Candy Crush Saga Level 1677

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1677 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
It's fairly easy to make colour bombs on this level, so look for them any time you get the chance. Switch a colour bomb with a stripe for best clearance of blockers, popcorn and jelly, or better still now that the new colour bomb/wrap combo seems to have been rolled out for everyone use that for an almost total clearance of the board.
No real strategy for level 1677, just blast away with any combo you can make and you should clear it without too much trouble.
Take the time to check the board for the best move and don't get careless.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1676

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1676 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect all 8 popcorns and also make 3 colour bomb/stripe combos to complete level 1676 Candy Crush Saga,
The colour bomb/stripe combos are the hardest to make and they will hit the popcorns, with luck, and help them to grow. Wrapped candies on their own won't help much, but switched with a stripe they will also help to grow the popcorns. These can be made early in the game before you start to clear the popcorns.
Two colour bombs switched together will grow the rest of the popcorns by one stage so can be used for that if you can'y get a stripe next to them.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1675

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1675 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Unlock the stripes on the right side of the board but don't let them drop. The best way is to make a match between them. If one drops it doesn't matter, but try to keep at least one of them in line with the wrapped candies under the ingredients. Fire a stripe into the 2 wraps and they will allow the ingredients to fall down into the main playing area.
Each time you get an ingredient out of the exit another one will fall down so there are usually 2 ingredients on the board at the same time. You don't have many moves to spare so look carefully at the board before every move so you don't waste any.
If you allow the wrapped candies to fall out of place pou will have a hard time clearing the cream blocker holding the ingredients in place. 
A coconut wheel booster can be very helpful, but take care that you don't move the essential candies out of place.
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