Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4019 Candy Crush Saga by Cookie
Level 4019 is classified as a hard level, but I would classify it as super hard since the moves have been reduced to only 19. In fact I doubt it is possible to complete without boosters.
You need a good start, ideally being able to make a colourbomb in the first couple of moves, then a second one to switch it with. If you have the spaceship or other cumulative boosters I would suggest you go back to level 3711 or any other level that is fast and easy and build up as many boosters as you can to start the game.
If you can get two colourbombs together at the start of the game you will be on the way to some progress. If you can't get two colourbombs together use a colourbomb/stripe combo to get some of the waffles out of the way. Once you have some candies in the left side the best combos are colourbomb/wrap combos, these will grow the popcorn and clear the jelly at the same time.
Don't be tempted to make moves in the left side of the board, this will just waste moves, concentrate on making those colourbomb combos in the right side.
If you can get a second double colourbomb combo you will be well on the way to clearing this level.
The video below by Kazuohk has a lot more moves but it will give you an idea of how the level works.
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
hammered my way to success. Ugh.
Cookie, I've missed you. Haven't seen your page for several levels. I'm in desperate need of better boards. Played this one dozens of times to no avail.
LOL. Strategic move (^.*)
Glad you're back cookie
I was super lucky! I started with double color bomb and was progressing pretty well when the candy with gold ribbon appeared and matching it gave me the piƱata and cleared most of the board. Other double wrap matches appeared on the left side. Thank you, CC!
Posting for luck.
Waiting for the random gifts and the pinata...
Not wasting my time until I get the helmet booster back!
Once again not possible with such few moves! This is getting boring now
Posting for luck
Loads of boosters are needed to clear each and every level now ... and this level is no exception.. Can not be cleared without hoards of boosters... And I don't have many.... and I won't spend money to buy them... so.. getting bored and frustrated playing these levels... Lucky boards too are hard to come.. Don't want to leave the game after coming this far.
Can someone give me a tutorial to earn many boosters, UFOs and Party booster etc. ?
Posting for luck once again. This game has turned frustrating
I think we should have a new contest to see who can get the fewest jellies left using no boosters, swaps, etc. Just the 19 moves and luck.
Pfl. Wth King?? Swipe stress away??? What???!
Posting for luck
Seems impossible to clear this level. Will play for a little while longer and may have to find another game to play. Posting for a lucky board.
Recently it seems King is intentionally trying to cause us to lose interest by making levels tedious and nearly impossible.. I have yet to spend a dime, out of pure stubbornness.. But with most difficult levels, I come within a move or two several times (obvious attempt from King to get us to spend) before I can pass. Playing less and less, which is probably a good thing.
Seems like level after level I find myself coming here to vent my frustrations...Why doesn't King make this game fun again? Why would I spend money on this level? When I know the next level will require more money..
Not even close. This game use to be fun. I don't mind a challenge but not one that is impossible.
Beyond frustrated... I can not tell you how many times I played 3711, to only play this level once and not even come close...then back to 3711... I spend most of my day on 3711.. Not fair.....This afternoon I got down to one jelly. FRUSTRATED, I SPENT $1,99 for extra moves...Still didn't get it...Then King has the nerve to ask me to play on for 16 more gold bars....I should seriously bill King for the cost of my blood pressure medication...King is way to greedy these days...This level is designed to make you buy your way off...Even with Cookies great advice
Anonymous said...
To everybody still playing CC: the more you pay money to (not) go ahead, the more kings will make impossible levels that you can overcome just spending money. I have never payed a cent to these thieves and will never pay. A game must be fun, not frustration and waste of money. The behaviour of Kings is around illegal, it is the so called "exploitation of incapable!" and I am I am looking at whether this behavior is liable to report to the authorities. It's a real shame that kings tries to take advantage of the frustration of the weaker players to make money behind them!
I totally agree King is really exploiting us these levels are ridiculous one after another, I’m so over it. I’m so over always posting for luck because that is also total BS. Come on king give us a fair go get into the Christmas spirit
Another ridiculousness level that requires loads and loads of boosters that I do not have because I have used them up on the previous ridiculousness levels. However, I still refuse to use my hard earned dollars on a game. If I never pass this stupid level, it will be okay with me because I am so far behind the Wednesday club in which I used to be a member.
I hear you. I used to be a proud Wednesday elite ;) also. I don’t know how those way ahead of us are doing it. I’m falling behind and behind. Sigh ..
Wow....just wow. WOW!!!!!! Over it king
Posting for luck
I've played this one so often that i'm just about out of Hammers and Switch Hands. I've come nowhere close.
I've started with 2 CB together several times, still nada.
Waiting for the elusive lucky board again.
From 30 moves to 19? Doesn't seem fair. Oh well, posting for luck. I do it now before I start a game, it seems to work.
Not joking, posted for luck, played first time without boosters. Cleared board. I was surprised.
Full space stash two color bombs together, two hand switches and 5 hammers. Finally finished.
