Candy Crush Saga Level 3999 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3999 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3999 is an orders level, you have to collect countdown bombs and blockers to complete the level.
This level has been made significantly harder than the original by the addition of licorice locks on some of the candies which means you waste some moves trying to unlock them to get to the blockers.
You need to clear the blockers on the left side of the board as a priority as this is where the bombs will drop out. The bomb dispensers are above the top left blocker and the top left blocker in the lower section, so if you clear the ones under the dispensers first the bombs will drop into the right sections where they are easy to collect.
The hardest part of level 3999 is clearing the blockers as they are partly surrounded by candy canes so can only bit hit from one direction or by combos.
The licorice dropping from the middle column is a complete pain as it constantly blocks your moves and you don't have enough moves to waste on clearing it.
The only way to complete this level is by making colourbomb combos which isn't easy on such a restricted board.

The video below by Johnny Crush starts with more moves but is completed in 19 moves, however there are no locked candies so it is a bit easier than the level as it is now. There are no videos of the new format at the moment.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Made it to 4000. Goodbye King. It was fun till you removed all the fun.

Never pay a cent Bobby said...

Done 4000. Nice package of boosters as a reward, but I will dabble only when bored. I've had it with scrolling up and down to Space Dash, etc. needed to pass. Finding dead relatives from the 1700s doing my genealogy is more interesting.

Globb said...

4000 at long last. Hurrah! But don't bother dishing out rewards to anyone crazy enough to carry on; the fun stopped at least 500 levels ago. Bye bye repeated refuelling at 606, disappearing space helmets, uncorrected bugs and pointless score competitions. Bye bye bombs, waffles, barriers, chocolate spawners, 'lucky candies', padlocks, keys and all those frigging jellyfish. Bye bye Tiffi and all the ghastly little 'friends' devised for morons by morons. Bye bye daily spinning wheel whose jackpot has been fixed like a bent slot machine. Bye bye lying videos which show games before the moves have been reduced and the targets increased. Best of all: bye bye King.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about the way King is conducting Candy Crush and I also think the game has become very frustrating and boring, lately... After passing level 4000 I'm thinking about quiting playing too. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Totally Agree!!

Unknown said...

I think it’s sad .. been playing this for over 5 years now & apart from the odd level that’s caused some problems & taken time to pass I’ve actually enjoyed playing .. spent a few quid on the way if I’ve become extremely frustrated on a level, but nothing significant.. but unfortunately King now has made it so difficult that spending is the only option & for me that’s it ! End of an era ! I wonder if they’ve gone back & made earlier levels harder or just the new released levels ? If not probably worth going back to earlier levels on here & warning players not to waste their time ! 1 jackpot in 4000 levels !! Joke ! Time to delete the app & go do something less boring instead ! CIAO

Anonymous said...

So how have people passed this level? Tried with and without boosters and aren't even coming close. Nanny Annie

Cloudy in Buffalo said...

Just passed, was able to start with CB/wrap, finished with 4 moves to spare, hooray made it to 4000, here we go...

Anonymous said...

what a stupid level

Anonymous said...

It is a stupid level and thanks Cloudy in Buffalo! The bombs kept getting me so made a few moves first before using a CB wrap combo which released the bombs but I still couldn't make matches with them. Eventually made another CB wrap combo with countdown on 2 and that cleared the bombs but still had a bit of jiggery pokery to do to get the last blocker. Not ready to quit yet! Nanny Annie.

VIVIEN said...

1st try used CB wrap 2nd try used full spacedash 2cb together done onwards & upwards 😬

Anonymous said...

0 jackpot for me. Grrrr... I want to know why King never threw me a bone. So what do we get when hit a jackpot?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, cloud in Buffalo! I did mix cb with cb and that did it. Better result than cb/cb on this level.
I hope 4000 will be a memorable one ... in a good way!

Naz said...

Posting for luck

Brown dog said...

Another ridiculous level. Haven't been close getting the blocks. Why are all the games made harder to win? Posting once again for lucky board I'm very close to quitting candy crush

pamccabr said...

Posting for luck

sheflys said...

Anyone know what is going on? I can no longer build a helmet. We all know that most of these levels cannot be beat without a full helmet. It is not a sure winner, but it gives us a fighting chance. Has CC shut that door on us? What are they trying to do, make us all quit for good?

