Hints and tips showing how to pass level 2253 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have 20 moves to collect 20 wrapped candies, 20 striped candies and 5 colourbombs.
This sounds harder than it actually is. You will get 12 of the wraps from the UFO's when they are detonated, so you only need to make 8 more.
Look for colourbombs from the start as these are the hardest to make,
Look for colourbombs from the start as these are the hardest to make,
Stripes are pretty easy, but there is no need to make them all singly. Switch a colourbomb with a stripe for the stripes and switch a colourbomb with a wrap to get the wraps.
The colourbombs are the hardest to make so concentrate on making those and just take the others if you can't make a colourbombs.
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I couldn't do this one without a lucky candy booster. It's hard to make that many color bombs, and to get them next to a stripe or wrap too -- I should live so long.
Many levels ago we all learned that, if you make a colour bomb then use it on the colour that is least present, and you stand a good chance of getting another. That got me through without boosters.
Good luck from Manila
Easy with check booster. 2 levels to go to finish this episode with 1 life.
Not to start a fight at all, but is it maybe because you have a magic helmet that you are able to finish this episode with 1 life so far? Like I said, I'm not shaming or fighting you. I'm just curious how someone can be that good;)
Only have 20 moves on Anndroid.
Only 20 moves on IPhone. Can't see how this is possible without 30 moves. Typical King!!
Impossible!! Help!
The tip to use a sprinkle with the least present color really helped me! Then it seemed like sprinkles just started popping up all over! Might have just been a lucky board, but passed with 3 stars!
Yes, lucky him. I get a helmet and loose it on the next level. Wish I were that good. I struggle with most levels now. Will not give up though.
Played this 100 times at least (sometimes starting with a sprinkle + stripe/wrap reset to be together - takes forever) but could not get all the sprinkles required. Started with a check + sprinkle and after about 3 tries finally got lucky and passed. It didn't seem easy. Good luck everyone.
Impossible without boosters. Tried a few times without, no way! Reset until sprinkle and stripe were near each other but it blew up. Go figure. Luckily it helped, but you have to have the check mark. Used a hammer on last turn to get a sprinkle next to a stripe to finish.
Now its only 20 moves no matter what device you use. This isn't labeled a hard level really? Why not? This is supposed to be either fun or skill not luck.
How does one reset ?.
Labelling them hard levels puts people off so they fail to mark it I'm sure . 20 moves on an iPad . Looks like another waiting for a lucky board . Why am I not suprised .
I spent days and dozens of lives on the previous level!!! Who could do it first try???? Impossible!!
With the number of moves, this one is about impossible. Been playing for about 2 weeks, and haven't come close.
you are all terrific with the hints. After playing several games, used a lucky candy and a sprinkle booster. Great. Thanks.
I followed the advice and chose the sprinkle ball and check mark boosters. Only way to go! Thanks so much for all the tips.
It's been changed to 20 moves now, impossible I think. Not a happy bunny.
Absolutely awful. I played for sugar drops and got lucky candy, mixed with color bomb as others have said,still took three tries! Finished with 17 moves! Just awful that you have to rely solely on boosters to win!the
well I have no checks so I guess I'll just wait for lucky board! Agree with the using choc. sprinkle with least colors but haven't been that lucky yet.
Posting for luck!
Got everything but the last sprinkle on my first attempt (no boosters) and with one move left I only needed one move to make the final sprinkle so after reading all the comments I used a hand switch.
Impossible to get the required amount of sprinkles with 20 moves and no boosters. I'm waiting for that lucky board.
Chocolate sprinkle and check mark did it for me. Good tip.
Just finish level 2252 that I thought was the hardest level yet . Now I get this level. It is rated super hard. Yikes!
Should you get chocolate sprinkle and check mark together or separately
Check mark and chocolate sprinkle did the trick.
I would advise to use all three boosters and reset until sprinkle and stripe are together. That should take care of the stripes or most of them. When I did this I got another sprinkle and a couple of wraps in the cascade. The check booster will now give you either sprinkle or wrap because you don't need stripe anymore. Also two of the flying saucers got unlocked from the first move.
niks meer aan. bah en nog eens bah. ik speel het af en toe nog een keer. Niet normaal toch. krijg bijna ook geen gekleurde ballen. ja dan ben je kansloos. Ze willen gewoon dat je koopt.nou mooi niet dus. Geen eerlijk spel. raar dat ik zo ver gekomen ben en nu maak je geen kans meer. dus is dit een leuk spelletje nee dus. BEN ER KLAAR MEE.
Posting for luck.
