Candy Crush Saga Level 3012 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3012 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You only have 13 moves to collect the ingredients so you can't afford to let them move around the bottom conveyor. You need to get combos or colourbombs ready to get them down the right   side of the board as soon as they get to the end of the top conveyor.
There is no exit at the end of the conveyor but the ingredients will slip down diagonally if you remove the candy one from the end of the conveyor.
This level is all about timing and detonating your combos at the right time.
Video below
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Susan said...

Super easy level. Passed with 12 moves left and got 3 stars

K said...

Can't believe the aren't more comments here, I'm really struggling. Playing on an iPad I need to collect two cherries rather than the one in this video, with uncontrollable jelly, icing and chocolate to contend with its making for a really boring game as I wait for the lucky board.

K said...

Wow! It pays to moan, went back to the game and it had changed, only one cherry and the blockers slowed down, got it straight away and even had time to travel along the bottom of the board. Can't believe it!

Anonymous said...

Sage here: I’m struggling too and I’ll pass too.

Anonymous said...

u need one hand switch as i dont have it so i have to stuck and wait for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Redz said...

Right hand side didn’t work for me. Got cherry to bottom conveyor as soon as poss and made combinations while it travelled along. When it reached top left of conveyor set off combos and it fell down. One more move of conveyor and you have it! Maybe I was just lucky . . . . .

Anonymous said...

Not sure why there aren't a million comments on this level. On my version you need to get the cherries to the far right, blast the entire far right column with a strip/wrap combo, then, with the cherry now having dropped onto the bottom conveyor, use a hand switfch to get it over an exit. What the hell kind of level is that????? Sheesh

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Vishwas Jeevant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No luck...
Posting for luck

Pissed said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! I must have had a very luck board 1st time. Got cherry to bottom left corner then the belt moved and hey presto! I just blasted with anything I could. No boosters

Anonymous said...

Hating this level. Have been stuck for days��

Anonymous said...

It helps a lot if the cherry starts of at the far right of the available cherry drops. It’s the easier to get the cherry to travel to the left hand side f the board, especially if you can switch the cherry with another colour to help it along its way

Denise said...

This is crazy🤪I don't know how to get the ingredients out!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I went to level 1, got space dash for 3 extra moves, restarted until the cherry started on the farthest right column, then had enough moves for it to get around to the bottom!

Dolly Bluejay said...

Great Hints!! Thx!! Didn’t realize there were exits on both ends of bottom row!! Yay!!! Very lucky �� missed the exit on right hand side; received 5 extra moves at the end and had a sprinkle.. Ever since reaching 3000 I’ve been scooting along pretty easily..... can’t quit now..... and have not spent any ��. Don’t go back and try to pick up sugar drops or helmets, space dash, whatever.... just a little skill and lots of patience!! Crush on dear friends!! Good Luck!!��

Silverdollarbill said...

Got it first time starting with all three boosters and Bots?. First move switched two wrapped candies next to a CB,which cleared the board. The ingredient was just a few spots from the right. Moved it down to the lower conveyor belt right away. It dropped out the first lower left exit on the last move.

Anonymous said...

I can tell this one's gonna be a pita. Posting for luck.

Lb said...

Posting for a lucky board please!! I've been on this level for too many days and can't even get close to passing this level. Come on CC give me a lucky board please? Good luck everyone!! Stay safe stay healthy!! 😁😁😁