Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1604 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
The most challenging part to level 1604 is breaking the marmalade in the very top square. It is quite challenging to get a stripe/wrap combo up there but try.
If you do get a chocolate bomb and stripe combo, make sure there are at least 2 of the right color in that row to ensure you hit it. If you are really really bold, an advanced move would be to make a chocolate bomb/stripe combo, drop it down, align 2 candies of the right candy on each row of remaining ingredients and just get them all ... there are 6 colors on the board so cascades will be small so it may be worth the risk to that.
After that it's pretty simple. The ingredient portals align with the portals on the right side so you don't have to get the bottom one out the door to get the ones above it out. The second ingredient exits onto the board through the second portal on the right and so on. Go for stripe/wraps, stripe/stripes or stand alone stripes to get all 4 of those ingredients to get released on onto the main board. There are a ton of chocolate spinners on this board so keep them under control and don't let it block off the refill portals or it's pretty much game over. For the first several moves you can try to set up some combos before breaking the crates and that will buy you some time before they start spawning. The more crates that become unlocked the more chocolate you will get and we all know by now how fast it can spread and take over.
A double colour bomb combo will release all the fruit in one go if you can get it.
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Coconut wheel very useful in getting the top fruit released, then had a double chocolate bomb, very lucky.
Combos very difficult to get. I too used a coconut wheel to clear the top two and then a few carefully planned moves allowed the fruit to drop out.
On the fifth try, got a colour bomb and a stripe, and it was my good fortune a candy of the same colour as the stripe became a horizontal-firing stripe and freed the topmost cherry. Otherwise it was very routine. Once the fruit are freed and on the right side of the board, getting them down to the exits was easy. Since horizontal stripes are what is needed, they do help keeping the chocolate under control. Stripe/wrap combos are useful too, especially if you can align them to hit two of the cherries. The combo tends to clear most of the exit columns on the right side for the fruit.
Very impossible level until using coconut wheel booster set up in middle to clear the fruit from the top.
This is the troll.
Tough one!!!
Double chocolate bomb didn't work for me......
No double chocolate bombs dont release fruit on this level, managed to get them twice & didnt work :( releases all the chocolate though!
You can simply release the fruit by using the coconut wheel booster and the lollipop!
Take a hammer to top cherry, the other three are reasonably easy.. Do 2341 just in case. God luck.
Double chocolate did it for me.
Started with chocolate booster, reset few times until I had another chocolate set, saw that with 3 moves I can bring them very near (one candy away), used hand switch and switched the 2 chocs.
Bang! game over - 3 stars, 130k with 26 moves to spare (saw all the 5 moves in advance - with 6 colors on the board, the odds that casscade will ruin it is lower).
Chocolate-chocolate combo doesn't clear the meringue over the cherries? That is BOGUS. Wasted a one-in-50 board trying it.
INdeed, a double chocolate bomb doesn't release the ingredients :-(
I was getting nowhere with this. I tried the chocolate bomb but it was always stuck in a corner and can't reset on the PC. Eventually tried the bomb and a coconut wheel. The bomb was in the top right corner and the wheel was in the bottom corner. Anyway, I plugged away at it and several coconut wheels later I managed to complete with 92k and two stars. Glad it is over. Horrible level.
Double colour didn't hit the marmalade to release them all.
The veteran players have probably already figured out this tip, but, for those late to the game like me:
You don't have to have two of the same color on a row to guarantee a horizontal stripe from a color bomb-stripe combination. You can figure out the direction of each stripe if you count them starting at the top. The odd ones of the same color as the original stripe will be horizontal and the even ones will be vertical. They blow up from the top to the bottom so sometimes the horizontal ones slip farther down due to a vertical one.
Oh, and please don't add to the troll noise by complaining about the trolls who got past these levels long ago and will not see even your valid complaints. It's better if you just tack your complaint to the end of a tip. ;)
17 moves with one orange right under my last ingredient and they wouldnt match it theyre fucking pros at trying to suck that 99 cents outta ya. Amazing. Lol
Yaya, another utterly boring level with few moves to be made to get the time candy. Once again it is aimed at sacking you in to buying boosters to pass if you have run out. I am almost over this game like all the papers who have abandoned ship and got a life back. My time here is almost done too.
If only we could all have a board like the one in the video....chance would be a fine thing.....I think I will be very old and grey before my luck changes enough to get these horrid boards done 😉
Another level that is just a bloody Joke! Almost all the stripes to be made are only vertical and the chances of making combos is almost nil. You have more chance of winning the lottery than getting a good board here so not much has changed. Once again very little skill needed, just sit around twiddling thumbs until, cc decides it is time you can pass, I am getting really sick of these levels and ready to hit the delete button. I mean, why Bother!!
Trying to get some tips for this level...
Wow I can't believe my first try on my 3rd move I had 2 chocolate bombs and put them together and bang sugar crush 😘👍🏿!!!
Ditto, first try - no boosters. Just when thinking little chance and try a hammer, 2 choc bombs appeared and job done
To the people who said that 2 choco bombs together gave them game over, you are lying for some reason. 2 bombs together DO NOT release the fruit. Finally finished this level with 0 moves left. On tot he next impossible level.
Started with all three boosters. It was the coconut wheels that got it for me. Got the last cherry with a CB coconut wheel combo.
P.S. 1st try.
Nothing working for me with no boosters getting boring cc
Choc sprinkle with coco wheel! Thanks 4 the tip
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