Candy Crush Saga Level 9133 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9133 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9133 is a dual task level, you have to clear the way for the rainbow rapids and clear the jelly to complete the level. To begin with treat this as a normal jelly level by making as many special candies and combos as you can to clear the board. The hardest things to collect are the rainbow rapids because they will be blocked by licorice and sugar coats. You can collect the rapids one by one and as the board begins to clear you need to look carefully at the darker tracks where the rapids have to go and clear them of obstacles so that the rapids can be collected. The video below starts with more moves but it is completed in the moves available now.
Video by Johnny Crush

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

I simply cannot get a handle on this level. No matter how close I get, things drop to block the progress. I know I'll pass eventually, but right now I can't see a way through this level.

Beachlover said...

I just can't seem to get the level. Doesn't matter how I play there's always something in the way. I been on this level for 3 days. Don't know if a lucky board would help.

Unknown said...

Even boosters don’t help

Cindy said...

Stupid level. You can't plan on anything because as soon as you "think" you've cleared a path, more obstacles drop in your way. It's a purely "who gets a lucky board" level.

Tou52 said...

Third day on this level and this is likely the one where I will delete CC.
There are just too many blockers, sugar coats and licorice, no matter what I do.

Last chance, CC, please give me, as well as all of the above who are struggling, a FAIR and DOABLE level please

Still Here said...

No matter how much you strategise with this level, you beating it purely relies on if Candy crush gives you a lucky board.

Unknown said...

Publico para tablero de la suerte πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

Brown dog said...

I am like all the others every time I think I have it all sorts of things fall. Posting for lucky board please

Pookie8907 said...

What is this horrible level about? Nothing you do gets the job done. The closest I have gotten is 1 left but for the life of me I can't figure out why it's left. Don't waste your boosters, they do nothing to help. Come on King. Just because we don't pay doesn't mean you screw us! Need a new game!!

Still Here said...

This is a horrible, horrible level.

Mi said...

Posting for luck!

blonde said...


Unknown said...

Way too random, this level will win all by itself. Boring waiting for luck. Save your boosters.

Sunset said...


Hulda said...

Playing this level with all boosters, double colorbomb, spaceship and paintbrush. It shows there is one square left but I can't see it anywhere. I should have finished with 8 moves left but it just won't let it finish.

Jane said...

Help would be appreciated!!!!

rhinogulius said...

This level is ridiculously hard to pass. It now has fewer moves (31) and with three ways to block paths, I've come so close to clearing the board only to have my path blocked at the last second as another obstacle falls. Posting for a lucky board.

Cactusgirl said...


Bertiebassett said...

Like so many of the other comments just can't get this level. Boosters don't really make a difference and just when you think you've finished you are trying to find the final ones to clear. The hammer is no use because as fast as you use it it's replaced by another square to be cleared.

anonymous said...

posting for luck

Ana said...

Ayuda, por favor!, πŸ™πŸ™

Mariellen Jordan said...

H E L P!!!! Please. ❀️

JP said...

Really terrible level.
Blockers keep falling.
Need to be just lucky!!
Seems impossible!!
Lucky board please

Rebecca said...

Another bullsh*t level. Keep getting down to one left and I can't find it. It's another impossible level.

Unknown said...

Had genoeg zetten over.moest er nog 2.maar dar kwamen steeds nieuwe wafels of suikerjasjes.zo red je het nooit he

Unknown said...

Serieus als je er bijna bent en denkt uit te kunnen komen vallen er stomme suikerjassen if drop bij.die moet je dan ook eerst wegkrijgen.niet normaal dit irritante gedoe

wolfsonmom said...

My tip - the middle spot in the bottom row must be cleared and then the layers under it must be cleared also. This tripped me up for a while because I got so close to winning but couldn't find the remaining squares I needed, but once I got that bottom spot cleared I was able to beat the level. Good luck, Crushers.

Broomie said...

Lucky board please. obstacles keep falling in the way

Broomie said...

This is just need to clear 1 sugar coat to clear the path and you make a move that cleared it and waffles or licorice fall in its place!! It's impossible and another $h!t level from CC

Broomie said...

Checked to see if there was a glitch and i needed to update..nope.. you just keep playing this endless level and wait for nothing to drop i guess...what fun!!

Broomie said...

WTF...the waffles and licorice never stop falling and this is impossible...might just be end of this game for me.. I've had enough..

Broomie said...

Wonder how many people left the game because of this level? I'm ready to. Won't even waste my gold bars for 18 extra moves cuz i don't have a clue if I'm close!!

The Savage Traveler said...

Again! So many comments, so much frustration. πŸ€πŸ€žπŸ€πŸ€žπŸ€πŸ€žπŸ€πŸ€žπŸ€πŸ€žπŸ€žπŸ€žπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

Raven73 said...

