Candy Crush Saga Level 7711 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7711 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7711 is an orders level, you have to collect waffles to complete the level. The waffles are all on the board at the start of the game so they will have to be totally cleared to complete the level.
First work on clearing the cakes, this will clear two layers from the board and help to grow the popcorns. Once the cakes are gone you may not have many moves left but it doesn't take many moves to clear the waffles once the board is cleared.
Video by Kazuohk

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.



Raangle5 said...

Help! Posting for luck ☘️☘️

Raangle5 said...

Awful level! Need a lucky board ☘️

mue said...

effacer les gateaux c'est vite dit !!!! pas assez de coups ......

Luís Bernardo said...

Very very tough. Try to combine 2 CB or use a hammer to destroy the last slice of the cake. Awful. Good luck everyone 🍀

Candymom said...

Awful level.
Posting for luck.

Candymom said...

Posting for luck.

Deedee1 said...

Posting for luck

Collette said...

Posting for luck board please!

McT said...

Looking for the magic board...I can't even get started...once I do, game over...getting frustrating, for sure...

McT said...

I'll take about 10 more moves, please....

McT said...

Well, what do you know, a lucky board....thankful I don't have to do this one again....

Jimmy said...

Make the only move it offers you, shuffle, make the only move it offers you, shuffle, make the only move it offers you, shuffle.....
Lazy design made for greed

Hrycar said...

Worst level yet . ☹️😷🤬

Twins mom said...

Just another ridiculous/boring wait for a LUCKY BOARD level!!

Twins mom said...

So many monotonous moves, just trying to destroy the cakes....big sigh 😕

Twins mom said...

One of the most BORING levels in along time.....BIG SIGH!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

Posting for a lucky board

Twins mom said...

OMG, I'm so tired of this level!

Still Here said...

This is one of the most frustrating levels here. And the worst thing is, there’s no pay-off. There’s no joy or satisfaction in it to beat this level because all the fun has been thoroughly sucked out of it.

Buffalo John said...

Terrible level.. You know it's a bad level when you see this many No brains needed.. Just purely luck... Posting for luck

Twins mom said...

REALLY, 2 CB, when it's practically impossible to make one!?!?

Buffalo John said...

Just shoot me !! Lol... Posting for luck

Roger575 said...

Dear me. This is awful. If no profess made after half a dozen moves you may as well quit

Twins mom said...

SERIOUSLY,,One of the worse levels in along time! Two days and so frustrated...omg!!

Anna said...

Only advice is to be patient and wait for the lucky board. Don’t waste boosters on this.

BG said...

Interesting and challenging level. Takes skill and patience, but it can be done.

GloryB said...

Jimmy you said it perfectly. I totally agree. DEFINATELY need a lucky board. Last couple levels were actually fun. Then this. Back to being BORING. No skill needed. Move, shuffle, move shuffle until end of game. STUPID!!! Posting for luck so I can get outta here

TNC said...

I seem to have a glitch. Every time I start the game I get an immediate Oops, not enough targets. The only way I can play is to add a check mark booster. Barb

Unknown said...

I have the same glitch

Unknown said...

Played 3 times, then the "glitch" occurred.

Unknown said...

Jogo não segue, só aparece "ops". SOS por favor, perdi várias vidas.....

ToniB said...

First time commenter but check these when I get stuck! Thanks for the assist along the way! Have the same glitch, been stuck on this board for a day or so, now a glitch!! Ugh! Good luck all!

GloryB said...

Same here. Played all day yesterday and could not pass. Today I have the same glitch... not enough targets. Lost two lives. Glad I didnt have any boosters to posting I hope they fix the glitch and then will let me pass it

nodrog said...

I've got the glitch as well. Keeps displaying Oops and won't load.

JT said...

Classified as a Super Hard Level. UGH!!

Paula said...

You can only use the moves it gives you so you have no chance getting one cake let alone two. Think I may be here for days

Mariellen Jordan said...


Paula said...

Virtually impossible to pass this level not enough space to make moves I want to make can only make moves game says and that is usually in the top line which doesn’t help at not where near passing in a week not wasting any more time. If I don’t pass soon I’m off to play another fun game.

Brown dog said...

Posting for lucky board please, can't even get close on this one. Why did you stop giving us extra moves when we didn't win the level, at least that gave us a better chance

blonde said...

HELP NEEDED PLEASE!,!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janesh said...

This level is boring! I've gotten this far without spending a dime and I refuse to do that! Come on lucky board! Terrible level!

Fed up said...

Terribly difficult not enough moves help needed/appreciated. Been stuck for days.

Jane said...

Not enough moves to complete this level!! Any help would be appreciated!!

Pati said...

Wake me up when its over

Pati said...

