Candy Crush Saga Level 7074 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7074 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: Level 7074 is a dual task level, you have to clear the jelly and collect the candy curls to complete the level. The candy curls are along the top of the board and the way to clear them is to detonate the stripes each end of the top row. These stripes can be detonated using the stripes at the bottom corners. To detonate the stripes in the bottom corners you need to grow the bubblegum using stripes and combos from the middle part of the board. Therefore you have to concentrate on getting stripes and stripe/wrap combos down the middle of the board so you can use them to grow the bubblegums each side.
Video by Kazuohk

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Jimmy said...

Do not use the fish booster. It is not your friend on this level. If it ends up combined with a striped or wrapped candy it can mess up the the top line yellow stripes candies and make it impossible to destroy the candy curls

Candymom said...

Confusing, and the ad blocks the video how-to. Posting for luck.

Deedee1 said...

posting for luck

Buffalo John said...

I agree.... Do not use the fish booster... Boring when you can only wait for a lucky board.. Posting for luck

Wider Smile said...

A lucky board only can help! posting for a luck

Wider Smile said...

could manage to get combined colorbomb and it was solved

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Sunset said...


gidget said...

posting for luck

Johnm1114 said...

Can’t believe this level is not labeled at least hard

Twins mom said...

Just one more BORING, BORING LEVEL! That's what this whole game has become!!!

Twins mom said...

Totally agree, this is going to take one LUCKY BOARD!

Mason barge said...

Disagree about the fish booster. It makes the level trivial if you’re careful.

Rebecca said...

Another awful level. No way to earn boosters. Boring stupid level. Time to relax? Not with CC. I may have reached the end. No fun anymore.

Unknown said...

Please help me with a easy board Thanks in advance

Tez said...

When you get this far it’s really annoying to have no brainer games where thought is non existent. Two Dots has become a much better idea for relaxation.

Tez said...

So, you need to get a stripe/wrap combo on each side of the board. Works better than stripes down the centre bottom.

Patty said...


Suesue said...


joyous100 said...

Posting for luck

Sb said...

A lucky board please

Tou52 said...

All levels are Lucky Board only levels.
Boring, boring, boring!

Posting for luck

Connie said...

thank you for a lucky board

Jewel Shaw said...

I am having no LUCK with this level!

Carrie722 said...

Lucky board please.

Martha A said...

Posting for luck

apex said...

After 30 tries or so, I used a hammer to pass this nuisance.

Nana said...

Posting for a lucky board please, only way am going to complete level

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

rosereddragon said...

How uninteresting - so few possible moves to do any good - and not supposed to be a hard level, either. Posting for luck.

rosereddragon said...

Help, please! I've used lots of extra moves (just about the only 'booster' I've got left) but still I can't get past this level. Luck, please!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Mshell said...

Pfl please

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please abs thank You In advance

Sindy said...

Help please with this impossible level

Tineke said...

Weer een hard niveau, vreselijk naar niveau HELP ME AUB!

Nay said...

See comments about not using the fish. After several tries decided heck with it and used a actually helped me win.

MiMi said...

Help please!!!

Paulapops said...


Tina said...

Posting for luck

cookie56 said...

Pain in the butt level.
Posting for luck.

Lola said...

This is awful. Wasted so many lives and now are cut off at 20. Def not wasting days trying to get this one. Pure luck

JAX. said...

Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️

Claire said...

Finally just used a hammer on lower left yellow stripe.

Stylish said...

Lucky board please , got down to one candy cane left in top row ,

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.

Hans Andersson said...

Another hopelesss level! LUCKY BOARD PLEASE.LUCKY BOARD PLEASE!!!!

Hans Andersson said...

Totally ridiculous game. The game itself decides WHEN to explode things to benefit KING!! Its all about MONEY. BUT they will not get a penny from me. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE!