Candy Crush Saga Level 3054 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3054 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect 2 ingredients to complete level 3054 Candy Crush Saga.
It is quite confusing trying to work out where the ingredients have to go as there are exits all along the bottom of the board and the one the ingredients will actually exit by is on the far bottom right of the board.
The ingredients pass diagonally down the board from top left to bottom right so it is these candies that you need to keep removing either with combos or colourbombs.
Try to get the ingredient past the spawners as soon as possible to prevent them putting chocolate in the middle square and blocking the ingredient from moving down. The ingredients never drops from the diagonal row so there is no point trying to get it down any other way.
Don't waste moves trying to destroy the spawners, there is no need, they don't stop the ingredients from dropping except by placing chocolate in the way, which can easily be cleared.
A coconut wheel booster can make level 3054 very much easier.
Video below by Skillgaming

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Addicted said...

This is a tricky one but definitely doable without boosters. Careful planning and watching the whole board after every move is a must. Switching a CB with the colour through the diagonal helps a great deal. The 2nd cherry will only appear after the first cherry has dropped. Don't let the chocolate reach the diagonal because it's impossible to clear without a stripe wrap or CB combo.

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate sprinkle combo 1st cherry dropped out. Then made stripes and one stripe/wrap combo. Finished with 22 moves left.

Brown dog said...

Posting for luck

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Melanie said...

Posting for luck

jackied said...

Posting for luck... Can't even get 1 cherry down

jackied said...

This is boring... I'm quitting

Anonymous said...

Couldn’t figure out how to move the cherries, hopefully this has helped

Marielle said...

Posting for a lucky board ....can’t do it!!!!

Flippenheck said...

Hoping for a lucky board

Anonymous said...

Wow! This one is a mind bender. I have tried and tried to get past the first cherry and just can't seem to do it. I need a lucky board to help me out here. Please. Please Please

Unknown said...

Publico para la suerte ,hace falta y mucha en este nivel ,muy confuso ,gracias

Unknown said...

Por favor ayuda !!!!!!publicó para la suerte !!gracias

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de deletar o CC.

Anne said...

Thanks yet again to the very smart Cookie Kirby!!! I wonder how long it would have taken to figure it out without your help? Those decoy exits would certainly baffle me.

Dusty said...

Came in for luck and tips and can’t believe how easy it was once i knew the route the ingredients took and knew which candies I had to target. Thank you !

Cmitch said...
