Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1320 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
Stripes or a stripe/wrap combo are needed, get the combos onto the conveyor and into position to hit the blockers and release the fruit.
Depending on the direction of the stripes wait until they are at the bottom or sides of the conveyor.
Stripe/wrap combos are best switched at the bottom under the blockers so they take out the whole section. If everything goes to plan you should be able to clear level 1320 with plenty of moves to spare, but if the candies are not in your favour you might struggle.
A useful booster would be the coconut wheel, get it into position at the bottom and it'll clear the whole column for you.
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Coconut wheel is very effective here. Once it clear one column, most of the ingredients (5) comes through it. You can use the rest of the moves to clear the other column and bring down the fallen ingredients to exit.
For some reason, the mobile version of this level is much harder. There are mutliple levels of blocking cream, especially at the bottom, instead of a single layer, and the rightmost and leftmost columns have no exits for the cherries. I tried this level first on mobile and it is impossible, as I could not even get close, and did not once get a cherry out of the right side. Clearing multiple levels of blocking cream on the bottom row on the right side is virtually impossible. Then I saw this level on the computer, and it was much, much easier, with more exits and only one layer of blocking cream. The best advice here is do not attempt this level on your phone or tablet (both iOS and Android).
Agreed!!! Quite impossible on iPad. No exits on the sides, heavy blockers. Used coconut to start, got 2. Hand switches to move cherries over exits. Also had to hammer several blockers. Figured it would be impossible without these boosters, so what the heck, put them to good use
Very lucky on last move of first try on iPad, no boosters, so don't all dispair.
Got this on my 2nd try on Android. Used a Coconut wheel. Found it better to only clear the inner blocker at bottom of both sides. Got six cherries on left side and let them go up conveyor until they were in a vertical row and had to use one lollipop hammer at bottom. They all dropped out at once. Used another lollipop on inner black blocker on bottom right and two cherries dropped on conveyor and they go around and drop out on their own.
Agree with above commentary, if possible do not even try to attempt this level on your phone or tablet, on PC is much easier
Hmmm... I've been playing on my iPhone like a fool possessed. I guess I have to go playing on my PC. I hate when this happen:(
Will post tomorrow if I thought PC version is indeed different and easier.
This has been made easier on the pc now. I wish I had spotted this before wasting days playing only on my ipad. I don't know why it is not the same on the ipad.
FYI - Android is a mobile device.
FYI - Android is a mobile device.
I dont play on pc, only mobile. I agree, every pc level is easier than mobile. Downside, my mobile is usually 2 levels behind pc, I guess mobile construction takes longer because it is more challanging. Ty for the advice
Wow! Wish I had come here before wasting 8 coconut wheels! First time on pc done!
Thanks , will try on PC , rather than wasting time on Android.
I played on iPad- doable! Used a sprinkle and combined it with a coconut wheel and that opened a whole lot of board!!! I got several more wheels and I still had to position the fruit on the conveyer but I had plent of moves. Just a note - you only have to clear one side which I didn't realize at first. The fruit will drop down from one side. Good luck!
CC from vero😎
I played this on my PC and passed on the second try. Cleared the left side with a coconut wheel and all the cherries came down that side. YAY
What is happening with Candy Crush this is not the first time that levels played in an iPad differ - 8 cherries and multiple layers ????? As opposed to 6 cherries and one layer !!!!
Come on Candy Crush get your act together and have the same game on all devices - seems unfair !!!!!
I don't get it?! I tried on PC and the level is the same as iPhone. Completely difficult to pass!!!
What the hell!! And my board doesnt look like the video. Multiple layers of cream and no exits on the side on my board. This sucks!
Finally!! And I did it with the challenging board. Just focused on vertical stripes and horizontal to clear the many layers of cream. Then just getting the fruit down the portals.
I must have played this level 50 times and used up all my coconut wheels on an iPad, before I wised up and played it on my PC. First-time win, piece of cake. They must be different operations or something, but after this and (I think it was) 1313, I'm not playing anymore on my iPad.
After being stuck for days trying to do this on ipad I borrowed a computer & did it first try with 20 moves to spare. This is so unfair. Impossible on android.. So unfair.Annie
I am finally done with cc. Can't play this on iPad, which has happened too many times recently. In fact, I have started hating this game. Going to try something new.