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck, this one us brutal and I really want to get to 4000, help!!! ��

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Playing against these bombs is like playing the old timed levels.
Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Same problem... I only have 19 moves vs 23 on the demo. Frustrating! 😩🍀

Anonymous said...

I've gone back and played level 606 to get the full package many, many times but even that hasn't gotten me through. I am so bored of playing level 606 and this one over and over.
Maybe the other people that have posted that it is time to quit are right.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Globb
This level,needs more moves so as videos shows
Gonna play to 4000 and stop playing
There is no fun anymore
Levels are too hard’ boring’ frustrating
Need help to finish this
Posting for a lucky board

Tuulsa Einar said...

I always go to level 1. Think it’s quicker and the level enda quick

Anonymous said...

No chance in this level. I am glad i have decided to quit at 4000. No skills required.agree with 'unknown' on 30 november. We are just guinea pigs for all the peeps behind us. Never need to be smart. You either buy booster ( me never) or wait and wait for lucky boord

Sindy said...

Posting for luck

Veronica said...

Many times I have not been able to clear the blockers on left and run out of moves before i even see a bomb!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Dreehal said...

I've thrown everything at this and got nowhere near completing. I need cash bit of luck.

Sindy said...

Not fun anymore . Been on this ridiculous level for dayssss . Gonna delete this game before I waste another day on this level

Aussie said...

Two wraps or CBs together would be nice, but I learned to save wraps/stripes for the fish. I think that's the secret for us who don't ever get CB combos or the ability to reset anymore.

Anonymous said...

Suddenly (on this level only, as far as I know) the fish are ONLY eating regular candies, not touching the blockers?!?! What's up with that? FYI, if you're looking for a good level to top off your helmet/dash/stocking/whatever-stupid-booster-bonus-pack-of-the-day-that's-required-to-pass-any-levels-now, 3246 isn't bad (Cookie mentioned in a prior level somewhere). Still super-frustrating to have to scroll 800 levels and then play it 7 times and then come back for one failed chance at a level. Also strange: 3997 - nightmarishly hard, but not even marked hard; 3998 - marked nightmarishly hard, but passed on first go with full stocking (started CB/CB); 3999 - only marked hard, but stuck here. Stupid.

Kevin said...

What use are the fish exactly? Ridiculous level...

Danielle said...

Can't figure out how to beat this level....I won an hour of free Color Bombs.....not even close to winning....if I don't run out of moves it's the bombs that do me in.

Bun said...

Last level to goal and its bullshit. Again, what good are the booster fish?They never unlock anything. The never hit a ticking bomb or a marmalade. This game was fun once. I used to look forward to the new challenges. Now I just dread playing. I'll give this one a couple more attempts. Almost out of lives. I'll just quit at 3999 because this game sucks.

Anonymous said...

Just want to pass so I can quit at 4000.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to see so many leaving the game...I understand why can't find much fun in plkaying the same game over and over..I try everything then come and check how cookie does it and try again...have only got the bomb loose once ...posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew what a space dash is. Never had one, but I am on this level without it so I guess I'm not that bad, posting for luck. Thank you Cookie for your help

Unknown said...

Posting for a miracle

liloldlady said...

Posting for a miracle too. I totally agree with all the above comments.
While wanting to slow us down, King has made a mess with this game.
The fun is all gone leaving us all with a lot of frustration.

Fed up said...

If I ever pass this level I plan to take a long break it really isn’t fun any more & it might take 6 months to get this one completed. I’ve enjoyed the ride for the most part.

DataQueen said...

I am using Level 3711 to collect Space Race or whatever it is currently called. It is closer and does not take too long to play the 7 times required to obtain a handful of boosters.

Anonymous said...

Another ridiculous level! Bye King. I'm done. Such a shame. Used to be such an enjoyable game.

Gholly28 said...

Getting nowhere. Out of boosters and ice tried everything. I need luck.

Anonymous said...

Almost completed. Paid for the extra 10 to finish it off and it froze. Took my money and froze. Will complete to get to 4000 and then no more. ��

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

posting for lick

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

Rosita said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Another stressful can’t win without a lucky board level. Not enough moves...waiting again for a lucky board or Imwont be passing :-(

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board.

nicx said...

besoin d'aide et de chance please

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck on this very frustrating level pleeeeease x

oomasangels said...

Needs more moves...but then how would they get you to spend your money on the spins?? Come on king quit being so greedy!!!

