Candy Crush Saga Level 1540

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1540 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have 35 moves to collect 200 red candies, 200 blue candies and 10 colour bombs! 
Sounds impossible, but it is actually very possible. You already have 9 colour bombs on the board in the form of popcorns, so you only need to make one more if you can manage to grow all the popcorns. But you will find that you will be able to make more of the colour bombs that you need as there are only 5 colours on the board and the conveyors will help to get the candies you need together.While you are making matches at the bottom remember to check the rest of the board before every move as it's easy to miss good moves elsewhere. You need to make wrapped candies and striped candies as well as colour bombs in case you can't get all the popcorns in time, but the blue and red candies shouldn't be too much of a problem. Once you begin to get the colour bombs use them on whatever colour you need most, or whatever has most on the board, so giving you lots more candies dropping.
Video below
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Anonymous said...

An honest-to-God FUN board!!! After 1537 and 1538, this was a pleasure. I might even come back and play it again.

Anonymous said...

I haven't beaten it yet but I agree with the comment above... it's taking me back to when candy crush was fun. :-)

Anonymous said...

Look for chance to make more color bomb to get enough color bomb and create wrapped candies to burst popcorn rather than depending on bursting all the popcorns to get enough color bomb.

myrabug said...

OMG ~ I passed this level and the previous one on the first turns..... almost afraid to move on.... I used a coconut wheel on 1539 and no boosters on this level. woohoo

anonymous37 said...

I agree, this level WAS fun...first try, no booosters, and 22 sugar drops. :-) Don't forget to try to match sprinkle with a stripe, one of the best moves if possible.

Cat said...

Hi all. Fun level agreed. Got 23 sugar drops 1st go at it. All fun except after 5 tries now, ive yet to pass!

Posting for luck..

Cat said...

First fun level in a while. Took two tries, missing by one blue in the first, and didn't need all the popcorn.

Anonymous said...

Good job Cat

Anonymous said...

Good job Cat II

Anonymous said...

Fun level undoubtedly, 1st try, no boosters, 3 stars. Made enough color bombs early so didn't need the popcorns. G

Anonymous said...

I'm finding it much tougher,than the video. On the iPad, it has 32 moves and a lot of marmalade and more blockers. Much harder than you all describe

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!! Made it this far!! Sorry folks, just needed a minute to celebrate!! Now I will play this level.

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board I guess...not able to pass this one yet...

jztjzt said...

Definitely harder on the phone or iPad. Only 32 moves. I've even used the checkmarked booster every time I've played and can't get enough red and blue candies. I've seriously played it at least 30 times and have yet to pass the board.

Bill. said...

Agree good fun combinations formed themselves.

Jeannie said...

I came here looking for tips on how to generate enough blue and red candies to get the 200. I've used up all of my check mark candies and even tried it with a check mark candy and a color bomb a few times. No luck. The closest I've come is 42 reds left and 7 blues. I guess we are the only ones having this problem?.....

Jeannie said...

I came here looking for tips on how to generate enough blue and red candies to get the 200. I've used up all of my check mark candies and even tried it with a check mark candy and a color bomb a few times. No luck. The closest I've come is 42 reds left and 7 blues. I guess we are the only ones having this problem?.....

Ultramum said...

This is a nightmare on the iPad... It's the weekend and I managed to unlock 4 hours of unlimited lives via the treasure chests ... 3 hours in and getting nowhere

Cat said...

Hi all. Posting to cheer on. I realize I'd been lucky before when I first passed and a hard level like this is more fun to play once it's been passed, but as it does take some strategy and I'm not finding it the same crap as so many of the recent levels, I'm back playing it. It's not a walk in the park and may take many tries and a lucky board, but I'm still finding it doable. My only suggestions would be watch VERY carefully to not miss moves, as I found them easier to miss here than on other levels and missed several. If you see a special's going to explode before it will be useful anyway, get rid of it so others may come, and concentrate on getting the choc balls first, and use them right away only if there's no possible upcoming stripe match. If there is an upcoming stripe but few same colored candies in needed columns, try to wait until there are or set up another stripe. That's what's worked for me, and best of luck to all.

Anonymous said...

Thought this one was going to be easy compared to the previous nightmare levels....not so much.

Anonymous said...

Fun level! First try. Just kept looking for the best move and anticipating where candies on conveyor we're going. Still thought I was going to come up way short when I got two sprinkles together on two consecutive moves and that really set things in motion. JS

Anonymous said...

This one is one of the more fun CC levels in awhile, though I loved 1534, also.

Even though I'm not coming very close yet, it's still a fun level to do, so I don't mind.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why but every time I come here to read the hints and tips I go back and get the level on the first or second try...thank you everyone for all your help...I do agree that this was a fun level for a change...

Anonymous said...

This is really hard, 32 moves and 6 blockers each needing 3 hits... miles off each time Grrr

Tamijay said...

Was fun the first 15 times or so, then it was just frustrating. By the time I passed this, I was very glad to say goodbye.

Anonymous said...

Such a yuk level...I am bored to tears.

Anonymous said...

I am so f%&king sick of this bullshit!!!!

Anonymous said... you screw with every good move I have!!!! Jerks!!!!! Effing impossible!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh for God sake!!! Let me pass this level already!!!! I've been on it for days!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Agree , fun level but not so easy to beat. I need a lucky board now!

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck too :( not so much fun

Jennie said...

Can I ask Cookie when she is going to show us her example of this level playing the same board as us? Seems to be a few levels now where her board has extra moves. I notice on this one she needed the three moves that we don't get! Come on Cookie. If you're going to show us how it's done, don't show us with an easier board!

Anonymous said...

Thought they said it would be easy. Not even close!

Anonymous said...

I'm just so happy its not a timed level, with 30 seconds to get 95,000 points! 1538 will haunt me forever.

Anonymous said...

After reading the comments I switched to the PC and it has not gotten any easier. Hoping for a lucky board soon.

Unknown said...

I'm not having any fun with this level at all, lol...please lucky board come my way!!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck worked again but omg, it was rough going right up to the end and I had to use way more boosters than I like but so glad to be over it. Did they change it to make it harder? I can't believe so many got it on their first try and so many thought it was fun.

Anonymous said...

Hoping for a lucky seems they have once again changed it to make it harder...good on ya CC...NOT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Only 32 moves for me too. Bummer

Anonymous said...

Was fun to begin with but not getting boring and frustrating. Finding that not enough red candies are dropped to get to 200. Hardly any red on the board when I get down to less than 10 moves left. I may only need 30 red but never get enough in those final moves to get to what I need.

Anonymous said...

I have passed level 1540 using lives purchased and token bought yet it
will not move on to level 1541. Can some one explain why this is happening
as otherwise there would be no point me continuing with the game. I have been
trying now for over 3 weeks at quite come cost! Perhaps I'm and idiot!

Anonymous said...

Was fun but over it cc why do you change things meant to be hard but enable game to play gdbye

Cmitch said...

Fun but having trouble.

Cmitch said...

Not getting it.