Candy Crush Saga Level 1221

Hints and tips for level 1221 Candy Crush Saga
Don't worry too much about the chocolate to begin with, but if you can make matches in the bottom part of the board it will leave empty spaces where the chocolate won't be able to spread.
Your main focus should be on breaking through the cream blockers with special candies and combos.
Once you get candies falling into the bottom of the board you should be able to make combos more easily with the larger playing area.
Colour bomb/stripe combos or colour bomb/wrap combos are good for clearing cream blockers and jelly.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1220

Hints and tips for level 1220 Candy Crush Saga
Make every move count on level 1220. You need to clear as many blockers as you can with each move, especially work on clearing the top to allow more candies to fall.
Getting into the bottom part of the board is also very important. Once you can move the bottom candies they will affect the top ones so you have a better chance to get cascades and good combos.
There are only four colours on the board so once you have opened up the board a bit you should have no trouble making good combos and clearing the jelly.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1219

Hints and tips for level 1219 Candy Crush Saga
The hardest squares to clear are down the sides behind the holes in the board so you should concentrate on those.
Because the board is split into two by the conveyor, some combos can be set up in advance by watching the candies on the conveyor and using them to either make a special candy or get a combo together.
For some reason this seems to be one of those levels that gets harder to make matches the closer you get to completing it. For this reason you need to slow down and check the board carefully before every move as it's easy to miss moves coming around on the conveyor.
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