Every time I play this one I'm about the same distance from nowhere as I was all the other times I played. Grrrr
Posting for luck please
Enough with the Complaints. King has developed a challenging, enjoyable, sometimes frustrating, addictive game in Candy Crush. I like playing and yes, have found it ridiculously hard at times. But the game is free and King is a business. Businesses like to make money. It is not illegal for them to make it difficult or even to make it impossible. It may be mean spirited, but not illegal. You can choose to play or not. We all pay to enjoy many activities: going out to eat, going to the movies, theater, concerts, bowling, skating, the zoo, cellular, the internet.
Candy crush is free. Look how many hours of entertainment it has given us. So what if you spend $1.99 once in a while. If you don’t want to pay, then don't, but don’t be so naive to think they are providing Candy Crush as a free service just to keep you happy.
(And no, I don't work for King)
Again, another ridiculous level. How are you suppose to reach 100k IF there isn’t much moves or choco to hit in order to get high numbers.
I was one of those that said they’d play until level 4000 then quit. I’m still around. However, whereas before I’d make a point of trying to pass all new levels on Weds or as soon as possible afterwards, I now just play a couple of times a week. Typically, I’ll head to 606 for the full space bot, then start where I left off. If I don’t succeed I just leave it for another day. It’s not important. It’s only a stupid game. I won’t get angry about a large commercial concern trying to make money. If I did I’d never go to work or go shopping, Yes, King you are making the game less enjoyable and almost totally reliant on boosters, but you don’t keep me awake at nights.
Started with cb/cb, full bot plus fish. Heeded cookie’s advice to stick to right side of board. One hand switch. Finished 1st time. Honestly.
Very well put š
Posting for luck
Ugh having a tough time with this one
The boxes with bows showed up but nothing happened when I matched them what did I do wrong
Hate this level, impossible without boosters, unable to get stocking or daily boosters anymore on my tablet, even the daily wheel spin tends to give me fish most days, as I can't start with double colourbomb now I have no chance of passing this level, I'm finished!
NĆ£o e nivel divertido. Stressa, penso que jogo deve ter dificuldade, mas nĆ£o para stressar. š¢
Posting for luck.
Why do some ppl get space dash and boosters and some don't? I never get anything...UGH
Terrible level once again! Frustrating to say the least... my question is.... what is the box with a ribbon or bow!! How did I get to this level and never ever seen one, or heard of it till now? Why do some people get things and others don’t.
Please help... IMPOSSIBLE level!
posting for luck
Posting for luck please.
From 30 moves to 19! How frustrating and UNFAIR can it be?
Impossible without more moves. We need more than luck.
No, but you are obviously having trouble or you wouldn't be on this blog right now
Even with all the sprinkles and wraps that drop, I still can't beat it!
I can’t figure out how to get the wrapped candy to fall... waiting it out
posting for luck
Posting for luck
Posting for luck! Horrible level!
This video is a perfect example of king giving them a winning screen U have to do your time u have to attempt a certain predetermined amount of time for them to throw u one of these I started this level off with a loaded amt of free boosters from winning 3 levels the first time and still was not able to beat that should tell u boosters are a waste Of time to purchase u won’t beat till they decide u have attempted enough
The person just said sometimes it's ridiculously hard and frustrating, never said they didn't have trouble. I have trouble all the time and come on here looking for good tips, which I usually find. It sucks wading through endless complaints to find them though. Thank you to the people who share what they did to beat a level--you guys have helped me so much! Everyone still playing at this level is well aware of the downsides of this game. We don't need 50 bitchy posts to point it out every level.
You rule! Honestly!
This level is classified as a hard level...I found it rather fun and pretty easy for a change. I started with a cb and stripe/wrap booster. First move was a stripe/wrap combo and the board practically played itself. Finished 1st try with 3 stars and 2 moves left. The level had 33 moves, 45 jelly and 6 popcorn. You don’t really need to concentrate on the popcorn. They are hit by the combos that you make clearing the waffles. I think I may have deliberately hit a popcorn 3 times the whole level and only because the stripe was there. Either the level has been made easier or I just had a very lucky board. Either way, glad to be moving on :-)
I'd like to know how to get two sprinkles together. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE maybe with two sprinkles!!!!
I’ve been stuck for ages on this one. Ages... I have managed to get down to 1 piece of jelly with no boosters on a lucky board but was nowhere close to getting the last jelly
besoin d'aide et de chance please
Help please
Posting for luck again with this difficult level.
Seriously??? Not fun. Need luck and boosters I guess...
Ridiculous level. I’m using my boosters up and bowing out. I’ve read up on similar games that are more fun/fair. King has gotten greedy and killed a once good game...a shame...
I was close to done when you cud no longer reset levels, then they made the graphics insane, total overkill, flashing blocking the board. I actually spent a little money on this game a year ago. Won’t get another cent from me.
Posting for luck, used all my boosters.
Can’t do this, stuck for days! HELP!
Help - posting for luck!
Posting for luck been stuck on this level for 4 weeks now had enough going to quit
more rubbish lucky board please or I am going to delete they are just no fun anymore.
