Candy Crush Saga Level 7263 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7263 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7263 is classified as a nightmarishly hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a rainbow rapids level, you have to collect all the rainbows to complete the level.
You need to clear all the blockers to complete the level and you will need some powerful combos to have a chance of doing this. Colourbomb combos and stripe/wrap combos are best although it can be hard to make them with 5 colours on the board. You'll need a bit of luck as well as careful playing.
The moves have been reduced since the video was made and until there is a new video this is the best I can find. I have been unable to complete the level without boosters since the moves were reduced. The video below took 35 attempts even with more moves.
Video by Kazuohk

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 If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Buffalo John said...

Hard enough and then they reduce the number of moves ?? Posting for luck

Nantz said...

Not enough moves allowed...and if video spin is offered, 3 or 5 extra still not enough.

Sandykp said...

Having read Cookie’s comments and the two posts I do not hold out much hope of passing since I have no boosters. I have already wasted quite a few lives and haven’t come anywhere near. Posting for a lucky board soon. Good luck everyone.

E.M. said...

Too many layers,even the special combos barely make a dent. And then to reduce the moves. It gets boring after a while. Came close once but I didn't have hammer for that last blocker. Frustrating!.

Nantz said...

Boring...a couple days of this is too boring. Waiting for the lucky board. ;)

Veronica said...

Hard to get to the corners and so many layers. Lucky board please

E.M. said...

I usually like the rainbow levels but this one is getting really boring after at least a hundred tries,with or without specials. Too hard to get the sides and no fun anymore.

JT said...

Classified as just a hard level now

NeverPaid said...

This level is way beyond hard. Needing extra moves to complete is ridiculous.
But don't weaken & pay Greedy King's ransom! It's only a game.

cvbcb said...

Posting for luck! Come on lucky board!

mue said...

bon en attendant la chance !

Candymom said...

Posting for luck

Wider Smile said...

super hard, lucky board please

NeverPaid said...

This is one of the toughest levels in CC; it's an insult to us that it's currently only labelled Hard.
After well over a day of trying, it needed 3 hammers and a switch to finish it off. I would have beaten it yesterday if King had given me 5 extra moves on the spinner. But of course they didn't.
All I can advise is to collect your boosters & only use them when you're certain you can finish it. And Never Pay!

Twins mom said...

What ever happened to the win 15 extra moves, once again they are getting stingy with boosters!

Twins mom said...

NEVER have, NEVER's a game folks!!

Johnm1114 said...

25 tries so far without any luck. May have to burn a ufo on this level, assuming I can at least get close

Roger575 said...

Posting for luck, this level is bankrupting me.

Will have to wait for my pension to come before I can buy more boosters

Unknown said...

Tedious, tedious, tedious. Need much better boards

Elizabeth said...

Please fix this level and add more moves.
Posting for a lucky board.

Elizabeth said...

Posting again for a lucky board

ASH said...

Its lucky board!

Tez said...

Why reduce moves when most people are unable to pass? I started with boosters but still impossible to get the corner ones.

Tez said...

Trusty UFO got the corner ones for me !

Mariellen Jordan said...

Please HELP!!!! This is tough!

Maks said...

What a level. It is more than nightmarishly hard even it is labeled only as hard. Posting for lucky board pls

Cat said...

I'm so tired of the lather, rinse, repeat quality of so many of these levels. It's been days now.

Pati said...

Havent passed yet but see its important to get wrap stripe diwn to botton quickly , pfl king

Suesue said...

strange how on very 1st try when Im pretty much flying blind that I come so close with only 1 jelly left, not for a long time playing over & over do I come close to only 1 left.. That happens to me most games!

Patty said...

Sigh, it's getting sad that we have to constantly post for luck, please bring the fun back. 🍀

Unknown said...

THIS LEVEL SUCKS!!!!! Been at it 2 weeks. Posting for luck.

Patty said...

So over this level!!!!! Lucky board please!!! ☹

Patty said...

Stuck for days sigh!!!

Unknown said...

Preciso de sorte , muita sorte 😂

Hulda said...

I haven't seen it for a few days. It disappeared about an hour before I was supposed to get my next free spin.

Hulda said...

Mine says nightmarishly hard but I think impossible is a better description.

Hulda said...

They have been doing that with so many levels lately.

Hulda said...

I've made 10 attempts at this level today, dont know how many yesterday. I've been counting how many of the first moves don't do anything at all and it's been between 5 and 12! Only possible move is to move something on the top layer and not a dent in the blocks. If by a miracle I manage to get a colorbomb, it just blows up without breaking anything. Then most possible moves are in the middle where nothing breaks and the special candies only hit where they are not needed.

Tou52 said...

Another disastrous level; a coconut wheel would be very helpful here.

Posting for luck

nicx said...

Au secours encore un niveau impossible
3 jours sans même approcher
Besoin de beaucoup d'aide et de chance
s'il vous plait merci

Lynne said...

