Candy Crush Saga Level 7840 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7840 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7840 is classified as a nighmarishly hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an orders level, you have to collect the licorice and cherries to complete the level. To begin with you can only make moves in the middle part of the board, use stripes and stripe combos to clear the outer sections. Once there is space in the sides you will get stripes and wraps dropping from the dispensers at the top. Switch wraps together or switch stripes and wraps to work your way down the board. Stripe/wrap combos are the best as they will uncover the fishing floats at the bottom of the board, once you begin to get fish they will target the licorice. The fish will clear the licorice in the middle section of the board to get the cherries in that section to the exits.
Video by Skillgaming

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Candymom said...

Have spent 2 miserable days on this.
Posting for luck.

Jimmy said...

After many many tries I eventually got both sides clear and used a hammer and a ufo to finish off the middle section. I think a ufo would have done it. Glad to be shot of this level. Good luck Candymom and everyone else

Twins mom said...

Horrible, Horrible level!!!

Twins mom said...

I don't mind challenging levels, but these constantly boring levels that take days to pass are just ridiculous!

Nantz said...

Boring, relying on only luck. Ugh!

Newfie said...

Yes tough one. Took me 50 tries. So I was lucky enough to get two wraps together very low on the board on the left hand side which cleared a lot of stuff and also the icing on the fish makers. Kept nailing them fish makers then and finished with eight moves to go. So it is possible without boosters. Just need that lucky board as usual

mue said...

pfff je viens déja de passer 2 jours sur le 7839

Pat said...

I was lucky to get 2 colourbombs at the start which did half of the job so got it first try.

Sunset said...


Roger575 said...

Posting for luck. Used 3 UFO’s at the start but still miles away. Off to the shop to buy more boosters !

Mawaja said...

Posting for lucky board.

Beachlover said...

There is no way to win this level without a lot of boosters. It's not fun when you have to play a level over and over. You have took the fun out of this game.

GloryB said...

Yes a ridiculous level. I think I will be here for a few days. I only have a couple of lives left so then I will have to wait for them to refill. Such a bore. Posting for luck!!

Unique48 said...

Horrible level

Unique48 said...

Horrible level

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Mezzanine said...

Posting for luck please

Tez said...

How many days will I be stuck on this one? Waiting for the elusive lucky board.

Chrissy said...

Unless you have unlimited boosters this is impossible to pass. Not a fun level at all. Stuck for days.

Maks said...

Horror level. Posting for lucky board pls

blonde said...

HELP NEEDED PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck. Aweful level been at it for days

cvbcb said...

Ridiculous! Need lucky board! PFL!

mtnbiker79 said...

Posting for luck!!

The Savage Traveler said...

Day 2. 😡🤬🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞

Runner94 said...

Looks like I will just have to continue to play this level until King decides to send me a lucky board. There is obviously no skill required on this one!

Janesh said...

Well just another one of those levels where I have to beg for luck! Terrible level.

Fed up said...

Stuck on this one it seems pretty impossible. Help requested/always appreciated.

Pati said...

Hey Mr 🤴, help

anonymous said...

posting for luck

Unknown said...

Just another boring tarpit in which to sit and figit spin while waiting for the algorithm to kick in and send a board that plays itself.

Unknown said...

Need better boards

Unknown said...

Day 2. Still need better boards.

Unknown said...

God awful level. Beyond frustrating. Too much blocked board for the pittance of moves provided. Shame on you King for trying to force us to buy boosters and moves.

joyous100 said...

What is the point in an impossible level. Posting for luck

Rebecca said...

This level sucks. Waste of time. No fun at all. Seriously. Ugh.

forgetmenot said...

seems to rely on just good luck rather than any skill, so waiting for that lucky board!

Sharda said...


Patty said...

Posting for luck please

Suesue said...


Suesue said...

Day 4 or maybe 5‼️ COME ON

Unknown said...

I have been stuck on this level for 3 days now! It is more than horrible and impossible to pass unless you buy gold bars to pay for passing a level.It seems this game has turned into 'pay as you play' game and King are now extracting money from every player in order to win a game! So frustrating and annoying! They ruined such a great game!

Lynne said...

Posting for luck

Lynne said...

Posting for luck

Lynne said...

Im tired of spending money to,get further. I don’t know why King hasn’t fixed the problem of friends not being able to send or receive lives. I have been playing for years . Never thought I would quit but I can’t get anywhere without lives and bonuses.

jemkay said...

I don't understand why people pay money to get through levels only to get stuck on the next one. Never paid a penny and never will even though I am on this crap level just wait for the lucky board it will come eventually.

Anonymous said...

Need lucky board

Lizard said...

Posting for luck

Barry gilbert said...

Its another lucky level but working down the sides is a good idea .pfl and i am waiting for a chance to use the ufo

KittyMom said...

Posting for luck! 🍀

Flippenheck said...

Night's right...trick seems to be to get to the please

Flippenheck said...

Nightmare is right!!!!!

Anna said...

Used 10 gold for 5 extra moves, finished on 1st try.

MichaelBlake said...

Posting for luck

Momma Fox said...

This is a horrible level.
Posting for luck. Please!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Ian said...