OK, so I came here first before I started, I guess I'll use my phone which has more boosters and gives me unlimited time on occasion for color ball etc. Sounds like this will be a challenge so posting for luck early on. Come on LUCK!!!
Miserable rotten level, help!!!
This level has eaten through my boosters without my getting anywhere close to completing it. We need to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel for it to be fun. No fun.
Please, please, please send me a lucky board. Been on here way too long.
Yup, me again. Posting for luck.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck pretty please. š¤š¼
I'm absolutely dying here. Not even close. Hilariously bad. Much luck needed
I have been on this game for days now and likely to be on it for months as I do not have any boosters left to help me to get through this game. I read your comments stating you need boosters to pass as I do not have any I will have to rely on a lucky board. I am asking for a LUCKY BOARD PLEASE, this game will be the one that finishes me playing CANDY CRUSH. PLEASE HELP CANDY CRUSH.
I have been on this game for over a week now and still got getting close to finishing. I have asked for help but nothing, as I do not have any boosters there is no chance of passing this game. I knew eventually there would be a time i quit playing CANDY CRUSH it is not fun playing when you get stuck on a game for forever. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE LUCKY BOARD PLEASE CC. I cannot afford to pay for boosters and even with them I am at a loss as to how they would benefit.
Quem faz uma postagem desta Ć© um tremendo imbecil. Ć de sentir pena.
Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. NĆ£o vou perder meu tempo com este jogo manipulado e ridĆculo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.
I can’t do it!!! HELP please, no more fun
hmmm.....so all of the players are getting tired with this game KINg!! and soon they will leave, you make the level more and more impossible to pass. and now we still hv hard levels in a row.
Another level where i need lots of boosters, and plenty of LUCK....
Sick of this level I need help. Posting for luck
Posting for lucK , please
I 've played for 1 month this crap shit level!!! Very hard level and frustrating also...my head is going to explode!!! Give me the fuckin lucky board you bastards!!!! I enjoy playing Candy Crush...stop fuck all of us...
Posting for luck please
I have had double sparkle balls several times I have used most of my boosters and this is my third day on this page. I’m putting it down for a while because now it is just plain boring
as mentionned, impossible without boosters, which is something I don't have. Been at this level for almost 1 week. What is the fun in playing something you know you can't beat. Posting for luck, or until a lucky board comes along
Back again, still stuck, any help please š
What happened with the space build a bot? No longer able to go back to 606 or to pass easy levels to build a full bot. I only get a partial one once a week. Has anyone else had this change?
Kathy, I have not figured out how to use build a bot, but I go to 606 and 3711 to get sugar drops, and have not been able to get any for the last week or so. And I need help as I have been on this level for soooo long and cannot pass it. Sounds like we both need help. HELP. mr
“Don’t be tempted to make moves on the left side of the board”
Hard level need some help posting for lucky board please
Posting for luck
Posting for luck again please
Posting for luck!
so true
Waste your money if you want people but I think looking at their crappy adds over and over is payment enough!
Crap crap and more crap!
I got down to 4 jelly left, all on the left side. Two moves left. I fired my one and only UFO booster. It sent out three bombs, two on the right side. Useless. Ended with two to go. Still stuck. And UFO-less.
Posting for luck
Please send a lucky board HELP!!!
They keep pushing for me to buy a special package deal to pass this level, if thats the way it goes from here out Im done! I guess its finally time to walk away for good last time it was for a year. King you ruined this game for many crushers!!!
Finally, the be-all and end-all as this is totally impossible
Horrible level
Shocking level. Impossible.
You said it's a hard level well mine is a nightmarishly hard level with 33 moves but it's very hard played it last night for hrs I need help or more moves please candy crush help
I hate this game I had 1 gel left to hit with 2 moves left I didn't have a hammer so I couldn't do it i'm so frustrated I'm gonna scream arghhh why does it do this I thought I was gonna beat it, but no candy crush doesn't want me to I'm gonna play something else I'm sick of this game it gives you stress not helps it
Lucky board please
Lucky board please.
From Poonam
Posting for luck
PostƩ pour la chance Merci
PostƩ pour la chance Merci Niveau impossible
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck ✨
Impossible level lucky board please š
Phew help
this makes me laugh..."Swipe the stress away" it says each time you open it...I find it the most distressing thing going...coming off of it!
Posting for luck. No boosters left.
Ready to quit. Levels need all your boosters. None left. Need lucky
Impossible. Help. Need lucky board.
š¤š©š¢šš¼ geen verder commentaar nodig
Tijd om te stoppen. Tegenwoordig meer frustratie dan ontspanning. Jammer.
Video shows 30 moves to collect 45 jellies, looks easy!
My game is 33 moves to collect 90 jellies!
Impossible need more moves or less jellies!
So simply waiting for King to pass this level for me!
So bored with this levels that are rigged and impossible, no skill needed!
Still on this stupid level, lucky board urgently required!
I have tried every booster possible and used of extra lives!
Posting for luck, help please.
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