Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1479 Candy Crush Saga by Allina Rumfelt
You have 50 moves to clear all the jelly. You have locked chocolate and licorice with dispensers covering the jelly. Your going to have to open this board up in order to make some special candies and combos.
Opening board is very restricted , choose moves that will get rid of licorice. I found one of the most frustrating parts of this board is getting through the chocolate, crates and licorice, getting down to the licorice dispensers, then unable to get to the jelly below the dispensers. Try to make a match directly touching the licorice directly below the dispensers to get candy to come out instead of licorice. Stripe/wrap combos off to the sides or above them seem to make it stream licorice. If you ever do get the chance to get candy to pour out, try to make a color bomb and zap that jelly with it. With regards to the chocolate, as long as it is crated it will not spread. Once it does start to open up though, rely on the crates to keep some of it locked up to try and keep it under control.... at least until the board opens up and you can make big moves if needed.
Due to the restricted board and the obstacles, this board does require a fair amount of luck.
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Another tedious level relying on luck....joy....
Another board that begs the question "Does anybody at King actually play the board before it gets sent out?" Between the chocolate, licorice, and the holes in the board, I haven't come close.....
Just had a game with a couple of chocolate balls, and about 5 striped/wrapped. Still wasn't that close. The licorice just keeps coming, and blocks everything.
Double color bombs. Only way. Took FOREVER. Hated this level. I had multiple games with color bomb/stripe combos (2-3) and it never worked. Color bomb/color bomb was the only thing that finally worked.
This level has 000000 fun
Never come anywhere near in days, useless level!!!!!!
I hate this level! I'm waiting to get a lucky board....
I got that mythical lucky board. Finished with 5 moves left, no boosters. Just kept getting the right candy in the right place -- over and over and over. That's what it took. No sill at all....
This is a horrible, boring level. I'm convinced that they throw one of these in just you slow you down.
Meant to say, 'just to slow you down' :)
What a stupid, unchallenging, boring, time waster of a level. If I have to rely on 'LUCK' to pass it guess I'll be waiting for quite some time!
I've been on this level for days. I finally decided to watch the video and saw that I played it exactly the same way and there were no special tricks. The next time I tried it, I passed the level. It's so strange. This happens all the time.
Just checking in to see if it's "just me".... and apparently it's not. Okay... back at it....
Yes I do that - check in to see if others are having trouble (makes me feel better!) Seems we all think its a silly, boring, waste of time level. Never mind that lucky board will appear one day!
You can tell its a terrible stupid level because the comments don't have any tips-just complaints. Tried using color bomb/stripe/wrap booster and fish but didn't help at all.
After reading the comments above, I decided to use boosters whenever I saw a good chance at making a good move. I used one hand swap and was able to make a bomb/stripe. Then I was able to make two bombs next to each other. I don't know how...maybe some voodoo, lol. Definitely some luck. Used a lollipop to crack one striped near the bottom right corner to finish the level.
Used a hand swap to bring two wrapped candies together. Massive explosion. That cleared all but one locked chocolate. Then used another hand swap to move a colour ball next to a stripe and done and dusted on last move.
Decided after first try I didn't want to be playing this stupid level, so second try used all three boosters with usual reset for choc ball with adjacent stripe. Waited to set it off until there were more same stripe color. Kept a careful eye on chocolate. Did the trick. Good luck.
Clearing the left side first made it easier to finish the level.
I had my rare first time lucky. No boosters. If you have that lucky board this level is actually fun!! Plus it got me a ton of sugar drops! LA
Is it me or are they trying to take the fun out of this game?
Actually, it wasn't as bad as I first thought....moving on. Good luck players.
Thought I waas gonna be stuck on this level 4eva...but when king decided to give out free choco bombs for every level, somehow the level became easier all da sudden. Awesome. Good luck
Just an observation in general - it would be nice if King let you decide when you want to use your free hours like they do with boosters. I always seem to earn them when I don't have time to play for awhile. I hate this level BTW. Posting for luck.
Got it with that elusive lucky board. Never even close before. Key was 2 sprinkles next to each other; set off a cascade that cleared the board with 20+ moves left at the end. Boring waiting but it is pure luck again sadly.
Posting for luck. I used up all my boosters so waiting for lucky board.
Hi all.
Easy one here. 2nd try 3 stars.
Very difficult need to clear the liquorice and then attack the chocolate. Combinations needed especially wrapped striped candy.ghost
Cat just clear off.
The only thing I see that will work is a bomb\bomb combo and then getting a stripe\wrap combo in the top let or the bottom right. I haven't got that yet. Plus, the very middle between the holes keeps getting clogged with choclate.
I could use some luck.
Took a long time but finally cracked it starting with a colour bomb and fish booster. Needed to manufacture a couple of colour bomb/ stripe combos with a hand switch, secret seems to be combos, combos, combos!
We had a few good levels based on strategic moves now another dumb luck board, really?
This one is set up for failure. Impatiently waiting for my miracle board.