Nothing is working. Even the few boosters I have had did nothing. Posting for luck.

Lynne said...

Passed on third try after posting for luck so I guess there is something to that since I’ve been playing for two days now without any luck it was definitely lucky Board

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Sb said...

Posting for luck

Maisis said...

Publicado para la suerte

Cathy said...

75 lives lost over 3 days, little impact. What's with this? Help please

MichaelBlake said...

Posting for luck

jenn2727 said...

Posting for luck
Thank you

jenn2727 said...

Posting for more luck lol been stuck for days...with no extra help for boosters this is not fun anymore..I never thought I would be done with this game but its getting really close

hillie said...

7263 inpossible level play it for tree day,s but can pass it is this the end for me of c.c. i hope not pleas help or reset this level whith out help you never can pass it i try it to day and when i can pass it it,s the end for me of c.c.


Raisedbybees said...


Unknown said...

I have no hope of ever completing this level! It is much to HARD with to few moves. Help please!

Unknown said...

Ridiculously hard. RIDICULOUS. WHOS IN CHARGE.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

You win Candy crush. This is not possible with the moves given. Why? So frustrating 😫.

Tom said...

Got close a few times. Getting boring now. Posting for a lucky board please!!

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

JB said...

Lucky board needed! Posting for luck

kate said...

Posting for luck.IMpossible. Need Lucky Board. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lilly said...


apex said...

UFO before the last move did it (and a good board). Well worth it.

SammyJo said...

Help. Pfl

Helen said...

Another rediculous level, nowhere near enough moves and
N multi layered blockers, so boring now, don't think I can continue for much longer

annoymous said...

Posting for luck!

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Unknown said...

Post for luck again

Unknown said...

That's another day of my life wasted. Post for luck again and again

Mshell said...

Pfl please

Unknown said...

Even post for luck not working on this 4..attempt 120

Unknown said...

Post for luck again and again and again

Unknown said...


Bresych said...

Why reduce the amount of moves when it was already nightmaris
hly difficult?

Unknown said...


Laura said...

I used the starting boosters and one hammer to finish this level.
It's not much of a tip but I focused on using the dispensers at the top to get special candies where they were needed. Good luck.

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Lucky board needed!!! Help help help

Irmaki said...

Two days is too much. Better board please

Tereniaa said...

Jestem zła na candy i tyle w temacie

D2 said...

Posting for luck please Sir

Unknown said...

PFL. This one is impossible!

Mimi said...

Stupid level, been on for days even bought boosters(not spending more) and won 2hrs worth and still couldn’t complete it not even close, refuse to spend more money will just wait until I get a lucky board

Jonah said...

Posting for luck again please

Evelyn said...

Have no boosters! Posting for luck and free spins

Unknown said...

Really need help bb

bonita said...

I'm PO'ed--fed up with techs changing the GAME . I signed up for CANDY CRUSH not some idiotic RAINBOW RAPIDS----NOT FAIR to change the game. Top that off with REDUCING THE NUMBER OF MOVES BY 3 damn level needs twice that amount.
Used all my boosters & CC KING forcing players to BUY EXTRA MOVES since cheap ass King eliminated free chit.
Give me a super lucky miracle magical BOARD PLEASE. Wasted a lot of real money --paying for wins on rigged games.
thanks ms cookie for tips & Kaz video

bonita said...

APPARENTLY CC KING never heard that the customer is always right!!! As a paying customer/player, I am pissed off to be subjected to RAINBOW RAPIDS, as test subjects for King before King markets/launches a NEW GAME. THIS GAME is not Candy Crush.
I have used up all my boosters & REFUSE TO BUY EXTRA MOVES FOR THIS A--HOLE LEVEL.
Either a lucky board that passes or I QUIT & taking my money with me.

Icooper said...

Toughx10. Pfl&lbplz

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Ggs said...

Please send a lucky board, only 27 moves...

cookie56 said...

Total & complete pain in the butt.
Posting for luck.

Shirley Ragland said...

PLEASE HELP! 😫 Very hard one! Thank You 🙏 😊

Nanci said...

Why oh why did you reduce the moves! You don’t play fair. It should be the same for all, but when you reduce the moves it’s not fair to the ones who are doing it now. What’s your reasoning? Tryouts thought it was too easy? Read the comments and increase the moves back to where it was before so we can compare apples to apples not apples to oranges.

Anon said...

Stuck for days. This level is ridiculous and boring!

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Rute Lima said...

3 moves wont do much difference. Stuck for days, best i did was left 3. Becoming ridiculous. Lucky board pls

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board please. ☘️☘️☘️

Ggk said...

So desperately need a lucky board please ☘️

Ggk said...

Seriously. I was on the way to winning the challenge this week and have been stuck here for FOUR days. Please help ☘️💕💕