Hints and tips for level 1014 Candy Crush Saga
The candies fall from the top of the left board, down through the teleports and up to the top of the right board then down.
So no more candies will fall into the right side until you have cleared the blockers from the bottom of the left.
The given stripes will help once you have unlocked them, and the popcorns will give you 2 colour bombs. Moves are very restricted at the start, but try to make special candies and combos as much as possible.
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Really boring level. Just given pointless moves that do nothing. No strategy involved. Passing this one will be pure luck.
Very boring level. Can't wait for a lucky board. That is probably the only way I will pass this level. Even 1001 wasn't this boring.
Agreed - just swapping candies in the upper left without any result. Tried using a jelly fish booster for a couple lives but only got down to 2 jellies left. Absolutely no mental challenge in this one - pure luck.
Update - a few hours after whining here my lucky board showed up. Was able to make three consecutive sprinkle/stripe combos low on the board (2 on right side, 1 on left) which wiped out a lot of candies. Still had 16 lives left to clean up the multi-hit blockers at the bottom and finished it off without any boosters. 3 stars (which doesn't matter to me, just saying for those who like to rack up the stars. Don't give up hope!
Just watched the video and noticed you've got 42 moves for this level I only got 30 to start with so my chances of passing this level are 0 to nothing
I only got 30 moves also on IPad. Pretty frustrating!
7 tries, fish booster, 3 stars. It's a bit tricky to get started with the limited moves but the fish plus some stripe+sprinkle combos help get the final blocks
Worst level ever through allll the candy crush levels! I have never had such a boring pointless level! It only gives you moves on the upper left side that do nothing . I think this might finally be where I call it quits
Noticed they added chocolate spinners and chocolate to level 666 for those going back to get candy drops....still get around 30..heehee
This is where the boosters from sugar crush come in really handy. I can't stand these boring levels anymore, either. After a couple of "forget about it" tries (only 30 moves available), I used a fish, choco ball and stripe/wrap to start. Used one hand switch during the game so I could match a stripe with a choco and done. ;-)
I found this level terrible, I also used all boosters at the beginning and passed with 7 moves to spare, AJ
I used one sprinkle, one wrap/stripe and fish from the free spin plus one hand and one lollipop hammer. Done! What else are these free boosters for?
Yes, they added chocolate to 666. And you can't kill it. It keeps growing
First try, started the game with the fish and stripe/wrapper boosters. Managed to get a sprinkle crossed with a stripe to do most of the damage. Was lucky enough to get 2 more sprinkles, and cleared the board with 20 moves left. 3 stars. Good luck!!
Passed it with 3 stars NO BOOSTERS!! Patience is key. The right board will come.
I could not believe it when i saw the spinners on 666. Still easy to get almost 50 drops then beat the level and you get double. Somebody is reading the blogs.
Impossible level. No fun at all. Waiting for lucky board.
Pc gives you 42 moves
Such a boring rubbish level. After many attempts I used a sprinkle, stripe/wrap, and fish boosters twice. Thankfully done!!!
King should get their act together! Again iOS players are cheated. Why do we only have 30 moves when there are 42 on PC? This level is already extremely hard as it is...
Clearly easier on PC with the 42 moves as pointed out earlier,
However, at the end luck is the most important - i finished it on PC but my first move gave me a chocolate move opening one of the stripes in cage...and then i finihsed with 16 moves left.
Stupid level - keep hoping for the lucky board.
Again easier on the Pc 42 moves and combinations formed more readily especially wrapped candy which were very useful in clearing the bricks.
Drove me insane on my iphone, impossible as you only have 30 moves. Had a look online and trick is to play it on a computer.
Used 4 boosters on this one still had one jelly left. I have gone from loving this game to hating it and wishing I had never started it or any of Kings games. Ready to Uninstall all of them.
Extremely boring level....guess I will have to wait for that lucky board
Mind numbing boring.
I started with the wrapped candy and stripe from my boosters and then went through the games until they were side by side and started that way, got 3 stars, with 7 moves left
Blah! I hate this level so boring. No good moves. I know I'll get past it eventually.
This has got to be the most boring and frustrating level ever. Wth? C'Mon. Give me some good moves!
Oh please....getting so sick of this stupid level.
I just wanna say some bad words to you cc king!
I am typing this using my middle finger. UGH
Yup yet another boring level. Seems we have 2 programmers for this game. One who bores us and the other who delights in entertaining us.
I agree. Endlessly boring. Just shuffling candies around and waiting for the lucky board.
I reckon I'm on attempt number 150! Tooooo boring
Switch. Shuffle. Switch. Shuffle. Yawn. Switch. Shuffle. Stretch. Quit. Repeat.
I don't go to the casinos, the riverboats or spend money on expensive luxuries so sue me, I bought five extra moves for .99 just to escape the monotony of this level and if I ever encounter another level as boring as this one, I'll do it again. Peace.
JSN: I get 42 moves on both my iPhone and my PC. It's frustrating to have a few jellies left on the right side of the board, but only have available moves on the left side. I've tried jelly fish, but they don't help very much and I hate to waist them.
JSN: I broke down and started with fish, candy ball, and striped/wrapped boosters. That did the trick, especially since I received several additional fish as the game progressed. Man, that was a nasty level!