This level way easier on the PC - no cream blockers and more portals - hate when they have differences between IPAD and PC
Unfortunately PC is down and only able to play on IPad. Hating this level!
Ridiculous and getting fed up...
Ok...just venting....but I'm taking a break from this level until King decides to fix this level for those of us playing on iPads.. Tired of wasting boosters.
So sick and tired of 1320!!
Until King makes this level fair on all devices, I think many of us are just wasting boosters and our time.
I surrender!
Absolutely unbelievable.....I finally beat this level and the game freezes which prevented me from moving on. Total bs.
My PC version is the same hard version as my iPhone. What's up with that??
Sorry guys, this is sooo easy on PC.
Sorry guys, this is sooo easy on PC.
After reading all of the above I guess I I'll try on a PC. King Needs to make this this same on all devices. I was ready to quit the game.
What is going on CC ? These past levels you have to go on a PC to pass the level as they are easier . Why are you making it harder for Ipad & Android users ? No doubt there wont be an answer .
After posting the above comment i passed this level on an Android phone using a coconut wheel , so it can be done 😏
I thought this level and the 1 before were alot of fun, I know how frustrating this game can sometimes be, but please cut out the swearing, not nice to read, for anybody.
Playing on an iPad it is very hard!! My question is WHY, WHY, WHY, is it ALWAYS HARDER on a mobile device?????
I just don't get it..... Why can't the games be the same on all devices?? Getting very bored with you Candy Crush!!
I only have an iPad to play on and WHAT a tough one this was! I used lots of boosters. I threw in all three and even then had to use switch hands when I got 7 cherries down with 7 moves to go. No way was I letting that opportunity slip aeay! I finished with a lollipop. Oh dear - back to collecting more boosters on sugar drop!
Why does King have different levels (easier) on PCs than mobile devices?
Wow, this level is 100 times easier on the PC than the iPad. It's not even close. Not only are the blocks much thicker to break through on the iPad but there are less drop zones for the cherries.
Save your time if you're stuck on mobile and try the desktop version of 1320.
Un-winnable on iPhone. Too poor to own a tablet; have computer access only at work. What a world, what a world. :Op
It is continually discouraging to get to new level only to find out it is so much harder on iPhone. To the CC developers, why is that? Why do you punish people playing on the mobile device? I will not log into the Social Network (FB) to play and I think that’s what they want us to do. You would think more people are playing when they are out and about on the mobile devices, so why make it harder for them. Makes no sense. I have an iPhone 6 and have played this numerous times and having extreme difficulty. Only have gotten 5 to slide down, but to even get them to pass thru down to the bottom is extremely tough considering the limited moves. Like the comment above, impossible!
1st try on pc after two days on my mobile!
Goodbye CC if ever I needed a reason to quit my habit this level was it! A flaw on the right column makes it impossible to complete!
I passed on an iPad only after using a sprinkle ball matched with a coconut wheel. That opened a lot of the board and I got another two wheels later. Good luck.
Why on all videos their are only six fruits n single blockers but on cc we have eight fruits n double blockers, I've spent entire Xmas on this stupid level . I'm ready to delete , frustrating n bored th death with it,
I switched to the PC and was successful first try. Wish I had heeded that suggestion 2 days ago! Shocked at how different the difficulty level is depending on what device you use.
This level is impossible. I have played it for hours (had 2 x 2hrs free and 1 x 24 hrs free) and I have never been able to clear the right-hand side. I have played on both ipad and PC. I'm about to quit except for playing candies levels which I enjoy. Byee and thanks for all your comments.
Thank you sooooo much...it would have taken me FOREVER on tablet!!!
Likewise, got it first time on laptop - spent useless days (and boosters) trying on iPad. Thanks for the tips everybody.
This level is a MILLION times easier on the web browser.
Absolutely true about doing this on the pc. First try with no boosters. If I had stayed on my iPad I would be playing until the cows come home.
Impossible on the tablet !!!
I can also confirm that this level is extremely difficult on Android. I tried the coconut wheel but got only one throughout the entire level (which did not help much) Finally, I combined the coconut wheel with a colour bomb, got 3 wheels throughout the level and managed to finish it...