Flippenheck said...

Help needed please

katericia said...

Mas de lo mismo... una y otra vez

Anonymous said...

y por si la dificultad fuera poca... los caramelos alrededor de los bloqueadores ahora están dentro dentro de celdas...

Blueblood said...

Posting for luck 🤞

Wendy green said...

Really hating these games and playing less and less, soon be none, games are supposed to be fun, this is not anymore, plenty of good games out there to play.

Mandy said...

Posting for luck, don't see how this level is possible without multiple boosters. Really think it's time to call it quits and enjoy the summer.

Anonymous said...

This post cracks me up. Lol

Citizensmith said...

What the hell are fish doing here. They're worse than useless. Don't go after bombs or blockers just random candies 😒

Annu said...

No rhyme or reason to this so I need some luck and help. I wanted to get to 4000 but may have to quit one level short.

He said...

Posting for luck

Anon said...

After working at this for over a week, here’s what worked for me. After opening both zones up and filling with bombs, Work at getting a cb + wrap making sure that the wrap colour has a bomb the same colour as the wrap in each of the two zones then zap together. Glad to see the back of this game.

Alessandra said...

Asinine retarded level . Who the hell comes up with this sh*t ??!!?
None of us have any boosters left because it’s hard level after hard level now so we’re stuck for days on tedious junk like this It’s not challenging or fun in the least , it’s BORING shifting candy around aimlessly.

Alessandra said...

And why are the fish completely ignoring the blockers ? It makes no freaking sense ! What is wrong with the developer/whoever gave this level the go- ahead ??? I’m dumbfounded I really am.

Player said...

What's the point of these fish....ditch them and replace them by a booster that makes sense. What a ridiculous level....pffffff

Player said...

Still not able to pass this level. Come on king....come up with something better instead of these impossible to pass levels!

Brian said...

Really struggling and desperate to get to level 4000 but only a lucky board will do this for me praying I won't have to wait to long realty need to get there and achieve this high-level

Julllie said...

I Think this is av ert frustrating level. I need loads of luck please.

meliana said...

so another impossible level again and even no tips to pass this level except stupidly waiting for the lucky board. not fun king!!!!

Sparkyjo said...

Brutal level posting for luck

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Shystar said...

Posting for luck again please

Shari said...

I think king knows they will be losing a lot of players after 4000 so they are trying to get as much money as they can because these levels have been just rediculous!

yshuummu said...

1 more level so I can quit!!!! This game really sucks! No more fun because of the impossible impossible levels!!!

yshuummu said...

Agreed! This game is terrible now!

Anonymous said...

Another absolutely horrible level, this game is rigged! No strategy involved whatsoever!

Delicados Fiapos - Tildas said...

Olá, King! cá estou eu, de novo, pedindo sorte e ajuda!! Obrigada! Abraço!!!!!

Delicados Fiapos - Tildas said...

King, muito, muito obrigada!!!!

CeCe said...

Totally impossible. Bought extra moves but bombs went off anyway. Time to delete this app. Too stressful

Harveey said...

24 hours of free play and not even close to winning this level come on king this is ridiculous how about a lucky board

Unknown said...

King could you at least get the fish to work on blockers

Mimi said...

Only 10 moves now!

Ulbru said...

I have no idea hos to pass this level. Lucky board please

Poonam said...

Lucky board please.

red said...

10 moves?!? impossible

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Ray said...

The level is totally different you have only 10 moves and your are just not able to complete. I have tried it wit almost 100 live with and without boosters. So my total fun is gone and i will stop playing candy crush saga.

Leatherpa said...

It’s time to stop

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Unknown said...

Impossible level posting for luck

Sarah said...

Only 10 moves. In another month or two it will probably be down to 5 moves 🙄.

Unknown said...

No boosters left. Posting for luck. Terrible level.

Unknown said...

How can this be done in ten moves. Horrible. Need lucky board.

Nellebel said...

Waarom zo weinig zetten. Onmogelijk nu. Aub help mij.

JuleP said...

Bye bye, King, bitte me!

The Greig Family said...

Another impossible level without purchasing boosters. You’ll need a lot of boosters for this level. I refuse to buy any so this may be it for me.

No name said...

Every level seems harder than the one before. Give me a break this is by no means a relaxing game. I don't think luck can help with this board.

Kate said...

Posting for luck 🍀