandrexx said...

Didn't want to wast to waste any time on this level so I used a fish booster, that helped!! Up too the next...

blonde said...


Wendy said...

I have different game why as I'm bored now.

Wendy said...

I have different game why as I'm bored now.

Sunset said...


Sandra said...


forgetmenot said...

not getting on well with this game, just not making any headway at all. Please lucky board, where are you?

Gio said...

And here again the typical stupid "pay" level designed by the criminal idiots king. Criminal because this one is impossible with the given moves, and if you do not break the way to the bottom line having still at least eleven moves left, you can quit because the cherries have a long way to drop. And, as it is practically impossible to break that way due to licorice which is everywhere,there is no other way than to buy extra moves to finish. And this means for me that CC IS DEAD. As I have never paid and I don't want to pay, I have no other choice than abandon. Thanks, kings! You will continue your robbery with someone else, not with me!

JT said...

Classified as a Hard Level on my devices

Nic said...

Encore un niveau ou seule la chance compte aucune compΓ©tence
Donc j'ai encore et toujours besoin d'aide et de vraiment beaucoup de chance please

Cush said...

Posting for luck- not enough moves!

JP said...

Super difficult
Lucky board please!!!

Broomie said...

This is ridiculous level..i can't even line anything up because you have stripes, bombs whatever just exploding every move because of the conveyor...not fun, just frustrating

Pooh said...

Posting for luck. I hate levels like these that you need luck instead of skill. It's very frustrating and stupid

Ian said...

Impossible greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit playing this game because it isn’t fun anymore

RBlomquist said...


Unknown said...

Not enough moves. Need better boards

Becky said...

Need lucky board asap! Frustrating!

rosereddragon said...

Posting for luck - very trying!

JB said...

Posting for luck.

jenn2727 said...

Posting for everyone else this is a very boring level..been stuck for couple days..don't even play the full 5 lives cause I get sick of trying over and over

kate said...

Posting for luck- not enough moves! Lucky board please!

Lilly said...

Posting for luck

April said...

Pfl πŸ€πŸ€žπŸ€πŸ€žπŸ€

Susan said...

I was one move away from getting the last cherry to complete the level on my first attempt. Now I can't get close. I wish I'd used my gold to buy the extra move needed.

Lalit said...

Lucky board please

Lalit said...

Thx, tip help.

Anonymous said...

I’m ready to pass this level. The licorice and that curly bar ~~~ at the bottom are a pain!!

Unknown said...

Post for crap again

Domie said...

PostΓ© pour la chance.

Unknown said...

Do not know what universe you are living in, but in MY version of Candy (smart phone), level 8229 is listed as a "regular" (pink) level.

Ronster said...

Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Pfl I don't get this one

Kimbee said...

Had enough with this game, twice I only had one cherry left but had no booster's to get it as it's so hard to get booster's now. And almost impossible to get gold bars now as it's the first one out who get's them and we get one.
CC hope you're proud of yourself, this game now sucks.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Posting for a lucky board please x

Tineke said...

Walchelijk niveau vreselijk HELP ME

Angie said...

WOW!! Difficult getting those cherries thru opening. PFL, PLS.

Angie said...

Ridiculous! I got all cherries but each time one block remains on the left!
Please help...lucky board? Ty

MiMi said...

Help please!!!!

Candy Crusher said...

Posting for luck!!!!

Icooper said...


bonita said...

waiting for that miracle magical super easy lucky board PLEASE
Help me besides a lucky board--give me patience NOT to blast the keys.
thanks for tips & video ms cookie--totally baffled

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin borin borin borin borin

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

Candy crusher said...

Can not figure out how to get cherries through. 🀦‍♀️ Wasted days on this. Posting for luck

G said...

Used last of my gold bars to buy extra moves. Even with 65 extra moves, still one block remaining on the left side (licorice keeps blocking)! Absolutely ridiculous. I think I’ll play another game for a while. I’m not spending another time on this one!

Rhonda said...

I think this is the level that will finally break me! I cannot continue CC when this level is impossible to get without using all your boosters to no avail so you just want people to pay for moves! Disgusting. For to the App Store re to find something else to play and keep my sanity! Bye bye

Lola said...

Yup. I’ll quit over this level. All licorice gone and can’t get them out. Not happy. Waste of time

Linda Maitan said...

Post for luck

I need double as usual

Linda Maitan said...

Pfl because luck is the only answer

Linda Maitan said...

If you don’t LUCKILY get it set up there’s no helping at end.
They just have to fall off one by one
Usually dint make it that close


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Tina said...

This is the most stupidest rediculous god damn level I have seen!!!!!fix the god damn thing!!!!!!!!!!!

cookie56 said...

Pain in the a$$.
Timing is everything.
Posting for luck.

Miss Vicki said...

This level is frustrating and impossible.

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board please ☘️☘️☘️

Brian kite said...

Completely impossible desperate for a lucky board otherwise it's goodbye from me please help thanks