Dumbest flawed level ever just wtf

MichaelBlake said...

Posting for luck

Agnes Power said...

Ridiculous level, Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!!

Flooz said...

Like everyone else, I get so close, and try not to let and candies fall that will be blockers, but it's impossible.

joyous100 said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

For me this has to be the worst hardest and virtually impossible to complete. I have never said this before but this the level which could break me and say goodbye to CC,friends of mine already have. I play this game for pleasure and dont expect to be persecuted into buying extra boosters or moves, not that they would help with this level.

Paula said...

Glad it’s not just me who can’t get last square think you have it and surprise another square pops up

Joy said...

Ok. I may be out of here. Just spent many gold bars and can’t get out of here

Joy said...

Even getting rid of the spawners doesn’t work because waffles and licorice continue to fall.

Jannie said...

Horrendous. Started with all boosters, 3 extra moves, gold bars and precious party popper still didn't pass. Think like ithers this is the level that finishes me off. Sad. 😒😒

Jannie said...

Finally passed, more gold bars but as Cookie says, I was able to spot the rapids route and used switches to clear the blockers out of the way.

Unknown said...

I have one this level 100 times and there’s always one left over somewhere on this board and it says I don’t win. Makes absolutely no sense

Kobarodge said...

Help! ☘️☘️☘️

Lilly said...

Posting for luck!

Lilly said...

I really need to quit... I'm getting too frustrated and angry at this game. I couldn't open the path...wasted precious gold bars for nothing!!!!! Thanks King

cvbcb said...

Posting for the lucky board. This level is hard because the blockers keep coming after you’ve cleared the blocks. Very annoying very difficult

Lilly said...

I want to say worst level yet....except there have been so many. I keep asking myself..why am I still playing?

cvbcb said...

Still here but can’t get it done. Need Lucky Board please

cvbcb said...

Another level where you can’t buy boosters to finish, because there’s too much left on the board. What is King thinking?

Bum said...

This level is so ridiculous I'm quitting cc . Nothing but aggravation

Becky said...

I can’t understand this level! I’ll have the board cleared and new stuff to block me fall from the top! Help please ASAP

MissKristaJane said...

This level is clearly rigged and doesn't actually want me to win lol I have bought extra moves out of desperation and still, something always falls in the way of my "perfect" plan. Unreal

Colleen said...

Absolutely nothing but luck will get you past this level. Don't waste your boosters or gold bars for extra moves. Time and patience and I finally got passed this level.

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

Frustrated said...

Posting for luck again, please.

Frustrated said...

Still here, stuck tight. Posting for luck again. Please, Please, Please.

Cher said...

Looks as though we are all in the same boat . And no I don’t have a paddle either.

JT said...

Classified as a Hard Level on my devices

Heidi said...

What a waste of time! I’m patient and persistent, but getting sick of playing to not get even close! The freaking blockers keep multiplying no matter what I do. Been stocked here for days... BORING!!!! Ughhhhhhhhhhhh

JB said...

Just stuck!! Posting for luck.

Watch me crush said...

This level is complete BS! I finally got the last rapid on final move, only to find out that 2 more jellies needed to be cleared. So frustrating! Guess I’ll be waiting for super lucky board. Pfl

Laura said...

Finally passed but no tips.
It was just chance that no licorice or toffee blocked the last rapid in the cascade. Good luck everyone!

JA said...

I finally got this HORRIBLE level. No real skill, just got a lucky board. This level plays itself. Just keep at it until uou get a lucky boatd!

Raisedbybees said...

I don't even want to start this after reading the comments!

Domie said...

PostΓ© pour la chance.
Merci. ☺️

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Why even try!!!
I’m going to find something else to play.

Unknown said...

Boring. Wait t you're allowed to pass. Don't waste boosters! Pfl!

Lynne said...

Posting for luck. Purchased exta moves as i needed another move to win. King took my money and then gave mean the dreaded spinning white thing and never let me finish my game. I eventually had to exit the ap. So had to start a hard level all over and spend all new booster. King stop your cheating. I think Im finally uninstalling this game. I just want to get this out there as Im sure Im not the only one being cheated. The other day i was supposed to get my fantastic five color bomb wrap free time and King didnt give me. Its so unfair. Good luck everyone

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

cw said...

Candy Crush Saga level 9133is impossible even with boosters. The problem is that the tutorial has 35 moves and 4 colours, while the game on my laptop has 5 colours (includes red) and only 5 moves. More colours require more moves. Come on, be fair with the games Posting for LUCK as only a lucky will help to win this level. Please help.


Icooper said...


Elless said...

Well King must have listened to your complaints because my board is a lot simpler than the one shown. Still took a while to complete though.

bonita said...

thanks ms cookie for tips--hard time following Paths.

Paulapops said...


Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

SVA said...

I’ve gotten within 1 jelly so many times, it’s so frustrating!!!