Candy Crush Saga Level 3986 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3986 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect 2 ingredients to complete level 3986 Candy Crush Saga.
The ingredients are held back by the spawners at the top of the board so these have to be destroyed before you can move them. Look for moves in the bottom of the board as there are stripe dispensers there which will give you very useful stripes to hit the spawners with. You need to clear the licorice out of the way before you start to use the stripes or they will be wasted.
Each time the spawners spawn they will fill the space below with a bomb and if you can switch these and hit the spawners you should, every hit counts.
Once the spawners are destroyed and the ingredients are free you need to get them off the conveyor when they get to the gap near the middle and down to the exits.

The video below by Kazuohk starts with 24 moves but is completed in less than the 19 moves now available so it is still relevant.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

First here? Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

This level is being closed suddenly. Anyone else?

Carol the elder said...

Wheel booster helps with this one.

Donna said...

You’re right, Carol. Wheel booster definitely helped get rid of the spawners

VIVIEN said...

Yes Carol wheel booster great help just dread every level now instead of looking forward to it 😠

COOLpurples said...

Agree with above comment. I don't enjoy the game as much as I so used to when it really was fun and a great "stress-reliever" even when somewhat challenging. Now I am not as into it as before, though yes I am still playing it (addicted to it, I guess), but I don't rush to play it like I used to. I even have been considering stopping the game, but there's that addiction to it that I just have to deal with - probably I'll stop when I run out of boosters!

Unknown said...

I was almost done nd suddenly cc crashed wowwwww....

Anonymous said...

Omg. I am STRUGGELING with this one!! Am I the only one??!! And yesterday I had 22 moves - today only 19!!!! NOT FUN.

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board ...again !!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with COOLpurples. Not a stress reliever any more. Not fun. I'm not even spending money any more. Just using the boosters given to me. Your lost Candy Crush ---saving me a lot of money!!!

Wendy said...

Why change with blockers so hard

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Brown dog said...

I used to love playing candy crush but lately the fun is gone. I like a challenge but not one that is impossible without a lucky board. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Too many programming errors for me. The right dispenser never gave me one striped candy. I agree it's not fun at all anymore. I won't swear to quit at 4000,but I sure won't try to keep up. Better things to do with my time. It's a blessing to be discouraged to play this.

Pascorp said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

I have blockers not spawners and nothing below them.

Anonymous said...

Impossible, only one dispenser gives out stripes and not enough moves

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck *******sigh*******

Luc said...

I think they made it harder so we have to spent more money on it. Shame on them.
I think I will stop the game. Goodluck to everybody

Anonymous said...

The right stripe dispenser did not dispense any stripe for me either. Very difficult to get the ingredient out of the cage.

Anonymous said...

The right stripe dispenser does not dispense any, and the other two dispensers are very meagre to hand out stripes. I'm not even getting the fruit out of the locked box.
Posting for a lucky board.

Francesmenth said...

Posting for luck, again.

Anonymous said...

This level is different from what the videos shows
Why ?
There is no pause with the difficulties
There is no fun
Need help
Posting for a lucky board

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck again

Anonymous said...

My issue with this level is that only the right dispenser gives stripes & once I clear the right blocker to release the ingredient, I am very stuck. Boosters are not help to help. Think there might be a bug

Anonymous said...

This level is not possible, full stop.
Tried all booster, tried without boosters.
Had the party thing three times and the third time it finished with 11 turns to go which I needed to clear the game.
So after 3 days almost continuously playing , unless your very very arsie I can tell you you won't beat it.

Anonymous said...

The right despenser idoes not despense King has certainly taken the fun away

Still Here said...

There’s been many comments about the right dispenser dropping nothing and I have to agree. I have been playing this level continuously for the past few hours and I haven’t once seen a striped candy drop.

Please advise!?!!

Julesrn said...

Monday morning and no helmet, no spaceship and no DIDi. Only 19 moves on an already impossible level. I have been on this level for 4 days now and used over 30 wheels. I have cleared all the licorice and hit the blockers with no results. I give up!!

Ananymous said...

Please fix dispensers... sometimes they work, other times they don't.

