Candy Crush Saga Level 9995 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9995 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9995 is classified as a hard level so you are likely to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a jelly level and there is jelly over the whole top part of the board so everything has to be cleared to complete the level. Your first move is quite important, you should switch the combo in the middle to clear the licorice curls alongside the middle column. Once this is done you are on your own. You need combos, combos and more combos to have a chance of breaking through the licorice curls, blockers and caramels to get to the jelly underneath. It will be easiest to make moves in the bottom part of the board, but if you can make combos in the top part it may be worth doing this. Switch the fish with stripes or wraps for the best results. Stripe/wrap combos can be useful, but colourbomb combos are better. As with all jelly levels you will need to make as many combos as you can to blast the board until it is cleared.
Video by Johnny Crush

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Monorma said...

Really no comments? I'm frustrated with this level since I don't get close to clear the left side of the board that is hardly blocked with curls. I don't achieve to open enough the upper part in order to make combos. This is clearly depending of a lucky board. Posting for that!

Roger75 said...

What a crap level! Boosters needed to complete It!

JP said...

Have not enjoyed CC for quite awhile.
So tired of levels needing a lucky board!!!
I’ve cut down my playing by 85%
Lucky board please!!!

Unknown said...

Ridiculous…. I so want to get to 10,000, but this level sucks! Day tw9 and not even close

JP said...

Help help help!!!!!
Can’t get close at all.
Seems like there is something wrong with this level!!
Hate it!
Please give me a lucky board!!!!!!

JP said...

At least 4 days on this level!!!!
Never had that before.
Totally futile even trying!!!
Don’t even get close enough to use the flying saucer.
All these years playing candy crush and I can’t believe I am done !
Very sad.

Unknown said...

Not getting anywhere. Top half is not helping much. Need more moves and a lucky board.

Sharda said...


Christine S said...

Another one of these lucky board levels.
Lately too many hard and even the ones that are not labeled hard are a lucky board.
I’m quite sick of this game!

The Savage Traveler said...

Ugh. Not looking forward to this one! Posting for ☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞

Joy said...

Uh oh. Mine is different again. I wonder what candy crush Im playing now.

JT said...

King changed the board again. Different orders, no jelly. Not classified as a Hard Level, either.