Candy Crush Saga Level 9765 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9765 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9765 is classified as a hard level so you are likely to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an order level, you have to collect caramel squares, licorice and cherries to complete the level. 
Concentrate on collecting the cherries and the rest of the orders will be collected as you play. The exits for the cherries are along the middle of the board so you need to get the cherries onto the canveyor in the middle and keep them there until they drop out of the exits, either one or two moves.
Video by Skillgaming

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Deedee1 said...

Posting for luck

Eileen & Skip said...

This looks like you have to switch the cherries to another column in many cases, not a fun level

Eileen & Skip said...

see it now, get them on the conveyor until they drop

MP said...

Very hard but at least it's fun to play as it requires some planning how to get the cherries to the conveyor.

Janesh said...

Posting for luck. Difficult level.

Pascorp said...

Posting for luck 🍀

Lcky said...

Need help please!

Lcky said...

This is impossible please give me a lucky board!

Lcky said...

Getting very Frustrated !
Help please or guve more moves!

GloryB said...

Posting for luck

forgetmenot said...

posting for a lucky board please!

forgetmenot said...

still stuck here! Frustrating tiresome level, needing that lucky board before I pull all my hair out!

SB. said...

Quite enjoyable,made one think .A change from allot of them.

Twins mom said...

I'm not finding this level fun at all!

Beachlover said...

Just want a lucky board.

Milla said...

Posting for lucky board!

Brown dog said...

Posting for lucky board please

E.M. said...

Hard level,but it's fyn and challenging.Good luck.

Sharda said...


Marian said...

This is one of the most enjoyable levels in a long time. I’m not passing it but at least I’m enjoying it.

Broomie said...

I don't know how you are enjoying's just get them on conveyor just for them to fall off with another move...hate these levels. Just want to clear jelly! Help please.

nicx said...

Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance s'il vous plaît

nicx said...

Toujours bloquée ici laissez moi passer s'il vous plaît
Merci nic

Anonymous said...

There are no words to say how boring this level is.
CC is the best way to get angry in few minutes.

rosereddragon said...

Tricky but intriguing! Posting for luck.

cc said...

Posting for luck please!!!!!!

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

Shelley said...

Posting for luck.

cathy said...

Posting for luck thank you !!

Lilly said...

So rigged it's infuriating!

Ian said...

Need yet another lucky board!!! Losing interest in this game now!!!

Ian said...

What a joke this game is become!! Not doable even with another 30 moves!!! Game over for me after many years

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

kate said...

Posting for lucky board! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RBlomquist said...

Completely random. No way to plan. Nothing new there. Once again looking for a four leaf clover. PFLEASE!!

MrsStanley said...

Absolutely hate this level

Anonymous said...


Marie said...

Hulp aub onmogelijk te halen anders

Laura said...

I have had it. I don't know if I will even bother to get to 10,000.
I passed this after several tries by using 3 hand swaps to move cherries up to the conveyor. Not having fun, King!

Stuck said...

At least this is better than previous nightmare levels. Theres a strategy to it rather than luck. Been struggling, but at least its enjoyable!

Stuck said...

Still stuck here! Not fun anymore

Dingee2 said...

This is confusing. I would appreciate your help.
Thank you!!!

JB said...

Posting for luck.

Dio said...

Lucky board pls 🍀🍀🍀

Koni said...

I’m having a hard time understanding this one. Hopefully reading the tips will help.

Melanie said...

Posting for luck 🍀

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Bernie Hayes said...

Posting for luck ✨️ 🙏

Unknown said...

Totally frustrating level. Definitely need a lucky board, please!

Unknown said...


Icooper said...

No tips! Pflplz.

JT said...

Classified as a Nightmarishly Hard Level on my devices

OB said...

Have played this 3 times so far. Decided i'm not even going to spend much time on it. This could very well be my last level I attempt. Tired of wasting my life.

Tineke said...

Ik vind het ook geen leuk spel! Gewoon niet te doen, kom nergens HELP!!

Toscadee 23 said...

Posting for luck.... !!

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Evelyn said...

Don’t like this one! Posting for luck and free spins

ChrisD said...

Ridiculous, stupid, impossible, boring level!!!!!

MiMi said...

Help please!!

JAX. said...

Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️

Lynne said...

Posting for luck

Karen said...

I don't understand the matches..
Had to turn the hints on..

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting fa them ta do it 4me boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring

Angie said...

Lucky board please. Ty 🥰

Tereniaa said...

Pomocy bo już robię się nerwowa

Candy crusher said...

Impossible level. Can not figure out where the dragons go!!! Posting for luck!!!!

Helen said...

Very tricky, but enjoyable, having trouble keeping them on the conveyor though

Helen said...

Did I say 'enjoyable' a week ago? Well I'm still here and it's not enjoyable any more, no chance of winning gold bars when you are stuck on levels for weeks!

Lu said...

Esse jogo é terrível, uma hora vc passa fácilmente de fase, outra horabvc fica empacado por dias em outra, irritante

Shirley Ragland said...

I can't win this unless I can buy gold bars! Google keeps giving me the error message! Please give me a winning board without extra lives and boosters! I would buy them if I could! Thank You 💗

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck. No choices