Candy Crush Saga Level 1213

Hints and tips for level 1213 Candy Crush Saga
You need vertical stripes and stripe/wrtap combos to complete level 1213 Candy Crush Saga.
As soon as you begin clearing the blockers the chocolate will start to spread, so you need to clear the chocolate to stop it from taking over.
Level 1213 is quite a frustrating level as moves are so restricted and only get more restricted if the chocolate gets out of control.
Once the chocolate is out of the way make a horizontal stripe at the bottom of the board and use it to release the stripe/wrap combos, they will go to the top and will clear some of the blockers.
You only need to concentrate on clearing one column of blockers to allow the ingredients to fall as they will all come down the same column when they are released.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1212

Hints and tips for level 1212 Candy Crush Saga
This is a fun level, the first for quite a while!
All the wrapped candies you need are on the board at the start, switch two together in the top row, but not on the right as this will take away three of the colourbombs and may leave you with no way to get the rest. Then you can switch two wraps together in the top part of the lower column and they will uncover the colourbombs and drop away without detonating the colourbombs. Switch two colourbombs together to clear the marmalade from the rest.
Then use the colour bombs one by one, on whatever candy falls to fill the space. You should get more colour bombs forming in the middle, just keep switching them with a single candy or a wrapped candy if you have one.
Before you have used up the colour bombs you will have all the purple candies you need and will have completed the level. Keep two colour bombs side by side in case you are running out of moves and you can switch them together to hopefully finish the level.

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Candy Crush Saga Level 1210

Hints and tips for level 1210 Candy Crush Saga
The biggest problem on level 1210 Candy Crush Saga is the licorice. It will get in the way and block your stripes to make it hard for the fruit to fall down.
Licorice is normally very easy to remove, but the fact that it is separate from the main board and you will very quickly have ingredients sitting next to it makes removing it quite tricky.
You will need stripe/wrap combos or single vertical stripes to clear the way for the ingredients.
Video below completed in 23 moves 
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.