It is infuriating when the game cheats you. I have had times when I have knocked two stripes together and it only shoots in one direction. I have used all three boosters and several extras, and still didn't clear it. I am convinced that the creators have designed the game so that you have to play for a certain amount of times before your "lucky" board comes up. I quit for about a year and a half before, and am getting frustrated enough to quit again. I love puzzle type games, but they are making the most ridiculous levels lately. Boring!
Just finished 1479 horrible. Once again bought my way through. Game just not any fun anymore. I agree with so many of the comments too. King. I think I quit for the day. Don't make me quit 4ever!
Ugggh! Been stuck on this for weeks! Can't even get close on this one. Very frustrating. The fun has been zapped out of this level for sure. Blegggh.
Appreciate the tips and video. Hope they help to pass this level.
Ok, this level sucks. Not buying boosters! I hate jelly levels!
I have no words...cause if I did, they wouldn't be nice...
When are you going to let me pass this horrific level King?!?!?! C'mon! Stop with the days to weeks levels already!!!
Well, I tried again this morning! I don't know how to do it! Nothing Wil clear the bottom left side!
I want to get both sides, not just one! C'mon!!!!!
What the hell happened to the treasure chest on level 1481?!?!?!. I was looking forward to that when I finally pass the pos level and now it's gone!!!!!!!!
I won't stop bitching til I pass this pos Shit level!!! I'm thinking you can't do it without a bunch of boosters!!! Well, it ain't happening, I'm not buying them!!!!!!!!!!! So p o cc king!!!!!!!!!!
Lucky board now please!!!!
I've been trying this for over two days and ended up using three of my boosters, and when I only had 1 move left and four jellies I decided to use four hammers. There was no way I was going to keep trying as it takes too long and becomes tedious after a while.
Good luck everyone.
Definitely lucky board level. Had had a few tries when suddenly I got 2 colour bombs together top left after only 12 moves or so. That freed up all the chic and have the jelly a hit. Then it all just fell right, cascades zapped all the chocolate and I finished with 10 mover to spare.
It's levels like this one that takes the fun out of playing. Just frustrating.
Seriously? I can't make enough vertical stripes to be effective!
I got what appeared to be a lucky board. I was able to make some good moves and combos to open up the right side. Then I got a wrap wrap combo in the middle to open up all but 2 of the locked chocolate on the left side. Still had a lot left with about 10 moves to go and I got a cholotate bomb chocolate bomb combo and in the end it still was not enough. I was not going to use 7 hammers to finish it off. This level is ridiculously hard.
I am definitely sick off this one, it's horrific when even the video tips say you need a lucky board....so it is a setup by cc.....I have tried over and over but the boards are pretty miserable in allowing many combos to try and break the board open, I must admit I am getting pretty passed off at having to rely on the cc gods to make up their minds when or not we can pass. No wonder people are leaving this Game!!!
Got tired of this level Quick. Used all three boosters. Ridiculous.
I finally got it by selecting 2 of my available boosters together, a fish and a chocolate sprinkle. Making lots of wraps also helped - 3 stars and 386,160 points but I would have accepted anything to get it out of the way.
I played about 6 games with my sweet little pinkie...carefully plotting my moves... until I realized that the chocolate had adopted a very aggressive pattern of trying to eat me alive. I suddenly was extremely tired of this little bully and decided not to take it anymore, going into a full out war, shooting with reckless abandon! "Here, you little monster...take THAT and THAT!" I probably also had a board of feckless little soldiers to fight on that battlefield, but I think it helped to get into the attack mode. Best artillery ever on this level is the chocolate ball/wrap combo. Good luck to all you fellow candy crush addicts!
Just a thought, why don't you watch the video everytime? Also read every single comment, works for me.
Purely luck, no doubt. I managed to clear out most of the licorice swirls, keeping the chocolate in their prison cells. Somehow managed two color bombs side by side after only 25 moves and set them off - not a good move since the chocolate without the licorice swirls just wouldn't let up. And then I got very lucky. A coconut wheel magically appeared, don't know how that happened but took out most of the chocolate. I didn't even have a wheel at my disposal, but I'll take it. On my first try with free boosters I just plain over did it, and the licorice just took over the game. Took me about 6 tries, but glad I got lucky so quick. Maybe, perhaps I'm really good - nah, that can't be. Moving on to 1480 wondering how in the world I completed the level. I do have problems on supposedly easy levels, but the real hard ones for some reason likes me. Buena suerte a todos desde Costa Rica.
The reason i never buy, simple. The reason i dont play iT often, simple. The games are stupid, boring and you Just have to wait for a lucky board, duhhhh. So, not my game!
I got lucky and had a chocolate bomb and a wrapped candy in the beginning. Finished the level on the first try with lots of moves left.
Terrible level. Need lucky board.
BORING!!!! As I never buy wondering if I will I ever get a lucky tried time and time again and not so far, have some boosters I have earned but won't use them unless I have nearly won the level and one would guarantee a win.
This level is a joke.
Could use some luck. Tedious.
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