Agree completely different on Pc only one layer of bricks completed second attempt. The fruit all fell down one side.
My board has multiple blockers at the bottom of the board! In the video there is only one layer. Having only one level of blockers would make this infinitely easier. As it stands I have been on this level for days if not weeks. This is damn near impossible!
Did a quick google as to why it was easier on the PC than on my phone and came up with this page. Super easy on the PC. I mostly play on my phone but now I guess I'll be checking in on the PC on difficult levels.
This level is so frustrating. Can't get any combos played a few days already. I see it's easier in a pc but only have Apple products. So done!
The frustrating thing with this level is that you CANNOT get the candies underneath the cream blockers on the right hand side which means I've never got the fruit down from the rh side! So stupid. Will do what other posters have suggested and try on my laptop as I normally play on iPad.
I've been stuck on this level for days...never did get a fruit down on the right side. I have never used my PC to play Candy Crush but I took your advice...put down my trusty IPad and turned on the PC. One try...right side fruit falling first and the rest was a breeze. I would have never believed it would be the same game but just a different device. Thanks for the suggestion! Makes me wonder............
These hard levels are just plain stupid. They just make it hard to frustrate us. Hate that.
PC is the way to go since you only need 6 ingredients and there's only one layer of meringue.
Very cruel level on mobile! Always 4 cherries on left & 4 cherries on right. Have to clear both sides. Not enough moves. I have always played on my mobile. Games should be equal on all devices! Crappy move by King!
Thanks guys I was playing on iPad with no success got it first time on computer
I finally just passed this level on my iPad. I don't have a PC. It was a horrendous struggle, but this time something weird happened. I was unable to get any strikes on the right side, but got very lucky with striped/wrapped combos UNDER the left side. All eight pieces of fruit dropped down the left side only. Just a suggestion for those who haven't tried this. Pure dumb luck on my part.
iPad user, after reading comments, I decided to see if IMacs are PCs (non-windows). It worked, signed in with Facebook.. Boy, 50 moves and more wraps, etc. It did take 3 tries because cherries came down on both sides. I even had boosters I don't have any of now on my iPad, like the Coconut wheel, so I used that. I see teeth? booster. What in the world are teeth?
On my big computer, only needed 6 fruits and one layer to remove the junk. Passed on first try. IPAD is still 8 fruits, fewer escape routes and more things to blast away. I do not understand why the levels are so different between devices.
Thanks for the PC hint, it's unbelievable how much easier it was there. First try and I was done
Over the past days I've been alternating between iPad and mobile and still nothing. I've used coconut boosters and only come close a couple of times. So I decided to use all three boosters and still nothing at first, I even used my last handswitch to put two sparkles together. Just now I had to use 3 hammers and 9 gold bars for 5 extra moves and only just completed it.
This was an awful level and used far too many boosters. Now I'm off to build up some more.
If it's any help to your game, when I used a coconut wheel I reset until it was on the conveyor belt, left hand side by the bottom of the blockers, at the fourth position, just on the corner of the conveyor belt before it moves up the column. Then I moved it vertically so you get three rows above with stripes which take out both sides of the bottom blockers. Hope that makes sense. I did this as the bottom blockers required more blasts.
Good luck everyone
I've said it before and I'll say it again, thank goodness for this site! After many failed attempts on my tablet and phone, I came here and found the suggestion to play on my PC. Hurray! So much easier with the bottom being wide open.
I could never figure out how people I used to be ahead of are so far beyond me. I guess they must play on a PC and I play on an IPad. I live happily in an Apple world and refuse to buy a PC for a game! I finally broke my vow of no CC at work and stayed after hours just to play on a PC and get through this level (took about 2 minutes with tons of moves left). So not fair King!
It's really unfair to have a more difficult version of the game for mobiles. What's that all about? I've been trying to crack this for 4 days now and was beginning to think I was on stupid pills and all the time its cc's fault. How rude!
P.S I've just got 2 coconuts together in my last game and it still didn't get all the cherries down, come on cc, this is a joke.
