Candy Crush Saga Level 734

Tips for level 734 Candy Crush Saga
You have 20 moves to get one ingredient down and out of the exits.
The problem is all the exits are blocked by locked cells which need the 4 keys to unlock them.
In order to collect the keys you need to unlock the striped candy in the middle using a stripe or colour bomb, then hit it again with a stripe or colour bomb to fire it off and collect the keys.
Once that is done the ingredient will fall on move 6, with 5 moves left to get it out of the exit.
Be very careful once the stripe is unlocked that you keep moving and don't cause the board to shuffle, if that happens your stripe will move and you will lose your chance of collecting the keys and it's game over.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 732

Tips for level 732 Candy Crush Saga
This is a jelly level with a 9 move bomb in the middle, surrounded by Cream blockers.
Your priority has to be the bomb but often there is a move inside the cream blockers to get rid of it.
If not you will have to break through to it before it counts down.
Try to open the blockers along the top of the box to let more candies fall although there is no jelly under them.
After that it's fairly straightforward clearing jelly, but don't overlook the 2 isolated jelly squares top left and bottom right which need to be hit with a special or combo.
There will also be more bombs falling so keep your eyes open for them too.
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Candy Crush Saga level 735

Tips for level 735 Candy Crush Saga
Before you start look at the board carefully and see which side of the board offers the best moves, that is if you make one move will it give you another to follow. Choose that side and try to work there so that you only have one lot of bombs to worry about.
Let the chocolate take over the other side, it will prevent bombs from falling if you have to fire off a stripe.
If you can't continue on one side and the bombs escape on the opposite side you may as well give up and start again.
DON'T make sideways stripes as this will disturb the candies on the other side and allow bombs to fall unless there is enough chocolate to prevent it.
Once you have the score to get one star you have to continue playing out the moves, so be very careful not to spoil all your hard work by releasing the bombs on the other side.
You can make moves in the outer 2 columns without releasing bombs and this will help use up your moves if you have lots left.
Video below.

More tips by Adrian Gardner
"The only additional tips I can give are ...
(1) remember chocolate "expands" (grows) if you don't destroy ANY the previous turn, so really try to leave it alone so it blocks as much as possible as quickly as possible. 
(2) once you have a chocolate "bridge" across half the board (say mid way up) you CAN play stripes underneath it because the choc will stop new bombs dropping. 
(3) sounds obvious, but really try not to drop bombs at all! (so
work in far left/right two columns (and middle?)) ... but ensure you score enough to get at least 1 star"