Candy Crush Saga Level 1314

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1314 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
Level 1314 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level by the makers, so you can expect to lose a few lives before you pass it.
Look for stripes and stripe/wrap combos, especially high on the board to hit the cream blockers.
A colour bomb will help, but only if switched with a stripe, or a candy that touches the cream blockers.
Once you have some space to work on the right you may be able to make matches there, but look at the whole board first in case there is a chance to make a combo on the left that will hit the jelly.
A jelly fish booster is possibly the one to use if you are having trouble with level 1314.
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Anonymous said...

Not even close on any try until I decided to concentrate on making a colour bomb and getting it against a stripe, worrying otherwise only about the bombs. Once I got the colour bomb and stripe and set it off, that opened up a lot of the right side and made this level much easier, though a subsequent wrap/stripe combo greatly assisted, as I completed the level with plenty of moves to spare and got three stars (no boosters used). There just are not enough opportunities to go with just stripes, so the colour bomb/stripe combo is essential.

Anonymous said...

I know this is rated a hard level, but I did it in one with no boosters and 2 stars - I was surprised to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Yup same no booster 1st attempt. ..not hard at all. Make combos on left till u can open right side then its pretty easy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the bomb stripe tip. Got it first try after leaving this site.

Anonymous said...

I am reading the tips. It would be nice if I had the opportunity to make a bomb stripe combo. Frustrating.

Unknown said...

Yet to pass this level I find it hard

Bobbie-Jane said...

Hated this level, wanted to quit numerous times.. on the HARD level before, I used 8 hammers to get through. So was very annoyed about that, then to be faced with another frustrating level. Passed this morning but had to use 2 switches.. I found fish didnt help at all. Good news is the next level is nice and easy, passed 1st go. good luck all.

Anon lafy said...

Having been blown up and not being able to get anywhere on this level I decided to throw in all three boosters - and it worked. I managed to match the sprinkle with a stripe first, then another helpful sprinkle appeared, which I also matched successfully. Easy to mop up the remaining jellies.

Anonymous said...

I just passed this, if you can manage to get two color bombs together, which I did simply because they fell onto conveyor together and setting those off wiped out everything, game over. Good luck to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Sorry! Just posted above comment December 11 at 12:11... Comment is for Level 1315 not 1314. My bad.

Jennifer said...

I finally gave it (after getting no where too many times) and used a chocolate bomb and a stripe / wrap booster. I was able to make another stripe, which I managed to switch with the chocolate bomb, but I STILL didn't have any moves on the right side of the board. I had to keep playing the left side and get a few more stripes before I could finally clear the right side.

Anonymous said...

Stuckity, stuck, stuck, stuck.....

Anonymous said...

People come here because they are having trouble with a level. What they DO NOT want to hear is how easily someone else passed it. DO YOU KNOW HOW ANNOYING THAT IS? I've played this game for a long time and I would NEVER do that. If I pass a level easily I post helpful tips or I don't post at all. I passed this level with a several boosters after playing a LONG time. A sprinkle ball and a stripe (boosters I earned) are a must so I kept resetting till I got them next to each other. And it still took me a couple of hand switches and a hammer on a bomb to finish. Good luck.

LynnR said...

Pretty straightforward level. Make as many special candies as you can on the left side to break up the blockers and candies on the right side, and don't forget to watch the right side closely after each move so you won't miss any matches there.

LynnR said...

Pretty straightforward level. Make as many special candies as you can on the left side to break up the blockers and candies on the right side, and don't forget to watch the right side closely after each move so you won't miss any matches there.

Newme07 said...

Agreed!!! Helpful passing posts only. Please and thank you.

Anonymous said...

People actually comment here because abracadabra you get a lucky board after, need mine now please, been stuck on this level for 2 days with very few opportunities to make combos

Bill. said...

Horizontal striped candy needed or wrapped striped candy. Difficult to get rhs with matching candy. Took a lot of attempts.

Anonymous said...

Been at this one for days and days and days. Can't even get close and used all my boosters.

Anonymous said...

This is a joke...the video seems to msgically get sprinkles and all sorts of combos to be made yet the boards i get are total shite. I have only 2 boosters left and this is once again a level that the cc programmers are using to suck us in to buying extras. No skill needed just plain dumb luck:() this is very very boring

Anonymous said...

I have played this level well over 150 times and only got close once. I am totally sick of it as it is nothing like the lucky board in the video and simply sucks. I have used all my bonus candy in the attempts and the boards were eorse in those games. This is beyond s joke. Why do cc keep treating us like idiots in making levels that some can pass on the first attempt and other poor suckers like me jyst have to keep waiting and waiting for the same lucky board. BOOOO to you CC!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This level is not labeled as a hard level, but it should be. This level is f-ed up!

Anonymous said...

Wow finally passed 1313 and now another hard one 😳. Thanks for the tips! Maybe could use a lucky board 😉

CB said...

Oh. My. Gawd. Why can't I pass this level? I even had 2 sprinkle bombs together, and still nothing! Used up all my fish too. So frustrated!

Anonymous said...

Agree about saying how easily one passed is really bad form. We all know you got a lucky board, so don't make it out like you have some special skills. "Concentrated on making a color bomb" ... what BS!

Anonymous said...

Why not be charitable and be glad that someone was able to get this easily? I'm still trying to get this one, but it's meant to be a challenge. It's just a game. Have fun with it.

Anonymous said...

Pick all three boosters. Keep resetting until you get the colour bomb with a wrap, then used fish to end it, 3 stars. You can do it, you have come this far!

Boffo said...

Pretty funny how with a mistake made on the video they were able to pass it. Haven't played it yet

Anonymous said...

another of those levels that relies completely on luck. no one should have to play a level dozens of times to win...makes the game frustrating and ultimately boring.

MissyM said...

I agree with Anonymous at 6:15 that this level is boring. I have played this level many, many times and have not been able to make a colour bomb even once. Most of the moves I can make are simple three candy. I have made very few wraps, and have tried to match them with a Stripe, but most times they detonate before I get to use them. The majority of the stripes that I am able to make are vertical, so they don't help much without a stripe to go with them. Because I play on PC I am unable to reset and obtain the match I want. Thanks to everyone that has posted tips and Good Luck to all.

Anonymous said...

Whichever designer decided to put in the sixth color and the random bomb drops on the right side should be flayed alive.

Alessandra said...

Damn bombs

Anonymous said...

Tough level. Have used just about all of my boosters. Did no good whatsoever. This level really sucks.

Anonymous said...

Ditto! 3 days on this level & nothing but wasted boosters!