Nightmare level 😵😖😖😏😵😭😭😭😭😭.
Biggest Bullshit level !!! Very Frustrating n tolal waste of precious time !!! Tempted to give up on this rotten game ! Hope Blady King reads this !!
Last time I play this fussed up level !!! Now print the dawn thing !
Indeed it's a horrible level. Poor King as he gets all kinds of scolding from us. Be patient and you will pass through. King gives lot of rewards like daily spin sugar drops and weekend bonus etc etc. let us be happy and thankful to him for enabling us to play free. Let us not throw words like this.
Finally spent some $$$
Now I feel guilty because I had to buy my way out.
+simply impossible to pass unless CC gives you a good board. No combos to be made & mindlessly shifting candy around on the left. Zero skill needed....just dumb luck. The previous levels have been good. This one just needs you to close your eyes & guess until CC decides it time for you to pass :(
This level is bullsh*t and a total waste of every ones time and energy as you will NEVER pass until CC lets you. The boards given are complete rubbish. Even when I finally managed to make 2 x sprinkle stripe combos, not even near getting it. I am off to spend some time in my garden as this is simply not worth wasting the time trying. Horrid level.
Ugh! Can't even get close! Hate this level!
And two days later, multiple games, and nothing but frustration. I know probably all of us have threatened at some point to quit, but we always come back. Not this time. Not worth the frustration.
UNbelievable!!!!!! Went back just to finish off my lives and got it the first try. 😡😡😡😡. However, the next level is WORSE!!!!! Another HARD level with bombs that count down from nine. Not looking good for me.
I cannot even get the blocks removed. Has not happened yet and have been playing for many days! Guess I will just keep playing and hope for something lucky to come along!
Been stuck on this one for three days. Even tried it on PC, 42 moves still not enough. Agree this is the most boring level in a long time. shuffle, shuffle, snore...
Well, it took four days and finally resorted to using all three free boosters to pass this. Used a sprinkle, wrap/stripe, and a fish from the booster wheel. The fish appeared several times and I was able to match it with a wrap and then a stripe. That took out some of the bottom right which I've been struggling mightily with. So glad to be done with this crappy level.
After a week of daily play on both Android and PC tomorrow avail, I took the advice of a few commenters and activated all three boosters at once. I passed on mobile on the third try. The level may have been tweaked to not be passable without boosters. I've run into abfew levels prior that required boosters to pass.
been on this for days and feel like a robot. i dont have expectations of ever passing this level. got this far so will just keep clicking away in my spare time and see just how far i will sink into this mind numbing never world of candy crush.
I've been playing Candy Crush on iPhone 5s just over a year now, I've sailed up to Level 1014 with little difficulty. However, with this level I feel I've reached my plateau. I believe this level is designed to make you pay pay pay in order to cheat your way out of it. I've seen all of the walk-throughs and marvel at the lucky boards some get, but the boards I get don't give me anything but 3's at the top of the left-hand side! I've even used the last of my boosters to no avail. It's sad, but this looks like the end of my Candy Crush addiction.
Having gotten this far nobody expects easy peasy levels but come on cc, at least give us a chance of winning!!!
Now one els play this game after this level. I think its the end of King saga. Commentaar are from 2015, and I am not surprised. For me... this is the end. Not done and boring!
Hi -- this is my first time posting but always read your posts for advice and patience. But had to join in for this miserable level. I have tried all your techniques with no avail and I hope last resort is not to buy, buy ,buy my way through. just don't know if I can succumb to that level. Luck to you all.
Boring, pointless almost impossible level. Been stuck here for weeks. This could be the level that makes me delete this game.
Out of frustration I used all 3 boosters and it was a breeze after that... don't know what I'll do when my stash is gone because I will not buy boosters... it's the principal, LOL
Need a lucky board really bad!
Hardest level for me so far, just move the candies around and have no hope of getting past it.
Boring. Can only make the occasional stripe candy and then it's little or no use. No boosters left - I keep winning coconut wheels which can't be used on this level. Close to deleting Candy Crush
I'll be shuffling candies in my sleep at this rate. Such a tedious level.
Totally frustrating and SO BORING! What is King thinking? Obviously their goal is to get us to spend money, but instead they are turning me off to this game. I enjoy the levels that use skill and give us a chance to win, but when we can play a level for hours without coming close to winning, where is the fun in that? Close to giving the game up!
Posting for luck
Asinine level
And no CC
it’s not Super Hard it’s just TOTALLY stupid and badly designed
I think my board is reshuffling an average of 20 times per game - I’m having to faff around making useless moves on the right because there are literally no moves at all on the left so the game never gets started till it’s too late —
Deliberate ploy to make us buy more moves as usual !
Just another stupidly 'hard' level - there's no hard levels in CC, only unfair levels. Levels where the AI is actively sabotaging your moves to screw you and to force you to BUY BUY BUY. I won't be paying to play such a stupid game, I will die first.
Making no progress on this one. Need lucky board.
Please !!!!! SO BORING !!! Cmon ! Let’s us out of here ! I can’t play this much longer .
Posting for luck lucky board needed
71 posts says it all. I did say that I would quit after level 10000 well I was on a run but this is where it ends. Bye bye CC you ain't getting anything from me
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