Still so bored, help mr 🤴

Pati said...

Day 3, got 1 cake. Seriously 🤴 something gotta give

The Savage Traveler said...

6 hours of bonuses from winning Dexter and I can't get even close. Posting for 🍀👍🍀👍🍀👍🍀👍🍀👍

Julie said...

Luckily I only had to play it about 6-8 times before I passed. I just started really looking for the cherries and concentrating on them.

Tou52 said...

Posting for a very lycky board 🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀

Nic said...

Niveau cauchemardesque pas assez de mouvements
Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 please

celine briffod said...

Encore un niveau très dur

Lynne said...

Posting for luck

forgetmenot said...

lucky board please, too hard!

Gio said...

Also with double of the given moves it would be terribly difficult to sort out of this stupid level. Stupid like the ones who have designed it. Kings want money, so, every three they put one of these "buy" levels. Why? Aren't they already rich enough? They destroy the intelligent part of CC on behalf of pure fortune. No skill needed, only the right number of moves. Also with 45 woild be challenging. This game has turned into pure crap. I am really disgusted of it.

Patty said...

Really?? ☹🤦‍♀️ Posting for luck please!!

Marie said...

Super hard levek, hulp aub

JP said...

Stinky level!
Lucky board please!!!

JP said...

Again posting for luck.
Ugly level!!!

JB said...

A lucky board on this level gives you cascades that get you is the quintessential manipulative candy crush level that begs you to spend money to pass it...many times close but no cigar. The ads for special candies have disappeared as well as the spin for extra moves, whoosh no more. I don’t heed to manipulation, I’ll pass the level or I won’t, but I won’t spend a penny!

Ian said...

Impossible, greedy king wants you to buy moves/ booster! Time to quit

Maisis said...

Publicando para la suerte

Maw said...

No secret sauce here.... wait wait wait.

NancyO said...

Tooling along, enjoying success for a few boards, then REDICILOUS is back. I want to have fun not buy my way to success. Just REDICILOUS. ⅗

Unknown said...

I have tried my best with no luck. Help if possible!

Connie G said...

Posting for luck...or sanity... or both.

rosereddragon said...

Old Mrs Impatience here again! Used my last gold bars to get 5 extra lives but came up one short - no hammers, of course! Back to posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck!

Hassel said...

Posting for luck impossible

Angie said...

Not enough moves for me. Yikes level for sure! Lucky board pls.

Laura said...

At least a dozen tries and usually only one move option. Have used starting boosters and no boosters with no difference. I almost got it last time, only 45 more waffles to go.😆

Laura said...

Ok. Time to take a break. King is being a major pita. Last try I still needed 80 of 81 waffles and I was playing carefully. Abhorrent! The whole board needs a redesign and the current designers should be fired.😡

Unknown said...


Jo said...

🤦‍♀️Bon bon bon quand même c’est assez difficile 😞…..s.v.p. roi aidez-moi à passer ce niveau là merci tellement à vous 🤗🍭🍭🍬🍬

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Help please help help please please help please with this hard level please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Lucky board needed

Paulapops said...


SVA said...

Over 20 attempts and only able to clear one cake. 😭

Anônimo said...

Outro nível totalmente impossível!! Meu conselho para este nível é não usar e não comprar reforços, é isto que eles querem que você faça. Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas, quadrilha de estelionatários!!! Eu não preciso disso para viver, mas eles dependem dos jogadores para continuar existindo, pensem nisto!!! Melhor opção é deletar esta merda!!!

Anônimo said...

Os movimentos foram reduzidos para apenas 27, para coletar 81 waffles. Quando, e somente quando, consigo limpar um único bolo, está no penúltimo ou último movimento. Totalmente impossível. Qual o objetivo de lançarem um nível onde os jogadores nada decidem, os movimentos são apenas os que o CC fornece e não resolve nada. Existem jogos melhores, inteligentes e honestos!! Cheguei longe demais, agora tenho jogos melhores para me divertir e não para me irritar.

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

Claire said...

I honestly do not even know what to do with this level. Far too few moves. I guess I am joining the whiner-ranks. I usually come back and provide tips. It might be a while….

Nancy said...

Impossible. Posting for luck. LBP.

Linda Maitan said...

Pfl. Boring

Sandi said...

Make a move, shuffle. Make a few more moves, shuffle. What kind of strategy is this? Pfl

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Miss Vicki said...

Another crazy hard level. Need help.

Miss Vicki said...

30 minutes with free colour bomb and I still can’t get out of this level.

Miss Vicki said...

I have wasted so many boosters and I’m not getting anywhere.

Miss Vicki said...

When will this nightmare end.

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Not nearly enough moves yo complete this one.