If you have a check mark and sprinkle, use them! Only way to win. Laurie
I used a check Mark booster here, and it gave me lots of special candies. I was able to mix sprinkles with stripes and wraps, no problem, which took care of the stripe and wrap requirements. I did use one hand switch to make a sprinkle toward the end because I was nervous I wouldn't get enough. Probably didn't need to do that, but I figured since I have a few it couldn't hurt to use one.
When you lose your helmet, go all the way back to level one. Play level one as many times as you need to get the highest helmet. You don't ever lose level one so you get to keep all your lives. I go back and do this after every loss. Then I'll always be playing with a helmet
Checkmark booster. Done.
I shudder to think how much money the braggart who's playing on one life has spent on this game to "win" a level. I've never spent a dime. Posting for luck. Good luck everyone.
Ok I know how to get the maximum magic helmet stuff but how do you claim what you've won? I get a helmet at the beginning of each game but I never get the other things pictured. Are they just supposed to appear on your board or what? Thanks. Good luck everyone.
Time to give up, this level is the worst I have ever come across. Got better things to do with life !!!!
Check booster is the way to go.
Yikes! Posting for luck.
Not having any luck with this level. Not enough moves.
Thanks for all the tips. Will keep them in mind while I'm waiting for a lucky board. Posting for luck.
Nowhere close! Can't see me ever passing this level! Every time i come close to making a possible hit on the popcorns, cc sabotages the combo!
Playing this level for days.. no luck at all, getting bored!
So sick of this board...you sit for days just moving candies around. If there is such a thing as a lucky board...can I please have mine now?
Geef niet op! Veel geluk van New England
Don't give up! Good luck from New England
Don't you think more than a week on a level is enough and I don't mean just an hour a day. I am ready to find something a lot less stressful. This is ridiculous. Not even come close with so few moves and when I do I can get on two of the three things I need to collect...just stupid.
Listing for luck
Those color bombs are no where to be found
Ugh...been here for days! Posting for luck because my boosters are just being wasted.
Impossible level without boosters!
After playing this level many, many times, I quit !!
This level is really ridiculous!
Posting for luck
I have tried to swap the wrapped candy with a sprinkle and can not seem to get that done. When ever I get them a little close together, the sprinkle explodes. I need a lucky board as soon as possible.
3 Days now I have been trying to get off of this level. I can't get enough of the items needed. I don't even seem to get close. I am hoping and praying for a lucky board. Please lucky board come my way.
I have been on this game for weeks. I get close with wraps but need sprinkles, or visa versa. It’s easy sometimes to get stripes with a sprinkle, but harder to get more sprinkles. How much longer? Plus there’s not enough moves.
HELP Me please, been on this level weeks, posting for lucky board!!!!
Been on this level for weeks! Hard to make a sprinkle! Not enough moves! Please send me a lucky board so I can move on! Very frustrated at this point!!
Great advice! Started with a color bomb and, like you said, used it on the color least present. Worked like a charm. Next color bomb matched with a stripe set off the UFO's and easy peasy after that. 3 stars and 3 moves left. Thank you Manila!!
This level suck, typical King. So i dont play iT.
Totally annoying!!!
Really can’t believe there are only 20 moves!! Really?!?! Going to need a lucky board!!! Pleassse
You just have to wait until finally you get that elusive lucky board. After countless tries and wasted boosters it finally happened with 10 moves left and three stars!
First try I got down to needing one wrap... not a happy camper:(
Not necessary to loose helmet or space ship. Instead of closing game by hitting x or ending game.. on iPhone double click round button on bottom and close app... then reopen app... you’ll still have your helmet or space ship
Even with check mark, can’t get enough sprinkles. Guess I’ll have to wait for that lucky board.
Not enough moves to get the sprinkles, needing luck I guess!
Three days is all I can take. Time for another long break.
why on earth do King make these extra hard levels? is it so that people will buy boosters to stay in the game? I don't understand how anyone has passed this (although I realise lots and lots have). I play on laptop only and don't seem to get the advantages others boast about on the main page. I'm feeling very fed up after being stuck here for weeks and when I run out of lives and CC asks do I give up (or buy extra moves as I never have any gold bars) I'm beginning to think 'yeah what the heck, give up forever' :-( Hate feeling this way so posting for a lucky board asap pleeeeeees
I have been on this 2253 forever, the colorbombs are the hardest to get! Would appreciate a winning game!
Been on this best part of a week. I refuse to pay ANY MONEY so will continue to drive myself insane to out do KING and hope this brings me luck!!!!!!!
This level is very frustrating. Need a lucky board.
Posting for luck didn't help. Been on this level forever. This is crazy!!!
Been stuck on this one for days. Am going to try color bomb on least number of colored candy as soon as I get a life back.
DOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Still stuck on 2253 been on it for weeks now and still can't get it? Really frustrating level?
Tough level. Need to move on.
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