Wend.1 said...

finished 1st go - i had blockers not spawners. coconut wheel used twice and 1 stripe/wrap in bottom section when cherries on conveyor

Anonymous said...

what is the point of having the right dispenser as there is no strip candy fall ? idiots

Bun said...

Impossible. Frustrating. 19 moves. No right side stripes. Licorice and no possible matches under candies. Chocola te spawning. Looks like 4000 goal is no more. These levels are no fun.theyre definitely a joke tho. Color me done
The coconut wheel doesn't come back either...only once and you need at least 7 moves each to get the cherries down if all goes your way. That means a lucky board again. I'm done.

Bun said...

I just had to repost. THIS level is so rigged it's disgusting. Whatever cherry you have remaining, that's the side the stripped candies refuse to drop from. I've never been more disgusted. I'm uninstalling as soon as my lives are gone. THIS is total bullshit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

tonytones said...

this level is as exciting as counting sand grains on a beach....ahhh oooo I need to get vertical stripes to drop the ingredients... wahhh i'm so excited waiting for them...

Anonymous said...

The spawners are no longer in this level

nicx said...

besoin d'aide et de chance please

Harbor Girl said...

I used to love playing this game. But levels like this one are boring as watching paint dry. I have no issue buying boosters when I'm having fun, but when I'm not, forget it King. When will they learn?

Blueblood said...

Right not giving out stripes, gonna need a lucky board for this one

Linda Maitan said...


Linda Maitan said...

Both sides don’t give stripes. Need luck

Linda Maitan said...

Posting again for luck.
So boring

Alessandra said...

The only way to describe this lrvel is BORING AF
Unless you have 100 coconut wheels.
Can we have some fun levels for a change, fgs !!

Missy said...

Posting for luck plz!

nifty nev said...

level has been changed by developers

Anônimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo com este jogo manipulado e ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

meliana said...

cmon King, change the board, didnt remarked as hard level but actually it's impossible to pass. i hv been stucks for days on this level and im getting tired with this game. better you remarked it with hard level so absolutely will quite soon

meliana said...

and the worst is i hv only 10 moves

Venturaz said...

There is still a bug I think. The left dispenser doesn't work - it never gave me one single stripes, and I've done this level at least 10 times. By the way, it's different from the video, as I have blockers rather than spawners.

Joosy said...

Only one dispenser will work. There are no spawners. Time to do a new video Ms Cookie. Way past time. Get onto it please.

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Shystar said...

Impossible.. Posting for luck again please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck yet again please

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous impossible level with worthless moves. Coconut wheel doesn’t help at all. Rigged beyond belief.

Chillgirl said...

Not coming close !! Can’t even get rid of the blockers before no moves left !! Never get a cb or any special candies! Going to need that lucky board !

Unknown said...

I agree. It's more about luck than skill.

Harveey said...

Can you get any more ridiculous with these levels this has to be the worst one yet hoping for a lucky board

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous and useless waste of time!

Old school crusher said...

Need a lucky board please....

Old school crusher said...

This level though!!!! Omg I seem to have to wait for a "lucky board" nearly everytime! You can feel free to send it my way anytime ;)

Unknown said...

Stripes will spawn from the inactive side, once you collect the first cherry.

Martinat said...

Horrible level.

Maddi said...

Too many levels now require no skill, just a lucky board. The fun used to be working out how to pass a level. Now we just wait for a lucky board.

Julie joel said...

No spawners in my game just 10 flippen moves the video has 24 moves what are candy crush doing this is pathetic

Lili10 said...

Publié pour la chance Merci

Lili10 said...

10 coup avec des réglisse impossible de passer le niveau. Déjà 30 vies de foutues..publié pour la chance Merci

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I am beginning to think this one is impossible with only 10 moves !! Help !!

baskalatka said...

Tylko 10 ruchów ,nie dam rady
Poproszę o szczęśliwa tablice

KinderLit said...

Your video shows that you had 24 moves. Now it's only 10! Please help with this reduced amount!!!

Cmp said...

I have 10 moves not 24. I am really getting tired of so few moves. Posting in hopes of a lucky board.

Maddie said...

Here we go again the video shows 24 moves and I have only 10 which is impossible to do.I can really use some help!