Unbelievable, greedy king wants you to buy moves \boosters even this far behind the new levels! Time to quit

RBlomquist said...

I have to say I think nightmarishly hard is being somewhat overgenerous here. I’ve had nightmares that I enjoyed much much more than this level. Wake me up before I go go. PFLEASE!!

Martha A said...

Posting for lu luck

Graggy said...

This sucks big time! Wtf

skiq said...

Too many of these impossible boring levels. One of the worst by far. No thinking required.I need a lucky board. Only way. Meh.

Raisedbybees said...


Cpap said...

Posting for a lucky board please

Sb said...

Please help

Cris said...

1 more boring level...AFF!

cathy said...

Posting for luck thank you !!

kate said...

Posting for a lucky board please.Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rosereddragon said...

I won't tell you how stupidly impatient I was on this level - or how many gold bars I used (now down to 2!) but posting for luck!

Fraggy said...

I’ve reached that point where all ai can do is beg for a lucky board please 🍀🍀🍀🍀🥦

Fraggy said...

Thankyou, I wish I’d come here sooner

Lilly said...

Posting for luck!!!

Stuck said...

OMG 72 wonder I cant pass it PFL

Webjeepers said...

What a crap level…getting so tired of “nightmarishly hard” levels. No strategy, just have to wait for a lucky board. PFL! Need to quit, but here I am…

Rosebud said...

PFL said...

Wat een k*****-spel is cc geworden zeg. Er zijn vrijwel géén normale levels meer in dit spel. Overal, met elk level willen ze geld scoren. Je hebt maar te wachten tot je toevallig een geluksbord treft, wat een kans van 1 op de 150 is waarschijnlijk. Zo ver gekomen en nu is het spel onspeelbaar geworden en moet je steeds om een geluksbord vragen. Bij deze: een geliksbord aub én normale-, speelbare levels aub!!!! said...

5 Days and not a single progress. It seems you not only have to begin for a lucky game once but a lot !!! And........ you need a lucky board and a lot more lives...about 25??!!!! What a wate of time this level!!

leesa3ms said...

PLEASE GIVE ME A LUCKY BOARD! I’d love to enjoy this game again! Sick of being stuck on levels for days! HELP!!!

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Kimbee said...

Ready to give up on this game, have been playing this one for days many times a day and don't even come close.

Angie said...

Pfl..does this even work?

Angie said...

Nope, not true

Unknown said...

Ugly. Pfl pfl pfl pfl pfl

Jo said...

WoW 😱🤦‍♀️…pas seule à trouver ce niveau extrêmement compliqué et difficile….CC ROI , s.v.p. aidez-moi à passer ce niveau…merci énormément à vous 🤗🤗🍬🍬🍭🍭

Ronster said...

Yep, back again looking for that lucky level. Not gonna happen otherwise

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Helen said...

Awful, boring level, wondering why I keep playing, it used to be fun, find I'm playing other games more often now.

Tineke said...

Ik zit hier al 3 dagen op te worstelen, walchelijk vreselijk niveau, echt niet normaal, jullie krijgen mij nu echt gek, als jullie dit doen om extra te verdienen,belachelijk HELP HELP ME

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Lucky board needed please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Help please help

Tereniaa said...

O matulu czy kiedyś przejdę ten okropny poziom .?

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

ChrisD said...

Another boring impossible level. Have lost count of the same comment I’ve made on so many of these levels. Been stuck for ages. Not enough moves and no way will I part with any money to buy my way through. Bored!!!!!!

Dee said...

Nearly 2 weeks on this f****** level. Will not pay any money

Unknown said...

A lucky board please

Daisychik said...

Tricky level. Posting for luck!

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin borin borin

anabelmabl said...

I never used to post in comments... Probably not until around level 7500. Let's face it; we love the game or we wouldn't still be here through all the frustration. But it's driving me crazy when we get one fun level, maybe two., And then another nightmarishly hard level. Please please please... Just let us have some fun for a little while! Pfl please

anabelmabl said...

Pfl AGAIN. Been on this level for days and am so sick of it!!! PLEASE!!!

Greylady said...

No way this is doable with the amount of moves they give you without using a ton of boosters which I don't ha

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

JAX. said...

Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️

Lola said...

Top ten worst levels in CC. I just lost my Candy royals to this and I got suckered into paying to try to win no let that happen. No more. Tbis is awful. Lucky board please please

Claire said...

No strategy to be had and nowhere near enough moves, played endlessly until I had 60 extra moves available and paid the piper.

Tina said...

Fix the fking level,not the same amount of moves,video is totally different than the game.there is definitely not the same amount of fish you get when you hit those fish thingys,the black thingys don’t fking disappear as the video!!!!!!!!!!!!!this so so rediculous game!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina said...

Again,here we go fix this god damn level!!!!!!!!

Linda Maitan said...

I feel like I’ve done this before

Sandi said...

Is anyone else noticing that they have changed the orientation on the game? I used to b able to play in landscape mode and now it’s forcing me to play in portrait mode making it difficult for me to hold iPad

Ness said...

Still here because I won't buy 60 extra moves!
This level is beyond ridiculous 🤬🤬🤬🤬

Jen said...


Rute Lima said...

110 comments. Only can say LUCKY BOARD PLS

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one.