Candy Crush Saga Level 4291 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4291 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4291 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a dual task level, you have to collect wrapped candies and clear the jelly to complete the level.
I doubt that this level is possible without boosters so if you have any to start with it may be worth using a colourbomb and a stripe and wrap. Or if you can get two colourbombs together that will also give you a start. The best start, I think, is a colourbomb/wrap combo as this will give you quite a few of the wraps to start with although it will not help with clearing the waffles and getting the stripes dropping.
Make moves in either the to or the bottom sections to get the stripes dropping and use these to clear the waffles, especially the ones top right. At some stage it will be helpful to clear the waffles bottom left too so you can hit the three popcorns with stripes. There is jelly under the popcorns so they have to be cleared.
To begin with use the stripes from the top to clear the waffles in the middle and get the lucky candies dropping, these can also be hit with stripes and eventually they will turn into wraps and explode, growing the popcorn at the same time.
It isn't easy to make colourbombs although it is possible, and switching one with a stripe or a wrap will help to clear the jelly. Switch a colourbomb with a stripe if you need to clear the popcorns or a wrap if you need a lot to fill the orders.

Here is the latest video without boosters from YT.

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


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Unknown said...

Can get rid of the 3 popcorns at the bottom. The usual two stripe hit which grows them does seem to work until the last few moves.

jan said...

Could I please get a lucky board?

Sher said...

Am I the only one who doesn't have access to watching a video to win boosters? My game has been wiped of all ways to get boosters..pretty hard to advance and pretty boring. This level is the worst..maybe "so long"

lorraine said...

Here we gobagain. Another impossible level. Cant even get to the popcorn because of the licorice. Come on King play fair. CC becoming very boring ;(

lorraine said...

Here we go again another impossible level. Can't even get to the popcorn because of the licorice. Also theres a glitch the checked markers arnt turning into wrapsCome on King play fair.CC is becoming very boring;(

collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level.

Tina said...

Posting for luck/

Wendy green said...

Torture, posting for luck before I give up on this game, its just not fun anymore.

Alessandra said...

Bored to death with this! Been stuck for days . Boosters no use at all
This game Feels like too much hard work for what it’s worth.

Anônimo said...

Você incomoda demais. Saia logo do jogo e deixa os outros em paz.

Anônimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

Anônimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridículo.

Unknown said...

To be honest, I don't get it-sounds like so many unhappy players and while it can be expected levels over 4000 should be challenging they should not be impossible-suprised as with so many loyal players that stick it out but yes, it is getting boring. My suprise lies with King not acknowledging people's complaints and making game where it is fun again

Unknown said...

Posting for luck-all I am allowed to say

Unknown said...

Lucky board please

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

What can I say ? 4290 3 days stuck..Now another shit level...what's going on? And not mentioned as a hard one? I suggest to put all levels that are superhard...I love CC but this is getting ridiculous...Babis from Greece

Goldenmama said...

Definitely concentrate on making combos in the lower left corner. You can hit the blocks to make the sprinkles without licorice in the way.

Unknown said...

So frustrating.....ive tried everything......

Joosy said...

Why do we keep hitting our heads against the wall? That's what it feels like with levels like these. So repetitive and boring. I really need to get off this crap.

Nancy said...

I am having so much trouble with this level. Been playing this level 3 days, down to 3 boosters (no sense using them, all the others failed)
I can’t get the three bottom choc. Bombs.
Posting for luck, would really appreciate

anonymous said...

got itafter a few tries
judt kept focusing on using special candles
plus a choc ball booster and fish
anytime i got stripes
choc balls used them
again thanks for all the tips
best of luck everyone
had a wonderful thanksgiving

anonymous said...

got this after a few tries
focused on specials
thanks for the tips

anonymous said...

finally passed
thanks for the tips

Frustrated said...

Stuck here for days. Posting for luck please

Old school crusher said...

Obviously with the amount of comments on here and people begging for a lucky board this is another rigged level!!! This is why I continue to spend $ on other games because candy crush isnt worth shit

ITZIK said...

Help and luck

ITZIK said...

How in 15 moves do you want us to go through this stage?
I could not reach 5 waves

And more videos start with square bombs

Rute Lima said...

why CC keeps reducing moves? from 30 to 15! thats not fare. Why dont u just say, buy, buy, buy? If CC continues with this politic, i will say bye, bye, bye.

Rute Lima said...

You say"not possible without losing some lives". I dont think that more than 40 lives is "some". If I clean the board I dont get the wraps, and so on. Not with 15 moves. Why that?

baskalatka said...

Nie mam dopalaczy ,poproszę szczęśliwa tablice teraz prosze

red said...


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