If you can play this level on your computer, do it! After almost giving up on my IPAD and using countless boosters, passed it on first try on computer with 26 moves left! Cherries just dropped down all the way across, notjust in the middle. Stripes blasted the blockers with just one swipe. UnbelieveAble!
Yes, playing on a PC is the only way to beat this level. Passed first try on PC after countless tries on ipad, I never got close. So ridiculous that King doesn't standardize the play between devices.
This is the first comment I have made and thanks everyone for the tips. The tip at the top to play on the computer is the best tip I have received. I never play on the PC but thought I would check out if it was easier on PC. Yes definitely. Got it on my second try. Different board from phone or tablet. A mistake on Candy crush!!!
King must have corrected all problems for this level. 2nd try no boosters and 3 stars.
I've been on this level for a week...no joke! Used up all my boosters 😏 and the closest I came was getting 7 cherries, then ran out of moves. I almost cried. I guess I'll take suggestions to play on computer because at this rate, I am done!
Ok so what if your only option is an iPad �� Guess from what I've been reading above I will never get off this pure evil level since I play on my iPad... Please King a little help here... I realize life is not fair but these levels are written by humans that sometimes have no other option but the iPad and if the levels are created differently for different devices then fairness can't be part of this equation...
Maybe after venting with this post I'll get the elusive lucky board created for my iPad ��
I agree with previous posters about not playing this level on a mobile device. There are multiple layer blockers on the mobile version as others have stated and only single hit blockers on the PC version. I haven't passed yet, but after many attempts on mobile, I'll be sticking with the PC.
I just passed this level on my second try on PC. PC is definitely the way to go. I had three color bombs "make" and used two of them in color bomb/striped combos. That stripped away most of the blockers. From there, the cherries fell all the way through the right and left columns to the conveyor and a couple of three candy matches sent them out. There were a several cherries that went straight out on their own.
The difficulty with this level, as alluded to by an earlier comment, is that the conveyor belt on the right hand side does not allow the candy to fill, making it much more difficult to erode the right hand bottom cream blockers. I don't know if it is deliberate or a glitch, but candies fill on the left hand side, making it much "easier" to clear. I think this is one key reason the mobile version isn't possible to win without using many boosters. Since, in all the games I've played, there are always a minimum of two cherries on the right (mobile version), you are really unlikely to get those last two fruits down.
Thank you Anon! Was stumped why this wasn't a hard level as I wasn't getting anywhere near. Off to my PC now x
I'm about done with candy crush. 1320 should be labeled as hard ridiculously hard. I've used all my extra things to try and get thru.
Chow candy crush this app is long overdue to be gone
Wow, HUGE difference between mobile and desktop. Had great difficulty on IPad, checked this blog and went to the IMac. Level was a piece of cake on the Mac. Passed it first try. My congrats to people who are passing this level on mobile devices.
Thanks so much for the tip about pc being easier!! I've been on this level for bloody ages. Can't believe how much easier it is 👍🏻
I hate to think how many times I tried this level on my iPad. Read someone's comment about how much easier it was on computer so this morning (a couple of days later!) I got my laptop out and gave it a go. I'm very happy to say that I got through on first try. The fact that you only need to clear one level on either side and there are extra exits along the bottom makes a huge difference. :)
Glad to see I wasn't the only one having hell with this level. So after losing many many lives to this level I decided to look online for help. This was the best decision I made ☺️... I play on my tablet mostly so I decided to take the hint of trying it on a computer/laptop . WOW it was totally different looking , everything about was different and I passed that level on the first try.. so if I can give you a hint . That's to listen to everyone that's says to do it from your computer/Facebook . You'll be happy you did 😄 Good luck 👍
I'm stuck at level 1850 which is a Timed 30 second level. I play until I lose 2 lives then I play other levels for Sugar Drops or 3 Stars (and wait for a lucky board?).
I played 1320 just now on PC and got 3 Stars. I started with a horizontal Coconut Wheel, which took out the entire right column at my 2nd move. NO fruit ever fell down on that side !!!
For me the fruit fell at moves 50, 42, 38, 34,30
Good luck. MM Canada
Awful level , just not doable
Feel like giving up
Don’t even have a coconut wheel to give me a chance although I doubt even that would work with this nightmare
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